Home » The Strauss-Kahn accuser and female genital mutilation


The Strauss-Kahn accuser and female genital mutilation — 16 Comments

  1. The plot—and the accusations against the accuser—thickens. Now an unnamed informant told the NY Post that she’s a hooker. If so, and if the NYPD didn’t find this out right away, I think they could be accused of negligence.

    Iirc the woman’s colleagues vouched for her good character when the story first broke.

    Which makes me wonder what else is going on at the la-de-da ever-so-exclusive NYC Ritz Carlton.

  2. 1. gs Says:

    Iirc the woman’s colleagues vouched for her good character when the story first broke. (p)Which makes me wonder what else is going on at the la-de-da ever-so-exclusive NYC Ritz Carlton.

    I’m still wondering about the Ritz Carlton even though cough DSK stayed at the Softel… 🙁

    2. PJM indeed notes that there’s more to the story.

    3. By accusing DSK, the woman may have busted up a profitable enterprise run by, perhaps, ruthless people.

  3. And am I the only one who thinks the mainstream press and the National Enquirer have recently merged?

    I don’t know about a merger, but the Enquirer did scoop the rest of the MSM on the John Edwards affair.

  4. A criminal for a boyfriend. Suspicious bank accounts. Immigration violations. Shady background where she might even be a hooker and also defrauded people in a pyramid scheme.

    With so much to hide, why would she report the “rape?”

    A person with this much to hide would only become part of the spotlight for a lot of money. Or perhaps she’s being blackmailed. Or maybe she’s just crazy. But if these allegations about her activities are true, it seems very likely that she was part of a set-up on DSK.

    The one curious thing that makes me think she was raped was that she revealed the fact that she lied to get in the United States. I see that as a preemptive act of someone who isn’t as adept as a liar or quite the scoundrel she is being made out to be. If she is an accomplished villain, why would she offer that information?

    This case is going to be interesting because it is doubtful that absolute proof will appear.

  5. Can’t quite decide which of the principals in this drama is the least likable. Let’s see, DSK was a member of the elite who apparently liked rough sex and she was a member of the victim class who runs with a rough crowd. Quite a pair!

    Well, the DA seems to believe he’s guilty but they cannot get a conviction because she’s basically rotten on several levels. What to do now? Why not do what Obama would do? Pass it off to good old Joe Biden. Problem solved!

  6. If you lie down with dogs, you can wake up with fleas. Scratch away, DSK. You and your socialist buddies have lost all credibility to lecture us on the poor and the downtrodden. You use them to serve your needs, but you don’t know them and you shouldn’t screw them.

  7. The National Enquirer also scooped the MSM on the blue dress.

    You shouldn’t libel the Enquirer by grouping it with the MSM.

  8. Thank you for writing about this so concisely and informatively. I had no interest in the story, given the salacious headlines, but I suppose it is good to be apprised all the same.

  9. Just because she’s a grifter doesn’t mean she wasn’t assaulted.The sheer volume of favorable press leaks on behalf of DSK shows me how the NYT will circle the wagons for a well known member of the International Left.The defense teams is certainly living down to it’s rep for ruthlessness.

  10. “but it seems she’s not so poor, since hundreds of thousands of dollars have been deposited in her bank account by the drug-dealing boyfriend and his confederates.”

    I wonder if she actually has authority and control over her bank account, or if she is owner of the account in name only…

    As you say – truly a strange story with twists and turns enough to make a completely just outcome unlikely.

  11. “James Brown was right: this is a man’s world.”

    But it ain’t nothin’ without a woman or a girl.

    PS – Happy 4th of July everybody!

  12. If DSK really did assault this woman, it probably is not the first instance. Similar allegations may surface.

  13. Steve,
    The French journalist who accuses DSK of attempted rape has filed a complaint against him in France. John Rosenthal has the latest at PJM.

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