Home » Political pranking: now its NPR’s Schiller


Political pranking: now its NPR’s Schiller — 48 Comments

  1. Ah yes, the Aspen Institute…. bolt hole of disgraced liberals since, well, most of the last decade.

  2. Of course, Schiller and NPR could get a two-fer going by broadcasting the audio of Muslim voices stoning women.

  3. Hah – even Car Talk tip-toed a little over the apolitical line now and again. And as for Prairie Home Companion — carried by the network of local public radio stations and which I adored for decades and would never miss an episode … it used to be so quintessentially American, core values, so down-home … and then the cracks in the facade began to show. It got so bad during and after the 2008 election season that I was grinding my teeth just listening. I couldn’t bear to listen to Garrison Keillor bloviating smugly after the election of Obama, and I stopped listening cold turkey. From what Keillor has since written about conservatives and Tea Party types, I’d guess that I am not alone in this kind of disillusion with public radio. I suspect PHC has been shedding listeners like confetti ever since GK decided that he was a being of elevated sensibility. (I’ve read that personally, he is nasty little piece of work.)
    And you know – I used to work at the local public radio affiliate! Worked there for years, part-time, and enjoyed the heck out of it. But they fired all the part-timers about three years ago and went automated signal after hours, and I’d be willing to bet they are not pulling in anything like the pledge dollars that they used to. Me, sometimes I feel like demanding back every dollar that I ever pledged to them before.

  4. It doesn’t have to be shocking to be horribly wrong and dreadfully unethical.

    We should never downplay the bigotry and hate of leftists. They would never return the favor.

  5. NPR/PBS should have their tax-exemption revoked.

    As to Car Talk, I found it unbearable >10yrs ago, and expect it remains unchanged. The typical caller then was a classic Leftie, more often female and vehicularly ignorant, complaining along the lines of, “I have a ten year-old Corolla with 261,000 miles on it. It has developed a hiccup, and the mechanic says I need a new whatever.” And Click and Clack, the Tappet Bros, would crack jokes that only a Yankee metrosexual could find funny, along with their irritating yuks and chuckles about said vehicle’s diagnosis. Rare it was they advised junking it and getting a decent machine.

  6. Delightful little video of a smarmy, self-identified “intellectual,” telling his supposedly loaded potential donors from the Muslim Brotherhood how he and NPR are fighting valiantly against what he tells his potential Muslim Brotherhood donors–who tell him during the conversation that the Brotherhood is oh, so misunderstood. “the Brotherhood just wants to do good”–are those tens of millions, those almost overwhelming masses of “uneducated,” “mid-America,” “gun-toters”; the legions of anti-intellectualism.

    My I.Q. just dropped a few points listening to Mr. suck-up perform his sickening “stroking for dollars” routine.

    Send a copy of this video to NPR and PBS the next time they have one of their incessant and irritating “Pledge Weeks.”

  7. Here’s what the swinish Garrison Keillor had to say about Republicans:

    “[Republicans have] transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic fratboys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons, hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks, Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk was filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the rest of us, Newt’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of secular institutions, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk.

    “Republicans: The No.1 reason the rest of the world thinks we’re deaf, dumb, and dangerous.”

    How’s that for a bundle of bigotry?

  8. Oh yes, NPR is “appalled” with Schiller’s views. As if they didnt share all of them. Trying to remain on the public dole is more important than being honest.

  9. I regularly listen to the Splendid Table on NPR, its a fun program, and some of the locally produced public radio programs that deal with Iowa issues are not left or right. Yes, NPR ‘news’ programs have a leftist tilt, but some of the other programs are interesting and apolitical. And, classical music would not be on the radio in my area were it not for public radio. Public radio & TV are like many things in life, partake of the good and leave the rest.

    PS – I’m not for the government funding radio or TV, both should exist with individual and corporate sponsorship.

  10. Yep, Beverly – that’s why I quit listening to him and his radio show and also reading him in his various public venues.
    Pity – he might have been this generations’ Will Rogers … except that he had to be such a godawful bigot about Middle America.

  11. Beverly,

    Keller is an idiot in the Michael Moore mold. I used to listen to Prairie Home Companion because much of the music was great, but he’s been so blatantly political over the years I refuse to listen to the program.

  12. Tom Says:
    March 8th, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    Rare it was they advised junking it and getting a decent machine.

    Hey! I have a 20 year old Corolla with only 150,000 miles on it. It runs fine, but has some very serious rust issues.

    I don’t want to get rid of it. I love it. Best car I’ve ever owned, even with the rust.

  13. Sgt. Mom, Beverly, and Parker:
    I, too, used to be a loyal PHC fan. I got out of the habit several years ago, and then I read a screed by him after the 2004 election that was blazing with hatred towards conservatives. I haven’t paid any attention to him since.

