The real fascism
“Fascist” is a word that’s too freely thrown around and too widely misunderstood. But this article makes a persuasive case that it can rightly be applied to President Obama.
“Fascist” is a word that’s too freely thrown around and too widely misunderstood. But this article makes a persuasive case that it can rightly be applied to President Obama.
The word fascism isn’t thrown about nearly as much as the word racism.
Fascism is blackmail. The method is lies and threats. The essence of Obama. (Remember how he won all his elections!) And sometimes the one being blackmailed doesn’t even know it.
I have been re-reading “From Time Immemorial,” by Joan Peters. This is a book that needs to be resurrected and defended. The same strategy is being used to defeat Israel: blackmail.
This time around, I see the kinship between muslim society and fascism.
I recall the scene in the original Terminator where Michael Bien describes the nature of the Cyborg:
“You can’t bargain with it. It doesn’t feel pity. And it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead.”
There is only one strategy and it starts like this: “We hereby pledge our property and our lives . . . “
I think the current mainstream narrative of fascism is nonsense. I also think the Progressives had more extreme right wing connections to theory than they’ll admit (i.e., they admired Mussolini [i]along[/i] with what was happening in the USSR)… The whole fascism is bad and right wing and American non progressives are right wing (ergo have connections to fascism) thing didn’t really come around until the end of Hitler Stalin pact plus Truman’s campaign rhetoric thrown on top…
…but I didn’t find this article very convincing.
There are certainly fascist tendencies in many of his actions but I don’t think “fascist” really can be used as a catch-all label for Obama and his cronies. Besides, due to the liberal usage of the word to describe the Bush administration, calling Obama a fascist (though he is closer to the ideological meaning) seems little more than the playground taunt of “You’re a too!!!”.
Maybe Totalitarian fits him a little better…
Heh…formatting took out part of my exclamation. The playground taunt would have been “You’re a fascist too!”
Communism and socialism (same thing – and feminism by it own claims), all seek state ownership of business to which they run things.
Fascism is the third way, the supposed course between communism and capitalism… its the state taking control of business recognizing talent is needed. something that communism denies.
living under them is exactly the same…
in version one, they merge
in version two, they team up
this is why capitalism has to pass through fascism to become communist without a revolution forcing it.
first they team up, then they merge
how hard is that to understand?
both are means to Marx ends…
oh, and both these states are totalitarian.
actually, totalitarian comes from one thing.
the permission of the people to accept the states goals in replacement to their own goals.
which is why, if you study the places i said, you will find peace organizations moving us to war… because war is the greatest force for getting the people to acclimatize themselves to an existence where the national needs (or international) are enough to make everyone behave that way.
the idea is to keep having world wars till we dont revert… (so guess whats coming)
Thomas wrote that he did not find the article that convincing…I have not read the laws referenced so I cannot comment on that part. What I can see is that OB is a psychological mess and does not understand the world. That such an inexperienced loon would have the foresight to plot something out like this takes a leap of faith. On the other hand we know that he was a committed Marxist in college…but that certainly does not suggest a realistic knowledge of economic and financial processes. He certainly wants to be an American Castro, no one can argue that. Hopefully November will render the question mute. Until then I hope that essay gets some more circulation.
I want liberty.
The thing is, it’s not Obama, it’s the Democratic Party… Another must read:
Bob, did you mean OB or did you mean BO? “Cause one of the better posters here might take it personally.
Steddie, I liked the first retort even better (at least if I misread the first exclamation to be an “L”).
Obama is a National Socialist. In effect, the Democrat Party is the National Socialist Party in America.
Time to call things what they are.
If informed people decide they want fascism, that is one thing. Informed people in the 1930’s decided that fascism was precisely what they wanted! But to be something and to deny it? That’s worse than just being a fascist. It’s being a post-modernist dishonest one whose only aim can be to enslave peopel.
That is where we are headed, if not already there.
Obama is no good. Pelosis is no good. Reid is no good. All Dems who currently support any of those people…so sorry but the truth hurts…are no good.
The truth has its rights. Reality has its rights.
