Home » What’s in a Hussein name?


What’s in a Hussein name? — 35 Comments

  1. It is not me…it is thee said he to the masses – for I can do no wrong. Ignore the catastophe looming – it is not by my hand but of your inability to understand the wisdom I bring and your resistance to change. I am the hope, I bring the change.

    I’m not sure if megalomaniac fits for describing Obama but I feel it is a closer fit than any notion of normalcy.

  2. With Obama it always comes back to race and it has always paid off. If he had been a junior white senator with no record of accomplishment, he would not have won a single primary. More likely he would not even have run.

  3. 1. Such bitter clingers to their guns and religion, those Israelis. Obama understands.

    (As for the Palestinians, guns are part of their culture. That’s different.)

    2. Rosett: [F]or Obama to impute Israeli anxiety to his Cheshire Cat of a middle name is grossly dismissive and insulting to the Israelis.

    And to American Jewish voters. We’ll see in the next two elections if the ploy works.

    3. If Arab states have endorsed an Israeli strike against Iran, maybe that makes Israel more tolerable to Obama.

  4. If it were not for the Iranian bomb and the fact this jerk is the most powerful man in the world this whole thing would be funny, like the Marx Brothers movie Duck Soup. NASA’s new mission is to improve the self-image of the Islamic world, the Israeli’s distrust Obama because of his name and not because he obviously bias against Israel, he is going to kick BP ass and that will solve things in the GOM, the Democrats lost in Mass. because the voters were upset about Bush, Obamacare will save money.

    How will future generations view our time? Imagine the scene in 2060 when two young people are about to be married when one finds out the grandparent of the other voted for Obama. Then afraid of the negative impact of such a flawed gene will have on any potential children, calls off the wedding.

  5. I wonder if Hussein has ever said out loud, within earshot of another, “Damn, I really effed up that time.”

    Ever. Even once.

  6. ~ Nothing in the world is more haughty than a man of moderate capacity when once raised to power. ~
    Baron Wessenberg

  7. More Saul Alinsky. With just a few words he’s dismissed his Israeli criticizers as ridiculous and petty, and made anyone who doesn’t also want to seem ridiculous and petty hesitant to speak up.

  8. The POTUS and his team are quite willing to see his middle name as something to use to his advantage. From his Cairo speech last year:

    ”Now, much has been made of the fact that an African American with the name Barack Hussein Obama could be elected President.”

    (applause broke out)

    There was no hesitation in playing the H-card during the election campaign.

    Barack Hussein Obama wants it both ways.

    Any American who uses his full name is trying to scare voters, his wife charges. But Obama says he understands why Islamic terror group Hamas looks at his middle name and trusts him……..

    The trouble started when Hamas adviser Ahmed Yousef said, “We like Mr. Obama” and added, “we hope he wins the election.”

    That’s an endorsement, plain and simple. When John McCain jumped in, promising to be Hamas’ “worst enemy,” Obama got huffy and accused McCain of “divisive fear-mongering.”

    That’s par for the Obama course. Michelle Obama once said anyone using her husband’s full name is throwing the “ultimate fear bomb. When all else fails, be afraid of his name.”

    Maybe we should be afraid. Consider what Obama says in an interview in the current Atlantic magazine.

    Asked by writer Jeffrey Goldberg if he was “flummoxed” by the Hamas support, Obama responds no and says: “It’s conceivable that there are those in the Arab world who say to themselves, ‘This is a guy who spent some time in the Muslim world, has a middle name of Hussein and appears more worldly and has called for talks with people, and so he’s not going to be engaging in the same sort of cowboy diplomacy as George Bush,’ and that’s something they’re hopeful about.

    Talk with people, when Hamas is rather obdurate in wanting Israel being wiped off the map. Yeah, right.

    I am sure that ∅bama realizes in his heart of hearts that the reason he is not highly regarded in Israel is because his words and policies have been the most anti-Israeli of any POTUS. Evoking his middle name is a smoke screen keeping attention away from the real reasons why he is not highly regarded in Israel.

    http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Remarks-by-the-President-at-Cairo-University-6-04-09/ Cairo Speech

  9. Barak needs that race and ethnicity crutch. Without it he would be responsible for the miserable man he’s turned out to be.

  10. Stating the glaringly obvious here, but our daily increasingly brazen-arrogant closet moslem-communist operative Presidente Obama, with his radical left supporters, now sitting in the White House, is simply putting us on; you know, having a little fun, it used to be called Jew-baiting… But, in todays perverted intellectual environment, Dem Party radical left-wing JINO’s who remain loyal to this abomination get to feel “exempt” as long as they go along with the meme that it’s only Israel that is the problem. So if you think Gaza and Jenin has been bad, imagine Hamas and Hezbollah prevailing over the IDF with the help of the never say die islamic countries surrounding Israel; now that would be this decade’s mother of all massacres. Of course if Israel had to suspend humanitarian rules of engagement to survive it ( ala Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden), but outnumbered 100 to 1, the pathetic lefty jackals would whine to no end….