    Beverly’s quote sounds familiar, and may be from the article I have in mind.

  14. Maybe it’s just me, but I find “Car Talk” to be hilarious. I only listen to it in my car when I happen to remember it’s on and it always makes me smile. I don’t remember ever hearing anything political on it and how their jokes could be said to be aimed at NE metrosexuals is beyond me.

    Otherwise, I detest NPR and Garrison Keillor.

    FWIW, my high milage Toyota, ’87 Mercedes Benz 420SEL, and ’83 Mercedes Benz 380SL are pretty darn decent machines. The 380SL is my favorite “toy” evah.

    I drive a car until its last trip is behind a wrecker.

  15. Rickl-
    I don’t want you to get rid of your Corolla either!

    I was trying, in my own poor way, to identify what struck me about the innocents who called in with their cartalk problems. So many of them sounded reasonably educated, but most seemed financially challenged, mechanically ignorant, often complaining of being taken advantage of by autorepairers— precisely because of their ignorance and gullibility. Getting auto diagnostics by voice strikes me about as good as getting a medical diagnosis the same way. GIGO.

    Maybe its the Tappet Bros accents I found so off-putting!

  16. As a sometime auto mechanic, I can say that those guys know cars ok. The artificial hyuk, hyuk, hyuk used to bother me almost as much as Obama’s ess whistle, though.

  17. Tom:
    I’ve listened to Car Talk in the past and found them funny.

    Getting auto diagnostics by voice strikes me about as good as getting a medical diagnosis the same way.

    But that’s an excellent point.

    I’m still kind of in denial about my car. The rust is very bad. It’s just a damn shame to have to junk a car in excellent mechanical condition because the body is falling apart. And Toyota no longer makes a Corolla station wagon, which is what I want and need.

    I’m of the “use it up and wear it out” philosophy. The clothes I donate to charity are probably unusable by the time I get done with them.

    The last car I owned was a 1981 Chevrolet Chevette. I bought it in August 1987 and kept it until April 1999. It had 190,000 miles on it when I threw in the towel. It finally broke down on me one time too many.

    (Previously, there was the time in 1992 when it broke down in the left lane on I-95 at 7:00 pm on a Friday evening. That was quite an adventure.)

    I bought the 1991 Corolla in April 1999 and in contrast, it has been nearly trouble-free. It was a startling contrast and I fell in love with it immediately. As I said, it only has 150,000 miles on it and I’m sure it could do another 100,000 more without too much trouble.

    I had the Chevette for 11 years and 8 months. I’ve had the Corolla for 11 years and 11 months. I’m sure I could wring several more years out of it.

    But, as they say, rust never sleeps.

  18. Not shocking; outrageous.

    I am disappointed by the moral equivalence – as if this is even remotely close to what Governor Walker was talking about. It’s not even in the same galaxy.

    I am shocked. I am stunned. Daily.

    By the lack of fight on our side.

    Every conservative voice there is should be shouting from the rooftops all the time 24/7 about NPR, the MSM, Obama, Democrats, Liberalism….

    But we are so afraid. Wow. That’s the stunning and shocking thing to me – that America is going to go down without a fight; that “the [good] lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity”.

    Your blase reaction reminds me of the radio host I heard a few months back who, because someone had given the slightest criticism of Obama on the air, equated it with criticism of Bush – which is like saying a pond and lake Superior are the same since they both contain water.

    We only have one fighter so far. Palin.

    This is like the Lord of the Rings or someting. I’m going down withe her. I don’t even think I could stand to win with the rest of the lukewarm lot.

  19. This is how a fighter talks: Palin to Politico – Take Your Liberal Biased Debate and Shove It.


    We need a hundred of her. We need and army of her. We need zero lukewarm shrinking violets of nuance.

    Nuance is good when it is needed. Analysis is good when it is needed. Nuance is not needed. The analysis is done – we’re in a fight for the very life of the republic. Check.

    Now we fight.

  20. Mike Mc: Well said.

    If we don’t get Palin/West in 2012, it’s over. I just don’t see anyone else in that class.

    /And by “over” I mean millions of dead American patriots, exterminated by the Marxists.

  21. rickl – I had a Saturn SL2 for 12 years. When I turned it in 5 years ago it had 265,000 + miles on it. I had to feed it oil after every 3 fillups but other than that it was a great car. I used to joke with my kids to were appalled to ride it in it that it was “Ghetto Fabulous”. I found out later that my kids used to brag to their friends about that.

    I turned my “Ghetto Fabulous” Saturn in for a 2006 PT cruiser. I now have 99,000+ miles on it and it is humming along very nicely.

    Just goes to show you….treat your car nice and it will treat you nicely as well.

    As for NPR…Defund them!!! Duh!

    As for Palin…. I am thinking that Cain\Palin would be a ticket that makes liberals have nightmares. Oh yeah!

