Home » Spambot of the day


Spambot of the day — 23 Comments

  1. OK, I’m stupid. What is the purpose of these spambots? What are those that send them them trying to accomplish?

  2. OK, I’m stupid. What is the purpose of these spambots? What are those that send them them trying to accomplish?

    Having received a few, I can’t help thinking, “Just to show they can

  3. br549…I’m with you. My T-Rex brain can’t wrap around what’s the point? But, then, I further can’t imagine what the point of Facebook and telling the world you’re running to the potty. Don’t, and never expect to, ‘Get it’.

    I have this thing called a Full, Rich, Fully Engaged LIFE. WTF are the ADHD hordes after,’Yo?

  4. Hi Neo.

    I just want to say that I wholeheartedly agree with your little computer program admirer. It is one computer program that really knows its subject. Of course, a stopped clock is correct twice a day.

  5. At least they spelt “definitely” correctly; I find it really annoying when people think there’s an “a” in that word. 😉

  6. > At least they spelt “definitely” correctly; I find it really annoying when people think there’s an “a” in that word.

    dafinitely? :oP

  7. These are foreign adults taking english classes and posting something legible on an American blog for extra credit. And then Neo is kind enough to highlight their work. Thats my theory 🙂

  8. The purpose of the spambot is to provide a link back to a website where they hope you will buy something.

    It may also increase that website’s page rank by having many other pages link back to them. Except, or course, for those pages who have the no-follow tag on comments.

  9. The purpose of the spambot is to provide a link back to a website where they hope you will buy something.

    The problem there is that many of those I receive (and especially the ones that neo highlights as SOTD have no links whatever, thus raising the question “What’s in it for them?”

    Hence, my earlier response, loosely based on the Everest principle. 🙂

  10. Paul_In_Houston: actually, my spambots always have links back to websites. There’s a place on my blog where commenters can write in a website, and if you look at their names there is a link back to the website embedded in the name. I don’t reproduce the links, of course, when I am quoting the substance of the spambots’ messages. But the link is there in the original, and it is the purpose of the comment.

  11. The only ones I get (so far) are always from “Anonymous” and have no link to the name.
    (If it makes any difference on how these things are handled, my site is on Google’s Blogger.com)

    In the past, I’ve gotten some links to porn sites, within the comment itself (easily found by passing the cursor over the content), but that’s all. Lately, there’s not even that./

    Of course, your site probably gets more visitors in a day, or even in a few hours than I gotten in the nine months that I’ve been blogging. I guess I’m just gonna have to get more interesting to upgrade the level of spam I receive. 🙂

  12. Paul_In_Houston: that’s what I referred to as a ‘pornbot.’ With the ones I get, the content of the post reads as a bunch of periods, each of which appears to be a link. As you mention, passing the cursor over them reveals them to be links to porn. I delete the entire post as soon as I see the notification, so at most they litter my commbox for a few hours. It’s annoying, nonetheless.

  13. I feel left out. I never get spambots. All I get are ads for “ways to enlarge your penis” and “how to refinance your mortgage” or vice-versa.

  14. I feel left out. I never get spambots.

    Don, you must have faith. Don’t lose heart
    Just hang in there. The ads you are already getting are precursors. They’ll come.

    Once you started a website, the die was cast.
    “If you build it, they will come.”
    (Slight paraphrase there).

  15. And then, to a post about “Congress shall pass no law that excludes its’ own members”, I get this…

    Anonymous said…

    some advice needed:
    I’m Looking to purchase

    (url snipped)
    For a condo I’m buying now.
    Can you guysgive me a good recommendation of where is the top place to buy these? I live in Philly and I heard that the big thing about these

    (another url snipped)
    tv stands is the cost of shipping and installation.
    I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:

    (Yep! Another url)

    much appreciated

    (The mother of all urls, wrapping around 29 lines on my page, apparently an image, never saw it because of line breaks, also snipped)

    July 29, 2010 2:27 AM

    So far, nothing that you all haven’t encountered before.

    What I’m curious about is how they get posted as comments without leaving a trace on my site meter ( StatCounter ). at least at or anywhere near the posting time.

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