The Times on the Republican victory
Shorter NY Times: it’s the tactics, stupid.
Yes, the Republicans just had a better organization and attack machine, “careful plotting,” and a “torrent of corporate money from outside interests.” Ha! Somehow they managed to overcome mere “miscalculations” of Obama and the Democrats, as well as their too “ambitious” agenda.
The article goes on for three full pages without mentioning the real causes for what it terms—in a general, amorphous, phrase—“an electorate with deep discontent.” I could find nothing about the economy and the failure to address its biggest problems, and to instead add to those problems. Nothing about the passage of HCR, cap and trade, any of the hugely unpopular Democrat-driven legislation this Congress muscled through against the public will in ways “transparently” nefarious. Nothing about how those things drove the people to try to tell the government how they felt in the summer of 2009, and how the government closed its eyes and ears, or demonized those trying to talk to it.
One might debate the need, or desirability, for revising the healthcare system, and for the stimulus package. But even if one favors some of the “central ideas” of those bills, one must question the need for 2000+ pages of bill and the setting up new bureaucracies to enforce the provisions. I use quotes on “central ideas” because who the heck knows what the central ideas are, given the absurd lengths and intracacies of those bills. To my mind, folks commenting on how Obama and the Democrats have over-reached are not emphasizing nearly enough the effective turning over of all this power to federal bureaucracies really not bound by much of anything: a 2000+ page document will “justify” anything any of them choose to do. More than anything else the lengths and Byzantine nature of these bills put the lie to any denial of driving toward Socialism, and justify an electorate bent on getting Obama and the Dems out of government.
The New York Times accusing the Republicans of having “a better organization” and “careful plotting”?!!!
The world truly has turned upside down.
Excuse me, but what did you expect from Pinch Sulzberger & Co.
I echo Paul: “Yes, the Republicans just had a better organization and attack machine, “careful plotting,” and a “torrent of corporate money from outside interests.”
If only.
Au contraire. What we had was a silent majority that decided the time to be silent was long past.
I swear…the liberals get their data from a different universe than the rest of us do.
>>“torrent of corporate money from outside interests.”>>
Exactly. Pay no attention to those union funds being poured into the Dem coffers…!
Meant to add this:
I asked one liberal acquaintance of mine, who cited the NYT article, exactly how one tracks “secret money.” With Harvey the Six Foot Accountant?