  22. Let’s just all resolve to try to make a difference. It is up to each of us. It is not up to Palin or West to fight thru the swamps for us. We gotta do it, each of us.
    The Marxists know we won’t go quietly. I do not have the confidence I once had in our armed forces’ leadership or courage….we may become a Libya writ large.

  23. Bachmann is not afraid to say it like it is either….

    I have a 94 S-10 pickup with 276,000 miles on it. Changed the fan clutch yesterday for the first time. Ac has been out for years-finally ripped the guts of the Ac system out and have to remember to ask for a belt for a truck without AC. clutch replaced once, head gasket blown once, valve cover gasket blown once, one fuel injector cracked and had to be replaced, fuel pump changed once- its on the tank and I was non to happy about having to drop the tank to change it….part of the front end is original, had to change the windshield wiper motor a couple of times, alternator and water pump both replaced once as best I recall-some of the work I do myself, other parts I hire out…If you have an old car it helps if you can do at least part of the replacement yourself. Thank God that truck has lasted this long.- cause I cant afford a new one right now.

  24. I’ve found that the only programming I’m interested in on PBS always seems to coincide with their seemingly weekly panhandling sprees. I make a point to watch all of the high quality programming and to ignore their pleas for money. I figure that way I can pretend my involuntary contributions go to support the stuff I like and that their constant stream of political pornography must be paid for by alms from the clueless.

  25. Mike Mc. says, “America is going to go down without a fight.”

    The fight is on and has been on for 30+ years. First there is the soapbox, then comes the ballot box, and if pushed to the extreme there is the final resort of opening the cartridge box. We’re not at that final stage, yet. Until then I’ll do my best to keep working on the first 2 options.

  26. I have no sympathy of course for Schiller but NPR’s “shocked, shocked” response to him telling the world what we already knew about NPR biases is beyond ludicrous. They make Capt. Renault look like the soul of sincerity.

  27. Yeah, I really worry about our military leadership too. Just how many, for instance, buy this crap about the “Religion of Peace” which, as someone has remarked, should be more accurately called “the Religion of Pieces,” ‘cause if they believe this, they’ll believe anything, and are of no use to us in defending our country and our freedoms against the takeover that the Left and Obama & Co. and a whole host of other “enemies foreign and domestic” are trying so relentlessly to bring about.

  28. Good for all y’all driving those high mileage cars. I guess this is possible because of the better engine design initiated by Japanese cars back in the 80’s and 90’s (that’s my impression anyway).

    Remember when a car with 85,000 miles on it really needed to be traded in because it was falling apart?

    My ’83 Mercedes Benz 380SL (two seat roadster convertible) has lotsa miles but is in perfect condition and is a joy to drive in the Texas Hill Country.

    One of my kids will inherit it some day.

  29. I like to think I’m “going green” by not requiring a new car too be built. What’s the carbon footprint of manufacturing a Prius?

  30. texexec
    Besides carbon footprint for manufacturing a Prius, you should look at the nickel footprint for manufacturing the hybrids’ and electrics’ batteries.

  31. neoneocon wrote:

    ‘The irony of the Muslim attitude towards those “female voices” is rather lost on Schiller’

    And the irony regarding generalizing about “the Muslim attitude” is lost on Neo-neocon…

    Seriously, do you really think that an entire religious community is ever completely monolithic?

  32. As for NPR’s response, I’m-a think they used the wrong word. Not “appalled”. The more correct formulation would be “shocked, Shocked!” in the classic Captain Renault mode.

  33. “”Seriously, do you really think that an entire religious community is ever completely monolithic?””
    Pink Giraffe

    Ummmm…so 100% agreement among muslim public opinion is required for you to pull your giraffe head and neck out of your ***? Was 1940 Germany monolithic enough? 1940 Japan? Of course they weren’t and therefore needlessly opposed and defeated by allied forces. Righhhhhht.

  34. I kinda liked Car Talk, but they said something I took to be antigun, so I don’t consider them to be non-political.

  35. I think Car Talk is interesting in exposing how utterly disconnected liberal/intellectual callers to the show are from basic life skills. An artifact that makes for humorous exchanges in good times but one that could prove deadly within 30 days of losing electricity and all its trappings.

  36. Pink Giraffe: the irony of your ignoring the Muslim attitude towards women, and imagining that one cannot make general statements about attitudes embodied in the philosophy and/or practice of a religion and/or culture without needing those statements to apply to every last member of that group, is apparently lost on you.

    But perhaps it is not. Perhaps you are just being hypocritically, nitpickingly, disingenuous. Because surely you are aware that Islam is a religion embedded in cultures that are almost uniformly and overwhelmingly hostile to women’s rights, whatever more “progressive” views certain exceptional individuals belonging to those groups might hold.

