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Dropping the CLASS Act fiction — 6 Comments

  1. Well:
    I’m glad you noted Obama backstabbing , yet again, his allegedly “left wing” base(I’m denying they are his “base” except the ones who vote solely for “identity politics” or “I’ve always voted Dem!” reasons).

    Meanwhile , in another thread you have people arguing over whether Herman Cain, an eminently qualified man, is “qualified enough” to be POTUS.
    Let me put it bluntly: Compared to Obama and fully half the Republicans in the primary, Bozo the Clown is more qualified.

    And while I’m sure plenty of government programs could use a good independent audit (including the Fed and the two mortgagers), so two could the DEA , which currently gets 9 billion bucks trying to expand its paramilitary mission around the world.


    Of course, unlike them I won’t whine about the DEA managing to stumble across the Iranians little assassination attempt. But I am going to complain about the rest of that stuff.

    When the “left” and the “right” seem to support their own brands of authoritarian fascism, this country does not deserve to survive.

  2. Addendum:
    The DEA budget is 2 billion a year. I misremembered. The total federal law enforcement budget is 9.5 billion, though if one counts interagency cooperation and some “off the books” stuff, I’m willing to bet its larger.

  3. Wat too much to ask. My desiderata are much more modest.

    I just hope when the world stops taking dollars and the price of bread goes to $50 a loaf the schmuck with a bad haircut and cadres of narcissistic closet pedophiles who comes to save us from Capitalism and Corporations the cadres are quartered at the summer homes of the intelligentsia who swooned at their romantic slogans.

  4. Is there anything in the bill that is actually an improvement in the status quo?

    Does anyone remember the promise to carrythe health care debate live on C-Span?

    Does anyone remember the promise that all this magic produced behind closed doors would lower the cost of health care?

    I do. I didn’t believe him then and it turns out I was right to be skeptical. Repeal.Obamcare.Now!

  5. This was the first year that long term care insurance had an “open season” for federal employees in two decades. Close to 50,000 people signed up. They did it to support this doomed program.

  6. First the multi-state anti-Obamacare lawsuit, the 2010 election debacle, the refusal of the Democrats to support his legislation, now this. We all must have felt nauseous watching the media and public celebrate the blatant fraud Obama and the homage paid by both during his inauguration. Now that the silly edifice is crumbling I wonder what the last act will look like. Perhaps then we’ll be able to figure out whether this whole episode qualifies as a drama or comedy.

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