Why else would German companies like Degesch be willing to supply the infamous Zyclon-B for use in the extermination of their fellow men if not conditioned upon the continued viability of the company and all employees concerned?
because once the situation was normalized by using disparate impact arguments, they were just fulfilling a need. the author has it wrong…
The pesticide Zyklon B (infamous for its use in gas chambers during the Holocaust), for which IG Farben held the patent, was manufactured by Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft fé¼r Sché¤dlingsbeké¤mpfung), which IG Farben owned 42.2 percent of (in shares) and which had IG Farben managers in its Managing Committee.
its understandable though… he wouldnt want the companies to not like him. so he used Degesch. which is defunct… not Farben, which was a merger of 6 companies
BASF (27.4 percent of equity capital)
Bayer (27.4 percent)
Hoechst (27.4 percent)
Agfa (9.0 percent)
it was not how he said… as they were bribed and bought before they were ever threatened.
During the planning of the invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland, IG Farben cooperated closely with Nazi officials and directed which chemical plants should be secured and delivered to IG Farben
but even more important for today
In 1941, an investigation exposed a “marriage” cartel between John D. Rockefeller’s United States-based Standard Oil Co. and I.G. Farben.
kind of funny, but the real full information actually ties things to fascist/socialist FDR who Obama said he was copying. (it also should wake you up to the fact that we have both ends against the monkey in the middle, so voting X out for Y will not work – and Y gets to do the dirty work, so that X can remain ok after)
It also brought new evidence concerning complex price and marketing agreements between DuPont, a major investor in and producer of leaded gasoline, U.S. Industrial Alcohol Co. and their subsidiary, Cuba Distilling Co. The investigation was eventually dropped, like dozens of others in many different kinds of industries, due to the need to enlist industry support in the war effort.
now… does anyone want to search and see that i brought all this up long ago?
the heads of these companies were the children of the wealthy who didn’t have their skill and honor, and so took over and decided to cheat.. [go ahead, daddies get the blame for their kids in all this. its a long list from fords, to Ayers, to Friedan (and a good reason why)]
Today, these companies and more have the historical example of the outcome of cooperation.
they do well.. ibm is till in business. so is agfa, bayer, krupps, etc..
care to tell me what happened to the small companies?
so what is in the minds of large companies given this example and the belief that communism isnt where it ends?
here is what happened to the main guys
the truth is that the big guys of the other countries who were not in germany, all wanted fascism.
we forget that hitler was man of the year before we learned of things.
and history channel this weekend painted stalin as getting into bed with hiltler as the only thing he could do. poor man… no, he was complicit in all of it, and so signed up to carve up thigns. not because he was a victim of his own protege…
what IS key is to know the processes of the “nationalizers”…
that is, NAZI means natioanlizers, not what they say it does today… its slang like gross mac… (pedophile)
and what method did they use to get the jews out?
disparate impact (Which i put up the proof from an article in German press, but neo deleted the reference)…
the same way they are mandating a change to who runs companies now. or did anyone not notice the new offices against white men?
that is, they have implemented the same things, but with updated arguments. (after all, most of us are loking for exact copies and any difference allows us to claim what we want and so allow what?)
i only have one last thing to say….
its like watchign a chess game.
those that know it well, and are good at it, or have studied it in detail, can say what is going to come up later. they can see whats in front of them means.
those that dont know the game (the common man), havent studied it in detail, wants to deny the possiblity of losing (but has no basis), and when someone tells them the games moves, or the game is over… (Which the current one is only almost over), will deny it.
they are the only ones in the room that will not act right until all those ten moves to check mate are made.
having never understood going in, they could nto see whats in front of them. by denying evidence in frotn of them, like plain statements to the facts, they cant see the moves related to it .
and example of plain statement would be Hitler mein kampf,feminism’s leaders in mass saying they are making communist state, etc
i would say denying the acceptance of the implication of the leaders say they are making communism – leads to what?
no defense against any move that would lead to communism. why? because that would take away any delusion they are not.
and so, they do it all in front of you and you are blidn to it…
how many here keep an eye out for muggers?
how many here keep an eye out for polar bears?