  37. notice that what your seeing is the bridge people get caught…

    huh? 🙂

    ok.. helen thomas, the fashion man with his hitlerian faux pas, the acorn thing, this NPR thing…

    what your seeing is bridge people…

    they move in two worlds, then forget that part.

    while with the higher ups they hang with, you get the fascist Nazi socialist experience… even from Jews about Jews…

    while with the common people, the little people or outside that sphere, they hide this mentality.

    this is EXACTLY the same as the progressive in the antebellum era with lynchings of republican blacks AND Whites… where there was large numbers of whites and newspapers and mix, they threw bbq parties and fairs… where the blacks and a few whites where alone, no news, no witnesses, they did not waste their money, but instead tortured, murdered, mutilated, and so forth.

    the know the common people do not share their desires, end results, plans for them, etc…

    which is why this is all about subversive action, and no longer about winning the debate about whats right.

    you never really hear the mentality of the people these bridge people hear… i heard it as a photographer and a TRUSTED bridge person, and my other adventures moving through worlds.

    so the elite, as you can tell by policy, choice in actions, who they support, etc… have this mentality (not all of course, but the more politically active)

    the common people have the common mentality which is full of saccharine sugar now…

    helen thomas
    julian assange
    this npr idiot
    the acorn people
    the planned parenthood people
    Mel Gibson

    they ALL live as bridges…
    and when they are not careful, they let the cat out of the bag in some way… (and are duly punished for it from both ends!)

  38. a quick aside to neo..

    neo. you take the position as to women because you believe that they are wrong…

    but i will point out for validity sake that if they win, have kids, and we are gone… even if we only end up as slaves to the state for that…

    they were right…

  39. hit enter too long..

    the only way they can be wrong, is if we remain free, get capitalism back, the family is saved and preserved, and men go back to work rather than be a welfare class of indigent useless beings supported by working women. oh.. and that we stop exterminating the brightest and smartest with the others in the net too.


    they are right

    as EVERY society that has done this has collapsed and failed from it..

    and if you want your society not to fail…
    you cant do that…

    in a way, the women have and are proving the chauvinists right for preventing their participation.

    for the same reason that when people chose up sides for teams they dont want the people who make them lose as part of it.

    you can hem and yuo can haw, you can claim i am wrong and claim the progressive feminist tack your taught is right.

    but it wont make it so.

    so far, abortion alone is collapsing the whole thing as the women murdered the 60 million who were to be born…

    do me a favor..
    go to planned parenthood and look at their tax filing.

    in their tax filing describing waht they are, they stae they are a eugenics society trying to “stabilize” the population.

    4 times the number of abortion clinics are in black neighborhoods… islamic families have 500% more children than western educated smart white women.

    the white womens men are completely marginalized with the military now saying there are too many white men… sba saying there are too many white men… and the NIH offering 90,000 not to hire white men…

    we are on the eve of the collapse of the american experiment… and that collapse was completely created and fomented by turning our mates against their own people.

    maybe THATS why women were kept out traditionally

    they cant resist the lie from outside which makes them turn against their own people, and then brings them disaster eventually.

    the ONLY way to prove that otherwise, is to not be going where they are taking us.

    supporting an idea that started with lenin and led to the failure of the soviet state and its continued malaise, and claiming its the future, is not too bright or smart.

    denying that the leaders mean anything as they disagree with the followers is not smart either. but it is what you have said too.

    they were and are being used..

    as i said, if you read soviet works and papers, you will read them describing this stuff as a process of war action on the field of the mind and society

    they held down the mates while the women consolidated and made normal the false separation.

    then they pushed the two together hegelianly insuring the women would win. and BETTING on the fact that they would NOT be fair.. (as women cant be fair, they get less if they are). and would go for it all.

    well, when they went for it all, they would do what to their mates? beat up on them, marginalize them. abuse them in the way they were told (Falsely) that all their mates for millinea beat them.

    and now this is where we are… with you and women feeling that since you beat up the nice people who were on your side, your ready to take on the world.

    well… now watch what happens… the marginalized now have the push on them removed IF they shift over to the accepted places. ie. like a gate in a fence they are now going to lead the men as cattle through.

    notice that the women are on the side of this move!! they cant work uot the point of such ends. if they coudl they would see what they were doing and stop and spit on it (as women who know aroudn the world do!)

    but they support islam.. and so their mates are going to get the message of redemption…

    dont you find it odd that they dont oppose this stuff? but you do? your points are not the leaders points…

    the men now, stripped of their culture, stripped of their familiy, stripped of respect int he community, made social outcasts for race and gender reasons, and so on..

    now see that if they join islam… as they are doing in droves. they can then regain community, family, religion, respect, and so forth.

    remember the fascists and socialists had been working on this from wwii… dual projects that are now coming together.

    so the men are going to side with islam which is controlled at the top by whom?

