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Guess who? — 13 Comments

  1. Her mouth is exactly Jackie’s. Beautiful young people become beautiful old people — or at least they’re much more likely to than ordinary people. How unfair!
    It gives me a heretical thrill to see that cigarette.

  2. We so admire young athletes and the work it takes for them to build amazing bodies and accomplish great feats, but aging gracefully takes far more endurance and is equally admirable.

  3. Many more of us would be accepting of the changes that come with age if only the changes looked on us the way they do on her! She is lovely, and it’s not just a matter of bones and skin and slenderness. Her fresh, open expression suggests a youthful attitude that might have been enough to make her beautiful even if Mother Nature had been less generous on the physical side.

  4. I recognized her – she has good bones and was never fat which is probably why she still looks good. I am surprised she never had surgery though. Of course, she stopped being photographed frequently after Jackie passed away.

  5. Mt guess is she has assiduously avoided the sun on her face; the skin of her arms looks less good. The smooth forehead suggest lots of botox, as does the absence of crow’s feet. I like to see some crow’s feet in women over 40 with whom I am unacquainted; I think of them as laugh lines.

    Smoking hastens skin aging, too. Never mind being skinny.

  6. Jackie was also known to be a heavy smoker although she managed to keep photographers from publishing photos of her smoking.

    I recognized Lee. I saw another recent photo of her that was not nearly as flattering and I thought it showed heavy indications of her having “work done.”

  7. I’m on the road. Whistler, B.C. to be exact.

    She and I are the same age. Both my wife and I are envious. Old age is not for sissies. It’s may be easier if you look fabulous. Good as she looks, I have no doubt she has some of the same aches and pains as we prols have.

    That said, may she live long and continue to dazzle.

  8. Early in the evening I passed this topic by, but later I read all the comments and could not resist noting that LR is truly beautiful. That smile says it all. At 78 she is lovely and sexy (the glass of wine & the cigarette) a la Lauren Becall.

  9. I see a woman that looks like that and I hear Sinatra singing:

    She gets too hungry, for dinner at eight
    She loves the theater, but doesn’t come late
    She’d never bother, with people she’d hate
    That’s why the lady is a tramp

    Doesn’t like crap games, with barons and earls
    Won’t go to Harlem, in ermine and pearls
    Won’t dish the dirt, with the rest of those girls
    That’s why the lady is a tramp

    It’s all attitude baby. She’s a class act and she’s from a period when more or less the whole country had class.

  10. Lovely lady, an inspiration for all of us gals. I’m always amazed how good American women look considering your climate. English roses have it easy, they never see the sun.
    Us white Africans look like old battle axes by the age of 45.
    Sigh, at least my 76 year old mother still has dark hair. I’m getting sunspots in the middle of winter, wearing sunblock 60!
    Oh well, at least I have rhythm.

    Charlotte – somewhere under the ozone hole.

  11. Such a perfectly lovely woman; always has been.

    On another note, I wish someone would tell my cigarettes that they are supposed to suppress appetite.

  12. She is a lovely looking woman. However, she has had a great deal of plastic surgery. The area between her mouth and nose is a very tell-tale sign of immense ironing. Look at earlier pictures of her; smoking has taken an enormous toll on her body.

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