Home » Joan Sutherland: “The birds could trill,…


Joan Sutherland: “The birds could trill,… — 5 Comments

  1. My friend is a power opera singer who has performed at Lincoln center, Carnegie hall Christmas choir, and many other venues, including my wedding…

    she pined all the time how the masses don’t like that, but yet she was a liberal…

    and of course removing and ending uplifting and emotionally fulfilling art for agitprop, anti religion art, perversion, etc… is a major goal to visit on your enemies and demoralize them.

    From Beauty to Degeneracy

    [we dont get how that works… but you loosen up the population, like pre Wiemar… and everyone is told that seeking all this in your face perversion is all part of free speech… etc… then come some man who says, if that’s free speech, why do we need it? if that is art why do we need it? if that is tolerance, why do we have it. and voila, the big man who will fix it all is wanted so much that people will vote in some control freak who claims to want to fix it]

    ultimately to reverse the enlightenment you have to remove hope and stagnate us (inversions of whats promised). to return us to aristocracy, remove uplifting works, replace them with amorphous things, and deny that skill or talent exists by promoting unskilled over skilled..

    and so, christ getting a blow job, is art that is as good as or better than michelangelos pieta…

    a bullwhip up the ass, replaces what?

    discorancy replaces what?

    in essence all that feminism and other progressive groups ended up doing was stopping the enlightenment for all, and reverse and stagnate it so no man is important and has any value…

    and for reasons that until we accept that this is their STATED goals, cant get to, to discuss it.

    that is, we will be on the “if” question until we have big problems.

    we dont realize that the revolution is complete when our troops do not fire on us..

    that is, if they don’t fire, we lose…

    [and if you understood the soviet revolution, you would understand that the current regime was over the second they would not fire, as the crowd then tore it all apart, and put what in place of what was there? ]

  2. Her voice was clear as a bell and she is delightfully light on the warbling that some sopranos inflict on us. Her version of The Flower Song from the Leo Delibes opera Lakme was probably the most famous song in her repertoire and worth a view at youtube if you’re interested in seeing one of the great accomplishments of the human voice (both writing and performing).

    A wonderful recording of Lakme performed during her prime is available at Amazon.

  3. Back in the 60’s I was at a dinner party in Dallas which featured as one of its guests Beverly Sills. She was quite a lady. She didn’t get to say much as Clint and Lupe Murchison were there too. Somebody wanted her to sing. She didn’t. I thought that was cool.

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