    ah… so now suddenly these women are going to be marginalized. hillaries plight was not a fluke.

    feminist with no husband or children are not worth much in the game as they were before. are they?

    so now, they are going to move to the next power base…

    the men who have no jobs, now have time, as the women did when they were the home bodies, to learn a new ideology and have their conciousness raised to islam.

    they arent at work, they are not at church, their mates are not there to say anything…

    see.. SAME PROCESS…

    and who is the target?
    who or what race is to be removed?

    or rather, which race which has denuded itself and now is failing demographically in the US, Russia, and Europe, is going to go where? (and who will go with them?)

    the problem is that the ONLY ones telling you your right and winning are the ones who want you to lose.

    i have already had my future determined.
    and i am out of this whole game..

    and i certainly will not come to rescue harridans who spent their lives changing the rules, disenfranchising me, abusing me, using the courts on me, and so on (while claiming and hollering that it will be fair).

    see bed
    make bed
    lie in bed..

    heck.. cant even bring products to market, cant own a company.. cant get a degree since there are no scholarships (Texas just made one finally after 30 year!!!)

    keep protecting the cancer of the soviets and see where that gets you…

  40. suddenly the filter kicks in making it difficult to talk about things that we are supposed not to talk about.

  41. The Division of Mi nority Opportunities in Research (MORE) administers research and research training programs aimed at increasing the number of mi nority biomedical and behavioral scientists through Min ority Access to Research Careers (MARC), Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) and other programs.
    w ww.nigms.nih.gov/Minority/

    have to put it in parts…sorry
    i will eventually know what tiny part is wrong..

  42. College degrees by gender
    http://www.realon linedegr ees.com/college-degrees-by-gender
    The above is a real eye opener!!!

    And notice that the ONE group that most of this rides on is poor white men… [but then again, feminism is dominated by what? wh it e women]

    You can look up that most will not finish their careers.

    Texas is already lost demographically

    for every woman that does NOT have a child, another woman has to have 5 for the population to be stable

    So if certain demographic populations are not doing that, they are in slow gentocide.

  43. had to add the erros in the last post, otherwise the post is verboten.

    If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.

    THATS how they hid this genocide..

    we dont look at the breakdown, that would be racist.

    so we look at totals, and dont get that the influx of immigrants, if not allowed to happen, would not hide the decline in certain TARGET populations

    Of the 117 million people added to the population during this period due to the effect of new immigration, 67 million will be the immigrants themselves and 50 million will be their U.S.-born children or grandchildren.

    and where will the feminists be?

    The Latino population, already the nation’s largest minority group, will triple in size and will account for most of the nation’s population growth from 2005 through 2050. Hispanics will make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050, compared with 14% in 2005.

    hey! abortion and wealth distribution and open borders is a eugenics, euthanasia population control program THEY ADMIT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The non-Hispanic white population will increase more slowly than other racial and ethnic groups; whites will become a minority (47%) by 2050.

    hey… so the trend

    to abort their children
    put off having children till later and its too late
    increased downs syndrome and such for later births
    increased infertility due to STDs
    create race hate against their white male mates

    seems to be resulting in the removal of the people who created the enlightenment and western civilization..

    sure seems to me that if you take a step back, they are fulfilling the purpose of Frankfurt school (who taught them), and others..

    while pretending that all that above was going to make a better society..

    anyone other than i realize that once those people are gone, there is no more such thing as a free society.

    except for the few whites and other mandarins who rule and are allowed to populate, or rather repopulate.

    and JUST As they claim victory in a MANCESSION..

    The Center’s report includes an analysis of the nation’s future “dependency ratio”–the number of children and elderly compared with the number of working-age Americans. There were 59 children and elderly people per 100 adults of working age in 2005. That will rise to 72 dependents per 100 adults of working age in 2050.

    looks lie women are the future all right..

    the future slaves of the few at the top.

    which they were taught was better than being a slave to your children, and family in a “happy gulag”.



  44. The New Demography of American Motherhood


    Among the key findings of this report:

    In 1990, 28% of births were to unmarried women
    A record four-in-ten births (41%) were to unmarried women in 2008
    The unmarried-mother share of births has increased most sharply for whites and Hispanics, although the highest share is for black women.

    [and that follows EXACTLY the decline in each]

    White women made up 53% of mothers of newborns in 2008 / down from 65% in 1990
    The share of births to Hispanic women has grown dramatically, to one-in-four.

    well if they keep taking my money so my wife and i cant have kids, and giving it to the selected race to exist as a second class society of slaves… well yeah thats what your going to get.

