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Bristol and Levi: together again — 15 Comments

  1. Maybe Levi has finally grown up. Let’s hope so. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  2. I’d love to be a fly on the wall during some of the conversations young Levi has had with Mrs. Palin.

    “Kid, you’re a lot less scary than a moose. I shoot moose. Then I skin them… and then I eat them.”

    No, she almost certainly wouldn’t say that. But I don’t envy him. He hit the Palins hard… and he made it personal.

  3. couples with even less auspicious beginnings have worked out

    Possible, but they are most likely the exception, not the rule. I believe this relationship will most likely follow the rule.

  4. No, she almost certainly wouldn’t say that.

    No. But I suspect Todd would. Hell, I would.

  5. I suspect he won’t live to hurt Bristol Palin again. If I were a 20 year old boy, I’d be crapping myself at the thought of being on the wrong side of Todd and Sarah Palin. But maybe Levi Johnston isn’t that bright yet…or ever…

    It’s to their credit that they’re not interfering with their daughter’s decision. In an age when parents micro-manage the lives of even their adult children, it’s refreshing to see parents loving enough to allow their kids to make their own mistakes. It’s what good parents do. Otherwise, how might children ever learn that choices have consequences and impact?

  6. Poor Sarah….

    I’m sure Bristol is doing what she thinks is best, but I can’t fathom the logic.

  7. Given the hordes of lawyers and other scum dispatched to Alaska after the GOP convention in 2008, it would not surprise me that some activists were sent to dangle cash in front of Levi for dirty laundry. He’s not the strongest character in town, but these guys drove Sarah out of office (but did not crush her as planned) so he didn’t stand a chance.

    Someday we’ll know more about who was pulling Levi’s strings.

  8. My thoughts are similar to DirtyJobsGuy. Levi seems to be immoral and unprincipled. I will not be surprised if I learn later that he wiggled his way back into the lives of the Palin clan for reasons other than his love for Bristol and the child.

    How they can trust that guy after all he’s done? I doubt this story will have a happy ending.

  9. I also agree with DirtyJobsGuy. Levi was picked as the way to get to Palin and he lacked the maturity, character, and smarts to resist the bloodsuckers. What really irritates me are the lefties who assume that nothing like this occurs on their side of the fence. I can’t believe there aren’t a lot of daughters who had abortions and a lot of girlfriends of sons who were paid off. The sin for them isn’t in having unprotected sex that results in pregnancy; the sin is in having this make the newspapers and trash magazines. Weren’t there some problems with the Kennedy clan? Yawn. Just as long as they are taking oil from Chavez for Boston’s poor, anything the cousins do is OK.

  10. Me being a sucker myself, I have an explanation that could be true. 1% chance?

    Levi went through the Hollywood/publicity machine where they made him a bunch of promises and told him a bunch of fairy tales to get something out of him. Then, because he basically doesn’t have any talent, they dumped him and left him for dead.

    So now he understands he was taken, and the people making the promises are blood suckers. So properly humbled, he’ll try to be a decent guy. He might even succeed. And he won’t be taken in again.

    That last sentence was the hardest to write. The prodigal son was just a story to illustrate a point, right? Such a story has never really happened in real life – right?

  11. “So I’ll say no more except to wish them well. They’ll need it.”

    Good decision. Ditto.

    I hope James is also right…

  12. Well, Levi Johnston has been a world-class schmuck so far. But, let’s all focus on the hope that he truly feels remorse, and that he’ll work on being a better person, a good husband, and a loving father from here on out.

    (But I wouldn’t let him within a mile of MY daughter if this had happened in my family…)

  13. It’s clear that both Levi and Bristol were thinking from the waist down at least once in their lives, and Bristol may be doing it again. I hope her forgiveness is something more noble, but the more primitive form of “forgiveness” is more common (especially in women? Don’t know). Still, the long hard road does teach, for those who have the courage of self-knowledge. I wish them well. But whether it is a hellish marriage or deep and supportive love, it is theirs, not mine.

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