Home » Paul certainly does seem to be…


Paul certainly does seem to be… — 11 Comments

  1. I’m surprised he didn’t marry a librarian. 🙂

    Sir Paul at the White House:

    “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.”

    Perhaps if Sir Paul had married a librarian after Linda died, he wouldn’t have divorced and had to fork over all that dosh to a bimbo. OTOH, Sir Paul has shown himself to have the IQ of of a bimbo, as he apparently didn’t realize that Dubya married a librarian, so Sir Paul got his just deserts in forking over all that dosh.

  2. He made sure he got a two legged woman this time, right?

    The one legged woman cost a fortune.

    For that price, I would have demanded two legs in the first placed.

  3. Let’s not give sorry people like Paul any of our attention. It’s kinda like reading the NYT. Best ignored.

  4. “A great musician does not an intellectual giant make.”

    Our problem is that we don’t require these people (i.e., celebrities) to have assistants whose sole job is to walk behind them whispering, “Thou art but Mortal” and, every once in a while, whacking them on the back of the head with a lightly sand-filled sock for no particular reason.

    There oughtta be a law requiring it… Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  5. BTW, neo, i don’t quite see “experience” as being a problem for him, though he’s had one bad marriage, Eastman was certainly a satisfactory marriage from his point of view.

    They nominally would still be together as far as can be told, had she not gotten cancer (IIRC) and died.

    So how is a 50-50 record to be taken as “a triumph of hope over experience”?

  6. The triumph of hope over experience.

    At least on the woman’s part.

    Plus a willingness to play courtier to an increasingly (I know; seems impossible but there it is) demanding and crotchety ego.

  7. Well, it’s a good thing he didn’t fall for her younger sister, Shevette.

  8. Paul had a long, stable marriage to Linda and after some flings with younger women is now apparently settling down with a woman of 51, not ridiculously young for someone his age. So regardless of his political natterings I’d say he’s doing a little better in the marriage department than, say, Mickey Rooney or Larry King. Not high bars, of course.

  9. Gary Rosen: Paul turns 69 next month. His current fiance is 51. That’s a substantial age difference, although not, as you say, a “ridiculous” one. But Shevell is much closer in age to Paul’s ex, Heather Mills (43) than she is to Paul.

    It’s of course the experience of the marriage to Mills that I’m referring to when I write about the triumph of hope over experience. It was a lot more than a “fling,” it was a 6-year marriage that cost him a ton of money and could have resulted in bitterness on his part.

    I wish the new couple well, but I must say that I haven’t thought much of Sir Paul ever since his stupid, graceless, and classless remarks described here.

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