Libya update
The rebels are in the compound celebrating, and Gaddafi seems to have gone underground.
Shades of Saddam in the hidey hole?
The rebels are in the compound celebrating, and Gaddafi seems to have gone underground.
Shades of Saddam in the hidey hole?
Not so fast. Rebels are in, but this compound is huge, and rebels control only some parts of it. And it is full of undergroubd tunnels and bunkers. The main occupation of rebels now is looting. I just seen direct brodcast from Tripoly on Eoronews.
I was for the rebels before I was against them, on grounds of Qaddhafi being a long-standing bad guy. But now we shall see what they do, and I smell some sharia.
I dont know…
but its not as people are wishing it to be..
memri tv was quoted.. “the gas chambers are ready”..
and AQ operatives have moved through egypt and launched an attack on israel…
after 30 rocket attacks…
Footage of Egyptians Demonstrating opposite Israeli Embassy in Cairo Shows Sign with Swastika Saying “The Gas Chambers Are Ready”
Egypt said Saturday it would recall its ambassador from Israel to protest the deaths, sharply escalating tensions between the neighboring countries, whose 1979 peace treaty is being tested by the fall of Egypt’s longtime autocratic leader, Hosni Mubarak.
anyone want to look at what i said about no treaties with these moves? that this would result in open actions…
“The NATO intervention in March 2011,” Pipes wrote, “was done without due diligence as to who it is in Benghazi that it was helping. To this day, their identity is a mystery. Chances are good that Islamist forces are hiding behind more benign elements, waiting for the right moment to pounce, as roughly happened in Iran in 1978-79, when Islamists did not make clear their strength nor their program until the shah was well disposed of. Should that be the case in Libya today, then the miserable Gaddafi will prove to be better than his successors for both the Libyan subjects of tyranny and the West.”
It would be a wonderful thing if this meant less tyranny and more representative government in the ME. If it happens, I will be surprised. This coulld be the beginning of the chaos that tilts things toward another world war. I’m praying it isn’t so, but fully aware that things can spin out of control.
Cretins, creeps and criminals court chaos. That is the summation of our ME foreign policy.
This has been a tribal war from the start. Yes, there may be a tiny minority that wants to establish a sane, civil society; but it sounds like this hodgepodge of tribal and political factions will be at each other’s throats once Qaddafi’s head is on the chopping block.
“and I smell some sharia.”
From Neo’s link:
“Libya is free! Gaddafi is finished. We are all free now,” they yelled from the back of their vehicles which were mounted with heavy weapons.
Hopefully things will stay that way, but what I hope and what I expect are not always identical. In particular:
Others jumped off their cars, shouting “God is greatest,” waving rebel flags and firing guns in celebration.
“Shades of Saddam in the hidey hole?”. Wretchard has a fine article up on the use and psychology of underground bunkers. Apparently Ghaddafi has much better taste in such structures than Saddam did.
Don Carlos,
There are no good guys to root for, not in Libya, nor anywhere in the Muslim world. It’s a choice between the bad and the badder every time.
“…but it sounds like this hodgepodge of tribal and political factions will be at each other’s throats…”
Inevitable in any nation-state not predicated on being exclusive to members of an actual nation. Congo, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Iraq… the list runs on and on, yet utopianist fools and conniving opportunists still insist on mixing various nations under a single political framework. In the name of “diversity,” of course, so you’re a “RAAAAACIST!” if you voice any opposition to the idea. As for the cost of such experiments in human lives–since when did Marxists care about trivialities like that?
Marx and Islam
these restrictions began to break down even before the widespread availability of contraception. In the late l960’s, a real sexual revolution took place in the United States and much of Europe. The obvious reason was that the risk of unwanted pregnancy had been greatly reduced. A second and less obvious reason is that sexual freedom, when accompanied by easy access to contraceptives, works to control population. Unmarried couples living together are very unlikely to have children. Homosexual acts do not lead to pregnancy. In a modern society in which population control is a desideratum, sexual freedom is socially useful.
isnt that cool…
now all you have to do is convince people that the method of control is freedom, and that its a social good to be defended to the end…
and voila..
you have a bird in a guilded cage that will never leave even if the door is open, and will attack any others who try…