HCR as Christmas present
In Time, Kate Pickert wonders whether the health care reform bill, which passed the Senate last Christmas Eve in an all-night session, has turned out to be a bad Christmas present:
…[S]ome Democrats may be wondering if, politically, the Senate passage of health reform has turned out to more like a lump of coal for them.
Nice metaphor, but I think it’s a bit backwards. It’s the American people who received the lump of coal in the stocking. And it was the Democrats who were the Bad Santas.
Geez. Talk about self-absorbed.
Because a certain segment of the population only gets their news from ABCCBSNBCCNN, they will think the reason Obamacare is rationing is because of Republicans.
I spent an inordinate amount of time in Walmart this Christmas season and as I was looking at the mass of bodies 300+ lbs – I thought of Obamacare and the endless poor decisions that people make.
No personal responsibility. I saw countless purchase of humongous HDTV’s – perhaps the same people don’t set money aside for health care or physical activity choices.
Then again – I’m blessed with a 165 lb body and the ability to run a mile in 7.5 minutes (not fast – but better than the average american)
So…. who am i to talk and judge others!!!
… with my single 27″ tube tv?
… and my non-existent DVD player…
Death Panels 🙂