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Obama, Bush, and the pronoun “I” — 12 Comments

  1. I was wondering if you watched Obama on 60 Minutes last night and, if you did, what you thought.

  2. I didn’t, you know, watch the interview but I read the, you know, transcript. You know, it’s nice to have, you know, such an articulate man as, you know, president after eight years of, you know, George Bush.

  3. I have to say that
    my opinion is that
    I love the man and
    I love myself and
    I think he is great for the country and
    I know a lot about economics and budgets and science and I know alot about this and that and
    I think that Obama knows that I know that I am (I mean he is) great. 🙂

  4. As Obama is a lot like me… and I know what he knows and he knows what I know…

    I believe in my heart that his positions are my positions (whatever they are) and I love him and myself to the core of my/his being.

    He would do what I would do and I would do what he would do.

    Grammar be dammed – I am king! He is king!

    I am who am.

  5. Baklava, I have never seen anyone explain the reasoning behind an Obama supporter as succinctly as you, although I suspect your reasoning is more profound than the average Obambi is capable of.

    texexec, Bush also had better role models (my try for the understatement of all time).

  6. Bob from Virginia:

    I agree about their role models.

    Bush’s mother is a solid, down-to-earth woman who has always acted responsibly. Obama’s mother was a selfish hippie who shuttled him off to be raised by others.

    Bush’s father wasn’t perfect but he did truly believe in the concept of noblesse oblige (for example he volunteered to serve in the Navy as the youngest pilot when his family connections could easily have kept him out of the war).

    Obama’s father was nothing more than a sperm donor.

  7. George W. Bush wished to be president in order To Do Things. He was preceeded and succeeded by narcissists who wished to BE Things.

    A vast and profound and hugely historical difference.

  8. Huh. And here I thought it was just Popeye and me who said I yam what I yam.

  9. I have always been fascinated by the agreement among those who clearly see Obama’s glaring deficiencies as opposed to those who reflect Baklava’s clear-sighted observations. 40% of the country acknowledges that Obama is whack job. Another 30% still lives in make believe land.

    Sometimes I wonder if we are referring to the same person. Obama’s circle of friends, his foreign affairs naivete, his obvious emotional problems, his anti-democratic attitudes, the malignant incompetence, his anti-Americanism all get a pass. I think I understand Nazi Germany better than I did thanks to the Obama administration.

  10. People always believe nothing bad will happen to them personally. And through this self-delusion, makes disaster a self-fulfilling prophecy. Such is mortal folly.

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