if someone let a polar bear loose, how many would be hurt before people believed and came to do something?
so we have been told what doesnt exist, what has quit. what has fallen… polar bears.
and now what are we worrid about? life under the polar bear that we still say doesnt exist.
and so, the condition of checkmate can also exist, and only the few can see how to negate it. but the many wont, until they can see it. and most in this situation can only see it once they have passed the point of no return. ie, its a fait accompli.
this is made more complicated as they no longer know who to trust, and who to side with.
as i said, its like playing pin the tail on the donkey..
and only a few can take off your blinders
but most find it more fun to play the game with the blinders and see if they are right.
tehy just forget the stakes.
in the fun game, you get to play again, and losing isnt such a bad deal.
in the real game, you don’t get to play again, and losing is as final as the grave. hows that new health rationing going to go? easy. we are already used to murering patients on demand, thanks to feminists, so now this form of progressive medicine, is ok –
and the young will not listen to the whining of the elderly
“THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
Art – Definitely OT, but I thought of you when I saw this:
I have no doubt Obama is completely aware of what he is doing and the principal theories behind it all but I don’t for one minute believe he is the architect of the morass we’re finding ourselves in.
I, until after his presidency has been completely dissected and examined to prove me wrong, firmly believe he is nothing more than a tool for someone or some collective intent on putting us in such dire straits that we can only go into decline. My little pet delusion or illusion whatever the case may be.
In any case he has his con game running, his shills in place, and seems to be willing to keep it going until he’s run out of town so-to-speak.
Older: I have to say that I like it better too now that you brought it to my attention!
That would be “further into decline and ruin”
modern feminists would deny those were feminists..
the leaders wouldnt…
“In the dominant literature on perpetrators, you won’t find women mentioned,” said Dan Michman, the chief historian at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem.
and in yad vashem, you will find that they scrubbed history to accentuate and defocus
by doing this, they have made fertile ground for the repeat of it. since the story is skewed, and missing the early days. see neimollers poem… jews were not first.
so by focusing on them. we lost the early story which would tell us who was taken away first that then gave access and ability in handling jews through normalization of such things outside of that target first
One survivor, Moses Messer, said he saw the woman he knew as Fré¤ulein Hanna smashing the toddler to death against the wall. He told lawyers in Haifa, Israel, in the early 1960s: “Such sadism from a woman I have never seen. I will never forget this scene.”
not outof place if you read the past.
here is florence nightingale on women
“Women have no sympathy… And my experience of women is almost as large as Europe. And it is so intimate too. Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving you any in return for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so.” — Florence Nightingale
“My feelings about men are the result of my experience. I have little sympathy for them. Like a Jew just released from Dachau, I watch the handsome young Nazi soldier fall writhing to the ground with a bullet in his stomach and I look briefly and walk on. I don’t even need to shrug. I simply don’t care. What he was, as a person, I mean, what his shames and yearnings were, simply don’t matter.” — Marilyn French; The Women’s Room
and once you read the times article and know history, you no longer can sit there and think that their statements are hyperboly for attention.
Despite the Left’s tarring its opponents with the Fascism brush (pre-emptive name-calling, like blacks calling other blacks niggers), which Stalin pioneered, Progressivism has always been Fascist. It started out as a soft sell, but under the bleedingheart costumes was always Fascist totalitarianism. It has simply hardened as further power was achieved. Their gloves have come off. Ours must come off too, and stay off. It will be a long fight with many casualties, and the outcome is far from assured.
73,000 Blogs Shut Down by Whom and Why?
After 73,000 blogs were closed down by Big Government, supposedly for copyright violations, we learn that the actual reason for the shutdown is unknown, as is the identity of the government agency imposing it.
Apparently the shutdown was inflicted without a court order.
Oops, thanks for pointing that out OlderandWheezier, I do indeed mean BO, and not OB, sorry if I gave offense Occam.
Bob from Virginia Says:
“What I can see is that OB is a psychological mess and does not understand the world.”
