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The MSM game plan continueth — 16 Comments

  1. Isn’t he the one who wants to educate illegal Mexican children? Yep, sounds racist to me! (;>}

  2. Anyone who depends on the Washington Post for their “news” is pretty much a lost cause from the get go. We can, however, take some solace in the fact that the Post’s circulation continues to dwindle.

  3. Greg Pollowitz of NRO says, “Let me be the first to say that everyone involved in investigative journalism should just give up now. It’s clear that the Pulitzer will go to Stephanie McCrummen of the Washington Post and her exhaustively researched piece on a rock located on a rental property the Perry family used in 1983. Ironically, 1983 is also the year that President Obama graduated from Columbia College, yet we still don’t know what classes he took or what grades he received. Funny, huh? We now know more about a rock in Texas than the president’s college career…”


  4. Perry really should have immediately changed a name on a rock over which he had no legal authority to do so. (What?)

  5. I hear Perry was once in a Waffle House restroom with bad words written in the stall right next to the one he was in. Coincidence? Not likely.

  6. In the Old South and the Jim Crow South, you could be blond & blue-eyed, but one drop of African blood anywhere in your ancestry marked you as black and a target for predation and discrimination. (Or so the stereotype has it.)

    Today’s enlightened multicultural Left acts exactly the same way: whether it’s you or an ancestor or acquaintance, a single instance of insensitivity toward a Designated Victim Group marks you as a pariah whom all decent people shun and vilify. This criterion, naturally, only applies to opponents of the Left.

  7. Wonder what their plan is since one of the candidates is breaking the bank from all over…

    Republican White House hopeful Rick Perry raised over $17 million in 49 days, DRUDGE has learned. $347,000 per day; 20,000 unique donors from all 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam. With more than half of donors living outside of Texas…

    My favorite is the level of stupidity in the revolutionaries (Wall Street and various places)…

    Its clear to all, that without the ASSUMPTION of equality, a large majorities financial situations and why would be clear as the vacuum of space…

    its so far and completely out of touch with reality…
    that words fail me in how to express how unreal and so far from any kind of intelligence that it would leave a person with one real brain cell agog..

    you have one holding up a Jefferson quote… but we cant tell if she intends the warning to be a goal…

    one of the best is someone walking around protesting like a peace warrior of the 60s.. except that instead of a peace sign, she is showing the logo for Mercedes benz

    you have cadres of beatnick bongo players hammering away… ohhh… thats really going to make the elite quiver… bongos.. wonder if others are snapping their fingers in appreciation solidarity, and hipsterism

    though if you ask any of them what in REAL terms shouold be done… ie, like waht law, who, etc… you cant even get a coherent answer from them… to which your incomprehensible stare makes them realize “you just don’t get it”, your consciousness inst raised…

    i am not the only one noticing..
    Even huffington notices…

    Occupy Wall Street Is Like a Parody of a Protest

    They quote southpark as a leadin

    and all i can think of is john Belushi, Dan ackroyd, and all those who would later be famous (some dead) as they plied their HARVARD LAMPOON comedy on Saturday night life…

    Christopher Guest – Positively Wall Street
    [Bob Dylan skit…. WELL worth the watch!!!]

    it gets me to reminisce about tom lehrer lamenting that there are no really good songs today as we have not really had a good war… as i watch the hippies today, without a good war to write songs bout…

    The Folk Song Army by Tom Lehrer

    We are the Folk Song Army.
    Everyone of us cares.
    We all hate poverty, war, and injustice,
    Unlike the rest of you squares.

    There are innocuous folk songs.
    Yeah, but we regard ’em with scorn.
    The folks who sing ’em have no social conscience.
    Why they don’t even care if Jimmy Crack Corn.

    If you feel dissatisfaction,
    Strum your frustrations away.
    Some people may prefer action,
    But give me a folk song any old day.

    The tune don’t have to be clever,
    And it don’t matter if you put a coupla extra syllables into a line.
    It sounds more ethnic if it ain’t good English,
    And it don’t even gotta rhyme–excuse me–rhyne.

    Remember the war against Franco?
    That’s the kind where each of us belongs.
    Though he may have won all the battles,
    We had all the good songs.

    So join in the Folk Song Army,
    Guitars are the weapons we bring
    To the fight against poverty, war, and injustice.
    Ready! Aim! Sing!