    Mothers of newborns are older now than their counterparts were two decades ago.

    ie… rate of downs syndrome, adhd, schizophrenia, autism, aspergers, all go up in the populations that follow that… as do other health problems and social problems making them grow up more dysfunctional than if they had them younger.

    teens had a higher share of all births (13%) than did women ages 35 and older (9%). In 2008, the reverse was true – 10% of births were to teens, compared with 14% to women ages 35 and older.

    and since teens demographics are less of one race, and the older woman are more… guess what is shifting? minority women with free money are having 5 kids, and smart educate women are having downs syndrom kids. (notice how many hollyweird parents have down syndrom affected children)

    you have to love their explanations, as they are completely devoid of reporting the influences of ideology and social engineering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When asked why they decided to have their first (or only) child, the overwhelming majority of parents (87%) answer, “The joy of having children.” But nearly half (47%) also say, “There wasn’t a reason; it just happened.”


    The demography of motherhood in the United States has shifted strikingly in the past two decades. Compared with mothers of newborns in 1990, today’s mothers of newborns are older and better educated. They are less likely to be white and less likely to be married.

    so the whites are slowly being exterminated…
    and demographically replaced…

    their mates are the source of all evil in the world, are idiots, bad mates, violent, and all rapists.

    [and inside that group are the jewish people. the women will survive, and think its ok. but who are the people who keep that faith going? hard to have rabbi if no men, eh?]

    you ONLY have to stop listening and START looking.

    despite realizing they lied and moving away from their games, people still go back to the same poisoned adulterated sources anyway.

    on the linked page is a table.
    seeing the numbers on that table make it clear under mothers race. it gives 1990, and gives 2008, and the difference..

    black moved -1
    asian moved +3
    Hispanic moved +10
    White moved -10

    The share of births that are non-marital is highest for black women (72%), followed by Hispanics (53%), whites (29%) and Asians (17%), but the increase over the past two decades has been greatest for whites – the share rose 69%.

    this is command social engineering of the population.

    and the VICTIMS defend their Victimization like an addicted masochist. another version of if only stalin knew…

    they DO know..

    its rich women (And their men) against poor women, not rich women supporting poor women to a positive end.


    The recasting of American motherhood takes place against a backdrop of relative stability in the total number of births – 4.3 million in 2008, compared with 4.2 million in 1990. The number had risen each year from 2003 to 2007 before declining by about 66,000; the decrease appears to be linked to the economic downturn.

    so if the population stayed stable..
    and one race lost 10% of births
    and another race gained 10%

    which is replacing which?

    There are fewer women in the prime childbearing years now than in 1990, as the youngest members of the giant Baby Boom generation have aged into their mid-40s. But changes in the race and ethnic makeup of young women – chiefly, the growth of the Hispanic population, which has higher birth rates than other groups – have helped keep birth numbers relatively level.

    so, you can expect that the fertility rate of white women and the western race of people will plummet to a level that will insure the end of the whole

    even if we get past this economic crisis and the potential collapse, its still checkmate as we are not fecund enough NOT to be extinct.

    82% of the nation’s population growth through 2050 will be accounted for by immigrants who arrived in the U.S. after 2005 and their descendants, assuming current trends continue.


    the ladies won!

    time to pick up the prize!

    OBLIVION for your, your own, etc.

    keep denying it as the world closes in
    as the men now refuse to bother with these ladies

    if you notice there is a HUGE demographic shift for this group in marriage.

    see: Marriage Strike

    my neighborhood is full of barren women who are turning into cat addicts and alcoholics. nice people with miserable lives and no way to fix it.

    MOST have exterminated their families!!!

    and the men see women willing to do this, as not good to select.

    so if you also search for demographics of who is hooking up.. you will find, as you can see around the city. the men they reject are being picked up by Chinese women, and other women, who are finding them to be wonderful mates.

    and so this is leaving these women barren of mates, dates, and so on… with older women poaching the younger girls guys, they are also fouling the younger womens potentials too.

    so what you see isnt liberation, its the death rattle of a class of people and their eradication from history AS PROMISED.

    The survey found that Americans are neutral or approving of two other trends that have an impact on birth patterns. One is the growing number of women ages 40 and older who have babies, a group whose relatively small birth rate has tripled since 1990. The other is the increasing number of women, often those over 30, who undergo fertility treatment in order to have a baby.

    all this is on one page of pew..

    and all you have to do is figure out the trends, who injected the social policy for engineering and EXTRAPOLATE the future result. (if nothing changes that direction)

    This delay in age of motherhood is associated with delay in age of marriage and with growing educational attainment. The more education a woman has, the later she tends to marry and have children. Birth rates also have risen for the most educated women, those with at least some college education, while being relatively stable for women with less education.

    so the whole enterprise has the result of weeding out intelligence in the population NOT increasing it.

    the smart women and men dont have kids.
    the dumber ones have more, and get the money of the smarter ones who work hard and now have to pay for all the unemployed men too.

    in science pre progressives take over, women were recognized as the well of intelligence.