Yeah, agreed. I think we’ll do better pointing out the dems keep passing 2000+ page laws they have not read, while lying about what they’ll do and cost, and to what ends? Here you can throw in a bit about socialism’s goals and motivations (forced equality and conspiracy theories about ‘capitalism’ and big business)… but to start at fascism or socialism doesn’t help.
Mike Mc, Unless I missed something you went overboard on this one. Whatever Obama is, he is not a National Socialist as I understand the term. Nice to hear him being called names though; a highly pleasant change from “the one we’ll been waiting for”.
On a serious note, I have never heard nor seen an election campaign that had such undeniable and clear fascistic overtones; the mindless praise, denial of reality, submission of the self for the cause, symbols, ascribing of superhuman strengths, the mob-like insistence on the purity of their cause. The whole thing was creepy and terrifying as well as disgusting.
We atheists could see that Obama would be the worst president in US history; my only worry was that the public would not see it. I am still not sure, but the name calling is a positive sign.
B from Va:
I’d be interested in learning what your understanding of National Socialism is. I agree Baraq et al. may not technically qualify because of their intent and action to pull America down.
National Socialism =Nationalsozialismus=Nazi, Obama is hardly a Nazi (knock on wood).
Bob from Virginia,
Obama owns car companies. Obama owns banks, Obama owns investment forms. Obama owns unions. Obama owns the health care industry. Obama may soon own oil companies. Obama owns about 30% of your wages.
If that’s not National Socialism, there is no such thing and it is and never was anything to worry about.
You are thinking about a movie of Germans in jackboots. Think about Germany in the 30’s. Think of all the good men and women who are every neighbor you know right now. When things were taken over; when laws were passed, they were hardly noticed except as necessary or progressive things that of course naturally were to be done.
Yes, there were rumors of things with Jews around town somewhere, and yes there were some crise by reactionaries about unconstitutionality and so on.
Everything was fine. Everything was normal. Everything was necessary, right, and just. All up until abot the time American and Russian tanks showed up in the neighborhood many years down the road.
We are on the same road.
I, for one, WILL NOT BE a good German. You want to be, then we are on different sides of a great struggle. That’s all. Indifference is the same as being on the fascist side.
Well if you dont think that someone who goes to a black liberation theology church not a nazi… well thats fine..
ever hear Cone explain how Christianity is about collective rights and that the white man can never be redeemed unless he gives up everything he owns to the black man for redemption for all that he has done? [you can see him say so in video]
[by the way, a whole lot of spanish below the border have similar ideas too]
Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn’t Give ‘Full Force’ of Help to White Farmer
Days after the NAACP clashed with Tea Party members over allegations of racism, a video has surfaced showing an Agriculture Department official regaling an NAACP audience with a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer facing bankruptcy — video that now has forced the official to resign.
“He had to come to me for help. What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him,” she said. “I was struggling with the fact that so many black people have lost their farmland and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land — so I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough.”
Oh yeah.
Until I read Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism I have to admit I couldn’t have accurately defined the term if my life had depended on it. I’d read a ton about communism and Nazism, but little or nothing about fascism.
Goldberg’s book certainly opened my eyes, and I began to read more. And like neo-neocon and John Griffing I must say that Obama shares important tenants of that philosophy.
Obama can’t be a National Socialist, for that would require him to extol the superiority of our nation, which he clearly does not.
I saw a comment at Belmont Club (I think–I can’t find it now) that called him a “Post-National Socialist”.
Listen you’ll, by overreacting and throwing around terms like Nazi you are hurting the cause (as well as reputation). The public is getting a pretty good idea of what Obama is about.
Let’s have a little history here. The last election was the screwiest in my lifetime and probably in US history, but the silly people who voted for him did not do so on a promise he would persecute minorities because they stabbed America in the back, ergo he is not a Nazi. Furthermore the economy is too large and complex to be understood let alone dominated by anyone, let alone by someone who never even operated a lemonade stand.
Some historian someday may consider Obama a stroke of luck for the US. His election clearly had undeniable fascistic overtones. But Obama is such a total screw up that he is discrediting the whole concept of “a man on a white horse”. In short democracy will be strengthened among an immature and historically ill-read people (I mean Americans).
