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A blogger’s Christmas — 10 Comments

  1. WONDERFUL, Magical, Glittering Tree, Landlord !

    Merry, Happy, Joyous, Healthy, Grateful, Globally Warm Carbon Footprint Christmas to ALL True Cons and Evil Neos !

    ON Cheney, On Booooshy, On Feithy and Wolfie.. On Rummy and Bolton and Krauthy and Kristol.. On Robert Conquest and Sowell..On Hanson and Steyn…!!!!

  2. Neo,
    It might be age related. I used to be able to remember everything, but now I am 68 and can’t remember crap.

  3. So you remember outfits you wore at age two but not what you wrote two years ago? Hmmm. Maybe you should consider dressing all your blog post in little outfits. 🙂

    Merry Christmas to all!

  4. SteveH: I’ll take your suggestion under advisement.

    But in my defense, I’d have to say that so far I’ve written something like 5,000 blog posts, but I’ve only owned about 3,000 articles of clothing 🙂 .

  5. If you don’t remember, maybe you should lay off the grog?

    Or you didn’t have nearly enough?

  6. Ray…Good to see a ‘CRS’ brutha here. I’m 66 and definitely can’t remember s*** and can’t seem to pay attention to s*** either !

  7. With apologies to Bill S:

    When to this session of a blogger’s thought
    I wished to add my comment first and fast,
    I could not form the bon mot that I sought.
    You snooze you lose, and so the moment passed.
    To tell the truth, my comment seems too lame.
    If not ignored, can it survive the tolls
    Exacted by those quick to blame and flame,
    By moby’s, and by narcissistic trolls?
    I’m worrying whether strangers love or hate it!?
    If they don’t like it, so what? Laissez faire.
    Why wonder how my offhand thoughts are rated?
    Add hyperlink. Reread once more. I’m there.
    Less than I hoped, more than I feared: my wit
    Is what it is. I smile, and click ‘Submit’.

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