    if they selected by intelligence and ability, for mates who perform unequally in their favor, and due to that success have more kids. the direction of the flow of human intelligence rises

    (thats if you dont accept the point of the left and feminists that we hve reached the pinnical of such and so it cant rise, and that we are all equal, so if you dont have kids and exterminate your family, it dont matter)

    if women go to school, and they dont select mates for qualities… the opposite happens.. the smarter women have fewer children, the less smart have more. the less smart grow in numbers, and the more smart have to work more to pay for their kids and have less of their own.

    so the elite whose money keeps them out of this game, have lots of kids. like nancy pelosi, they are smart, and many of their women do not work, but are very pretty. which is why smarts and pretty can go together… women buy their childrens smarts with their looks… so an ideology that purports looks should not count, is doing what to that selection process?

    if you look at it NEUTRALLY… and tick off results, you cant come to ANY other conclusion..

    if you love what your used to, can negate all the original reasons and purposes, can ignore the history, can ignore demographics, can imagine that all this is not a product of 40 years of state funded social experimentation on the people, and all that.

    then you will defend them.

    but thats a whole lot of ignoring… no?

    basically, one group which is disenfrancised as males, and uplifted as females is below replacement and their mates are now not marrying within, and so what is happening is dilution.

    in 100 years your going to have a white and chinese super race above all others… the homo sapiens enslaving the new cro magnons… mandarin all the way…

    from pew:
    The most educated women still are among the most likely never to have had a child.

    so socialism and feminism is the easiest way for the elite to exterminate their competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    maybe thats why they deny differences in intelligence? cant know your losing what you dont believe exists, can you?

    if you deny it, then show a path to fecundity, fertility, and reversal of the ACCELERATING trend in the other direction.

    Nearly one-in-five American women ends her childbearing years without having borne a child, compared with one-in-ten in the 1970s.

    but you have to go to a different report and be able to put things together.


    lets say you have two populations each starting with 1000 mating pairs.

    one is at the rate of the 70s, the other is at the current rate. what is the outcome?

    hows this PEW fact… from the second link

    By race and ethnic group, white women are most likely not to have borne a child.

    i remember lots of people denying this common sense thing.

    its in print… yuo can read it
    you can be SURE the feminists whose tax returns say they are a eugenics population stabilization organization sure arent going to tell you they are stabilizing certain groups out.

    how dumb are the women?

    dumb enough to think that without mates and babies they have a bright future of amazing things..

    how about this one:
    By marital status, women who have never married are most likely to be childless

    oh… so the increase in that does the same thing too..

    so the men deciding they arent worth it isnt a problem, right? well, the feminist leaders say its not a problem. and they make these women blame the men always..

    cultural marxism blames white men the way that economic marxism blames capitalism.

    judeo christian white men made capitalism..the industrial revolution and unequal standards for people and so on…

    how do the women expect to exist without their mates?

    there has been a general trend toward delayed marriage and childbearing, especially among highly educated women. Given that the chance of a successful pregnancy declines with age, some women who hope to have children never will, despite the rise in fertility treatments that facilitate pregnancy.

    oops… your socialist leaders lied to you as all socialist leaders do…

    Among older women, ages 40-44, there are equal numbers of women who are childless by choice and those who would like children but cannot have them, according to an analysis of data from the National Survey of Family Growth.3 In 2002, among women ages 40-44, 6% were deemed voluntarily childless, 6% involuntarily childless and 2% childless but hoping to have children in the future.

    so if you go back to my 1000 couples thing..
    14% wont have kids…
    another 14% would have to have 5 kids so that the population remains stable.

    do you see 14% having 5 kids?
    if not, then your seeing a failed eventuality if it doesnt change.

    now with ther mates moving to islam, marrying chinese and others, and infertility from their sex practices, and bad advice they deem as good from their sisters…

    whats the outcome?

    and remember, wanting to exist is not the same as wanting to dominate everyone… so trying to prevent genocide of whites, is not the same as wanting whites to rule over all… (but the left WILL claim that for all i just said).

    by the way… i also fight hard to save Jewish peoples… but they dont seem to want to survive and cant figure out if you go after white males, that most jewish mates are white males. and eventually as before, when they run out of easier fare, they will eventually move on to others.

    nice graph of women with no children by educational attainment pewsocialtrends.org/files/legacy/758-2.png

    Childlessness is most common among highly educated women. In 2008, 24% of women ages 40-44 with a bachelor’s degree had not had a child. Rates were similar for women with a master’s degree (25%) and those with a doctorate or a professional degree, such as a medical or legal degree (23%).

    ok.. given what i just told you about replacement in a group..

    25% is above the mark that the others can easily cover for them..