I beg to differ, I give you Jimmy Carter followed up by Ronald Reagan.
We went from Carter’s malaise to Reagan’s economic powerhouse.
One man can most certainly affect an economy.
We are re-learning that lesson with Obama.
Obama is not a nazi by any stretch, but a Stalinist, Maoist, Castroist would be no exaggeration, considering that both of the men who were his “possible” fathers were communist-socialists. For some interesting reading: An interesting little item I noticed today on the front page of Forward today, David Axelrod’s great-grandfather was Leon Trotsky. There is some deep left-wing inculcation in the backgrounds of the current leadership of the Democratic Party.
Bob from Va:
You, sir, are missing the Big Picture. I earlier asked you for a definition of National Socialism, and your reply was “Nazi”. Please don’t talk down to us; Nationalsozialismus kennen Wir.
Being antisemitic may make a fascist a Nazi. Being anti-America while Pres makes him less than nationalistic.
But he remains a fascist.
You hesitate to tag him as such because of the Left’s pre-emptive use of the word against its opponents, as I earlier pointed out. The Left has also tagged fascism as right-wing, which it patently is not.
If you live by the Left’s definitions you will never prevail. Their warping of thought and language will always condemn you to play by their rules. And as the impeached (for bribery) Federal Judge, now Congressman, Alcee Hastings recently observed:”Rules? We make ’em up as we move along” (perhaps a slight paraphrase, but you can check).
Good fortune to you, and to all of us.
Bob- You Atheists could see that Obama would be the worst President ever? Maybe you as an Atheist saw that. I am not an Atheist, but I know a number of liberal ones both in person-and on websites- who didn’t see that all, and in fact, adoringly surrendered to the cult of Obama. while still telling me that Christians are delusional,. You evidently saw what amounted to almost religious imagery about Obama. I saw it too, but I have a Messiah and he never was or will be Obama.
ghost707, I will meet you almost half way. The economy can be effected by one man, but one man can seldom dominate and never totally control an economy; even in a dictatorship. And the more complex the economy the less the possibility of control.
My brother in law, who is an economist, explained that economics is not like a physical science where outcomes can be scientifically and precisely predicted. There is always uncertainty about outcomes. But I remember the first rule of microeconomics (at least I think I do) is that people will always thrive to get more. So yes one man can influence and harm the economy, but he cannot control it, which is what I really meant to write. He cannot will it into success as Obama seems to think his personality will. He will damage it to be sure, but people will find ways to get around laws that hold them back. Right now his main influence has been to introduce so much uncertainty that few businessman want to take chances on investment. Result unemployment no matter what Obama does.
Mike Mc, maybe Obama also thinks he owns all those institutions, but he certainty does not control them, although he doubtlessly thinks he can. Watch the generalizations comrade, talk like that can hurt the cause among the less suspicious (I mean gullible).
I would just like to point out again the weirdness of Obama’s logo and Hope and Change poster. When I first saw the logo and poster, I was reminded of fascist art from the 1930s. I was amazed that so few people noticed that this bizarre style was being used in an American election. Even the red, white, and blue colors were off.
It doesn’t take an art historian to notice the oddness of the campaign style. Yet it was obviously successful.
Very very peculiar.
Okay, okay, he’s a fascist, but at least he closed Guantanamo on time. What’s that? Oh. Well, at least he brought the troops back from Iraq on time. Excuse me? Are you sure? Well, at least he brought transparency to the legislative process. Say what? Well, at least he reined in excessive Bush administration spending. Don’t tell me!
FenelonSpoke, when I wrote atheists I meant non-believers in Obama. That so many otherwise normal people falling for the Obamist cult also disturbed me. If so many in a free country can fall for that BS is there anything they cannot fall for? And worse how can we condemn a society for surrendering to a Hitler when our own society willingly submits to a nonsensical cult? Remember all those cultist who wanted to eliminate term limits for Presidents now that Obama was elected, the mobs at Grant Park, the overflow inauguration? I went back to Eric Hoffer (The True Believer of course) to find an explanation. I think one of the better explanations was boredom, the current generation (which should go down in history as the worse generation) lacked any challenges to prove itself or perhaps something to give their hedonistic lives meaning. OK these may be lousy explanations of the Obama cult but I stymied for better ones.
