Changing out of Pajamas into PJs
Pajamas Media announces a name change: it’s now PJ Media. Its new URL is, appropriately enough, (although the old URL will still get you there).
Well, most of us already called it “PJ” anyway, didn’t we? But, according to PJ Media head Roger Simon, the new name gives PJ more gravitas and signifies that “we are here to stay.”
It’s been six years since PJ was formed, with the snazzy kickoff party in Manhattan that Roger calls “in retrospect a bit too snazzy.” Well, those were heady days in the blogosphere, and it sure wasn’t too snazzy for me. I had a great time meeting and greeting so many other bloggers, and the food was good, too. But in the relative austerity of the post-2008-crash world, we can’t expect that again, although we can dream.
I’ve always been partial to the name Pajamas Media, though. I think you can call a company almost anything, so long as it performs. After all, funny names didn’t stop Google or Apple, did they?
[NOTE: Here’s a piece I wrote back in those early days of Pajamas Media’s formation.]
And the new “Pjmedia” URL is blocked on military bases ‘cuz it no longer has a “news and current events” tag to make it through the firewall.
It sucks….
Gray: I didn’t know that. I assume it can be pretty easily remedied?
Not on our end. Enough of us would have to request the site for review for an exception to allow it through the firewall.
It seems “PJmedia” is being blocked because it is not tagged with a category. If it had one of the news tags, it would likely make it through. I imagine it is now blocked in a lot of places as it shows up as “Category: none”.
Apparently the URL was changed without linking it to its old corresponding tags.
Gray: I’ll let them know.
Hey, very nice. I’m getting hives from not having access….
Gray: they said it will take a bit of time to iron out all the kinks, but they’re on it.
Going off of the “syfy” thing, I’d guess that “PJ” is easier to get legal rights for.
Thank you very much. That’s very kind. I look forward to reading the best political, social and geopolitical comentary on the web, occasionally, at work.
I await with ‘bated breath….