    1000 couples. if each have 2, its stable (imagining none die by accident which is why stable is more like 2.n)

    so now 25 dont have kids…
    so another 25 have to have 5 kids each.
    50% can keep going as before.

    so among women with masters degrees, the women they belittle, marginalize, make fun of, and all that.. would have to have a lot more babies.

    this is been long so i will just add a conclusion

    progressives side with the group that has the most power… then when that group loses power, they drop them like a stone.

    these women have managed to remove their numbers by their own ideas. there mates no longer support them and their ideas… and they are soon to become a demographic NOTHING.. their power used up, their families extinct, etc.

    which is why now the top are moving over to the next big power. islam. feminists have made sure that they wont have kids, and so they wont exist.

    islam has made sure it has a lot of kids, and in a hegelian battle, will crush the feminists. (their men wont help them much just as the men in sweden dont!!!)

    so, as i said.. divide the group you target into two halves. set the halves at each other. push one down, and pull one up. the one up no longer has the morals to refuse the apple from the serpent, and dominates. when that is near done, they put two more to battle it out… now its islam against the infertile women.. and the infertile women are giving in..

    Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam

    Argue all you want with many feminist policies, but few quarrel with feminism’s core moral insight, which changed the lives (and minds) of women forever: that women are due the same rights and dignity as men. So, as news of the appalling miseries of women in the Islamic world has piled up, where are the feminists? Where’s the outrage?

    But the rest is feminist silence. You haven’t heard a peep from feminists as it has grown clear that the Taliban were exceptional not in their extreme views about women but in their success at embodying those views in law and practice. In the United Arab Emirates, husbands have the right to beat their wives in order to discipline them–“provided that the beating is not so severe as to damage her bones or deform her body,”

    they wont do anything…
    for the same reason of molotov rippentrop whipsawing!!!!

    they dont serve the common woman, they serve the elite women and their mates under socialist control of the underglass… or undermenchen…

    which is why you can now read femnists liking the burka as it stops the violent stare of men…

    dont believe me?

    The Burqa: Ultimate Feminist Choice?

    Naomi Wolf Discovers That Shrouds Are Sexy

    Women in chadors are really feminist ninja warriors. Rather than allow themselves to be gawked at by male strangers, they choose to defeat the “male gaze” by hiding from it in plain view.

    the only way to hold another opinion of all this is to not want to accept the truth as it can be seen, as others say it, as the feminists themselves say it, and so on.

    the ONLY person who doesn’t know this game is the vested useful idiots…

  45. Feminist with no kids: What was I thinking?

    What were you thinking when you became so embroiled in the feminist movement that you embraced every tarnished bit of propaganda? What were you thinking when you saw pregnancy as a problem, not a blessing? And when you turned to that feminist so-called solution known as abortion?

    What were you thinking when you later hopped aboard the childless-by-choice bandwagon? That agenda was dubbed “child-free,” by the way, a word implying a delicious state of unencumbered being.

    Let’s get real. Life without children means a big empty space in the heart. It means you don’t get breakfast in bed with burnt toast on Mother’s Day. And you don’t get to host parties attended by herds of sticky toddlers, while the dog hangs out under the table hoping for a tidbit.

    Yes, the childless vacuum can partly be filled by the love of nieces, nephews and godchildren, but nothing can substitute for real motherhood.

    In my youth, I didn’t see the dangerous message of the feminist movement, which still preys on women today.

    Feminists urged women to pursue their dreams, whether that meant medical school or police work, but there was one endeavor women were supposed to turn their backs on. It was putting marriage and children first and foremost in one’s life and in one’s heart.

    For women who were determined to have children, feminists said to hold off until you landed the graduate degree or the big promotion or the first book contract.

    And if this meant waiting until you were 40, 45 or 50, hey, no problem. What a big shock when women discovered that Mother Nature danced to a different beat, with female fertility starting to decline in the late 20s.

    Despite all the winsome messages in Mother’s Day cards, feminists still persist in trying to make moms feel guilty.

    We’ve heard so much feminist lingo over the years: glass ceilings, second shift, juggling responsibilities, mommy wars, and on and on.

    Maybe it’s time to stop all the bickering and admit the truth.

    For many women, the most feminine pursuit of all is being somebody’s full-time mother.

  46. To my everlasting shame, I once contributed to two of our local NYC public television stations back in 1986, a whopping $25 each. One to WNET and another to a station now defunct (it became Pax and is now Ion Television).

    On the other hand, I am proud to say I have never listened to PHC, nor have I ever read anything by Keillor.

    So I’ll call it a wash.

    But the thing that ticks me off is the salaries for a taxpayer funded organization. D’Ohbama made statements about how CEO’s should have a limit on their salaries, even if not taking government money. Yet here are CPB and NPR personel making more than the President makes. Unless and until those two entities give up all government funding, they should have their salaries based on the GS system. Then we’ll see just how many of their current employees ‘love working for CPB/PBS’.

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