Back to the economy, recall that Thomas Sowell wrote in July 2009 (I think) that if all Obama does is wreck the economy we can count ourselves lucky. I believe the term is prescience.
Tom what is your definition of National Socialism, I am only aware of one. As for Socialism there are literally hundreds of definitions. As for Obama being a fascist, other than his Peronist presidential campaign, the attempt to destroy democracy in Honduras and replace it with a leftist dictatorship, a FCC liaison who supports Chavez’s takeover of an independent media, a communist appointee as green jobs czar, indifference to public opinion in the case of healthcare, indifference to pro-democracy movements in Iran and the Arab world, the dismissal of support for democratic governments as a cornerstone of US policy, his apologies for this policy what proof to you have? (I know I am missing a few examples but this post is already too long.)
Promethea, reference Obama’s campaign posters, I also got the feeling they got their inspiration from Mussolini’s propaganda posters. In fact I am surprised they did not adopt Believe, Obey, Fight as a campaign slogan.
They were probably afraid of copyright issues.
Thanks, Bob. Tor clarifying what you meant by “Atheists” in the context. I appreciate that. I would call them “non idol” worshippers. Because I am a person of religious faith, I would not refer to myself as an Atheist, but I am definitely not a non idol worshipper in the cult of Obama.
Whoops. Meant-a non idol worshipper in the cult of Obama
I think what we are agreeing here is that there is a SCALE.
Is ANYBODY arguing that Obama’s tendencies aren’t fascistic on that scale?
From -10 to +10 (negative 10 being total fascism and +10 being laizze faire capitalism type) I believe everybody (except lying liberals) would put Obama underneath zero (0).
I say lying liberal as a poke.
Remember I was a liberal pre-1991.
It is difficult to picture a scale with fascism at one end and capitalism at the other. Them not really being opposites and all. But as a liberal, and I don’t think I am a liar, if I must, I put Obama at about 7.
This whole thing is completely ludicrous. As ludicrous as it was to call Bush a fascist. It is disappointing that so many intelligent people indulge in this nonsense.
Good point Baklava, if we had an objective way of measuring it where to put Obama (or anybody else) it would come in handy. For instance, complete denial of the desirability of voting an elections gets -10, elections but with one candidate-9, imposed control of the media, -8, partial control -5, encouraging and accepting acquiescence of the media -2 and so forth. I would put Obama someplace between 0 and -4, although the items I mentioned above (Honduras and the rest) indicates he would like to be much further down the scale.
Did you read this piece in Slate today on the hypocrisy of the right?
It made me think of you guys and your talk about how evil big government is:
“The majority of Americans are wary of global trade, don’t trust free markets, and also think “the benefits from … Social Security or Medicare are worth the costs of those programs.” And when the sample is restricted to people who support the Tea Party movement? The number is still 62 percent.”
Interesting no?
Simon, if Applebaum has a point I missed it beyond people try to make things better and that means they are frauds.
As for Obama being a 7 on the Fascist-Non Fascist Baklava Scale; I refer you to his actions regarding Honduras, his inaction regarding the Iranian protests, and his retention of Lloyd Wilson as FCC liaison.
You are right about Capitalism not being the opposite of fascism, that’s mixing economic systems with political ones. The scale needs refining, but be forgiving, it’s only two hours old.
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Promethea, Bob from Virginia, the art was all collectivist art..
his campaign was based on Riefenstahl…
his methods of taking control is a copy of then as much as can… (not an exact copy, that would be ridiculous, but alas, if not ridiculous, no one would believe it)
the method of designating the hated oppressor group using disparate impact is the same as the nazi
the ideolgy of the panthers, Cone, BNA (black national socialists), the BLA (black liberation army), and others IS fascist.
we will not know he is a communsit like stalin or mao, until AFTER the fascism stage… if he stops, then its fascism… if he keeps going and we own no property, then its communism.
thats our choice now…
as i said a long time ago, we were only arguing as to which kind of totalitarianism we are getting, not whether we wanted it in the first place.