    All we gotta do 2.0

    You say I was your leader,
    you say I turned you on,
    You’re starting to suspect now
    That it was all a con.

    Paul Jacobs Lemmings Lament

    “This here mass suicide of all you young people may just be the best goddamn thing ever happen to this country.” Farmer Yassir….

    Between the politicians’ polarizing power trips
    We’re just too pure and peaceful to decide
    So we got our heads together while the planet fell to bits
    Never once had bent to take a single side


    We are lemmings
    We are crazy
    We will feed our flower habits
    Pushing daisies

    If you’re put upon by powers
    If you’re restless for release
    Death just might be the final rush you crave
    We all believe in flowers
    And we all believe in peace
    There is endless peace and flowers in the grave

    [Repeat chorus]

    We all want to go underground and get back to the earth
    We don’t want nothing if it isn’t free
    A mighty mass of furry little mindless animals
    A million lemmings marching to the sea

    [Repeat chorus]

  8. The wind sang us a lullaby;
    The snow was thick as cream,
    And icicles were chandeliers
    Like crystals in a dream,
    And the streams were strips of diamonds,
    And the hills were white as snow
    And a bear ate all our soybeans in the night.

  9. Joni Mitchell parody…
    Hey Rhonda here is the Joni Video

    Middle Class Liberal Well Intentioned Blues

    I wish I was a Negro
    With lots of Negro songs
    So I could stay true to my ethnic roots
    And still play rock ‘n’ roll

    If I was a funky Negro
    Eating soul food barbeques
    I wouldn’t have to sing
    The middle-class liberal well-intentioned blues

    Intentioned blues
    Intentioned blues . . .

    I wish I was an Indian
    A grown-up Sioux papoose
    So when I get drunk on a beer and a half
    I’d have a good excuse

    I’d be a noble savage
    Wouldn’t ever wear no shoes
    And I wouldn’t have to sing
    The middle-class liberal well-intentioned blues

    Intentioned blues
    Intentioned blues . . .

    I wish I was a Wetback
    On strike in a lettuce patch
    Or a slant-eyed peasant with Viet Cong
    Stashed underneath my thatch

    I only ever cross a picket line
    To pay my union dues
    To keep on singing
    The middle-class liberal well-intentioned blues

    Intentioned blues
    Intentioned blues . . .

    But I am not a Negro (c’mon!)
    Not a Red Man nor a Mex (join me kids!)
    I’m a member of the oppressing color
    Language, age, and sex

    I sympathize with the Arab cause
    I feel for the put-upon Jews
    And I keep singing
    The middle-class liberal
    Meaningful dialogue
    We are all responsible
    Well-intentioned blues

    Intentioned blues
    Intentioned blues . . .

    “Long hair, short hair–what’s the difference once the head’s blowed off.” Farmer Yassir

  10. Image of a protestor who cant understand why they cant get a job and earn a million a year

    Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Reps. Raéºl M. Grijalva and Keith Ellison today released the following statement in solidarity with the demonstrators on Wall Street and around the country:

    “We have been inspired by the growing grassroots movements on Wall Street and across the country. We share the anger and frustration of so many Americans who have seen the enormous toll that an unchecked Wall Street has taken on the overwhelming majority of Americans while benefitting the super wealthy. We join the calls for corporate accountability and expanded middle-class opportunity.

    “Throughout the summer, CPC Members listened to Americans nationwide describe how it feels to be on the wrong side of the wall between the rich and the rest of us. [Et cetera, ad nauseam.]”

  11. art,
    These kids are the sons and daughters (maybe even grandkids) of the 60s protestors. For me it’s deja vu all over again. Asd a Navy recruiter I was the target of their protestations. The 60s protestors, like those of today, knew very little but were fillled with certainty. They did, however, display a bit more anger than those of today. I guess facing an uncertain economic future is somewhat less anger inducing than a hitch in the military. The 60s protestors were manipulated by communists, these young’uns seem to get their marching orders from the same or similar sources. History repeats.

  12. the d e m a n d s of the p r o t e s t o r s

    tinyurl com

    [the above is being spaminated… ]

  13. 99% what? ‘Occupy Wall Street’ organizers look for minorities (but can’t find them)


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