the dialectic is similar to “when did you stop beating your wife”.. that is it skips over the question of whether you do, and forcing the argument to start after the conclusion.
neat eh.
i can tell you all kinds of tricks
i can tell you what other did to fight it.
ah well, i still haven’t gotten past the, imagination is better than experience point.
i can go down the list..
oh.. and THIS time the antisemitism is hidden inside a larger set.
if you get rid of all whites, what happens to the Jews?
a antisemitic version of “take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves”
[same kind of logic in abortion, and other progressive things reconstituted with a justification package]
you get rid of christians and whites, and you also get rid of prostestants, and jews, and so forth.
and obama is a liberation theology and social justice kind of guy (With stalinist freinds to help)
to say that he is not a nazi is to think that nazi was all about jews… that was a small part of it, but the jewish people made sure to blow that up wide, and so shrink the rest. and by doing, they fixed it to happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!
go see when action 14 came about (akton 14).
we just passed the equal to akton 4
[want to know whose idea it was to play focus and defocus games? i told you already… i showed you the start of PROGRESSIVE jewish religion… they are the jewish equivalent to the christian social justice liberation theology people. go read the lineage. even now they are crowing that obama is the greatest thing for isreal and all jews… i can show you articles]
and J Cones liberation theolgy which obama follows, or else how could he sit for 20 years ina liberation theology church?
cone points out that jesus is black, and so the white jews and later christians have to give up everything they own, and basically die to have collective redemtion for their murdering of the black Messiahs jesus.
[which to them would make a new messiah the second coming, no?]
social justice is why the africans and spanish will be abl to attack whites, and white businesses and such without prosecution (ergo DOJ). if you defend, your a racist. and following social justice (Care to search obamas speeches for the term), we get rid of the oppressor class which basically gets exterminated one way or another.
let me know if removing white christians, jews, and certain groups to give a certain race more room, isnt lebensraum.
so many dont know the terms.
any one yet look up Gleichschaltung
even after i put it up tons of times
mention it a lot
ask if any one read it
give a teaser for it
why learn what the germans and others learned who are using things against you.
your like the last airbender. born to know what you need to know… and magically enhanced that one doesnt need to know the game, the terms, the rules, the codes, but literally nothing…
oh, and since good always wins, and you think your good, why bother?
i shall find myself bounded by a nutshell and call myself a king of infinite space – hamlet
Bob in Virginia,
You and I have fundamental disagreements: 1) over terminology – I say national socialist and/or fascist, you don’t; 2) over its use – I say use it, you say be careful.
1. If there is such a thing as a national socialist, then Obama is one. The people here who are saying he’s not a ‘nationalist’ and therefore cannot be a national socialist are being either ridiculous or stupid or juvenile. He owns the most powerful nation in history. He has more power than anyone in the world. He has taken major steps to nationalize assorted industries. He does effectively “own” companies. There is a story today how he was responsible for the closing of car dealerships. Did you hear that? The President of the United States made the call on car dealerships!
He doesn’t own them? Grow up and get serious man. It’s no time for a failure of nerve.
2. I am not playing by their rules anymore. I don’t like people who do. I don’t like their rules, or their game, or what they are doing. If they con the whole country, they won’t con me. If you agree to their rules, we lose and you are a hindrance not a help. Obama is a fascist. Obama is a national socialist (there is no other kind by the way). Obama is a communist. Obama is a statist; collectivist; totalitarian; tyrant. All of those terms are nearly synonymous. Same trunk, slightly different branches at best. The roots of that tree were described and advanced by Plato (The Republic) nearly 2500 years ago. That’s been the playbook ever since. This is not a mystery or a shock or an innovation. It’s as old as civilization. Don’t use those words? Don’t make me laugh. Get with the program dude.
P.S. Bob in Va.,
No sooner did I naviage away from here that I found an article today touching the very subject of Plato.
In the picture, he is the one on the left pointing up. Aristotle is on the right.
Mike Mc, true or not extreme language alienates the middle and negatively labels the user. Better to stoop and conquer than not conquer.