    Lawsuit against Arizona? How about a lawsuit against the Democrats running Homeland Security (isn’t that a joke now?), ending with Obama’s impeachment. Just trot that birth certificate out asap, we don’t need an illegal sitting in the White House, at least not till the Supreme Court rules on it…

  11. I did this video yesterday on BHO’s pandering to muslims before the middle name issue came out. I think you guys will like it.

    I’m in the process of doing a video on the middle name issue but it will appropiately be a satire centered around Michelle Obama’s middle name of LaVaughn instead of Hussein. Humor is a lot harder to do and it might be a big failure. That’s what they have delete buttons for.

  12. I suspect that Buraq’s middle name could be Hyman or Isidore and he’d still be unpopular in Israel.

    Not everyone is as stupid as his natural constituency. Some people are cognizant of his policies, and their implications. In America, those people comprise 48% of the population.

  13. Not everyone is as stupid as his natural constituency.

    E.g., the brothers who think that islands are prone to capsizing. My 11-year old almost wet himself laughing at the stupidity of our homeboy Congressman.

  14. The Israelis had no particular problem dealing with King Hussein of Jordan. But of course, King Hussein was a reasonable man who, while he may not have loved Israel and was certainly not perfect, was prepared to accept reality and work for a more peaceful Middle East. Now if only our president would do the same…

  15. “he thinks; he seems to believe that if people disagree with him, racial and ethnic motivations are in the picture. Or perhaps he doesn’t really think that, and it’s just a card he plays. Who knows?”

    “Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”

    I guess my answer is that lefty thought is so messed up, he might even know. He never gets called out on it so it doesn’t really matter.

  16. To borrow a phrase: Megalomania, thy name is Barack Hussein Obama. Or, The fault is in your ideology, not in your name. And, Out, out, November 2012.

  17. Well, he doesn’t go by “Barry” anymore, so he must think that names have some importance in expressing an image. It’s not that we think Hussein matters, it’s that he does that worries us.

  18. And his code name is “Renegade”…

    The new First Family has been issued code names by the Secret Service. Barack Obama’s is “Renegade,” Michelle Obama’s is “Renaissance,” Malia Obama’s is “Radiance,” and Sasha Obama’s is “Rosebud.” Joe and Jill Biden also received code names, though it’s tough to top “Renegade” and “Renaissance.” Joe Biden’s is “Celtic,” and Jill Biden’s is “Capri.”

    1580s, “apostate,” probably (with change of suffix) from Sp. renegado, originally “Christian turned Muslim,” from M.L. renegatus, prop. pp. of renegare “deny”

    General sense of “turncoat” is from 1660s. The form renegate, directly from M.L., is attested in Eng. from late 14c.

    see reneg
    1540s, from M.L. renegare, from L. re-, intensive prefix, + negare “deny”.

  19. Just wondering. If Obama is right, then how does he explain Israel’s good relations with Jordan, whose ruling family’s last name is, are you ready for it, Hussein.

    Guess there must be another reason for the problems, eh?

  20. “he seems to believe that if people disagree with him, racial and ethnic motivations are in the picture. Or perhaps he doesn’t really think that, and it’s just a card he plays.”

    Actually, I think he really does believe that. He’s a narcissist, and narcissists project their own motivations onto others.

  21. Except back when was back at Punahou, he was going by Barry Dunham, doesn’t have the same exotic ring
    does it

  22. Cousin Dave touches on an important point, and it is not restricted to Obama alone. Liberals themselves note the class and tribe of others and draw conclusions about them from this. They therefore believe that others do this as automatically as they. Some do, of course, including conservatives, libertarians, and er, postliberals. But it is far less common.

  23. This is merely an effort to change his image from knave to fool. Consider this, it’s coming out as the same time as Obama’s new NASA mission to make the Arab world feel good about their scientific achievements in the middle ages.

    I’m afraid the argument over whether Obumbles is a greater fool or a greater knave will tear the country apart.

    Of course common ground could be reached by simply recognizing that the guy is insane.

  24. Liberals themselves note the class and tribe of others and draw conclusions about them…

    from Gyé¶rgy Luké¡cs Wiki
    founder of the tradition of Western Marxism. He contributed the ideas of reification and class consciousness to Marxist philosophy and theory

    from Western Marxism wiki

    Western Marxism is a term used to describe a wide variety of Marxist theoreticians based in Western and Central Europe (and more recently North America), in contrast with philosophy in the Soviet Union. While Gyé¶rgy Luké¡cs’s History and Class Consciousness [1] and Karl Korsch’s Marxism and Philosophy [2], first published in 1923, are often seen as the works which inaugurated this current, the phrase itself was coined much later by Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

    Antonio Gramsci is also of great significance, though many of his writings were not translated into English until comparatively late. Western Marxists have commonly (but not exclusively) worked as professional academics; sociologists, political scientists, literary theorists, and so on.

    From under “Political Commitments”
    Western Marxists have varied in terms of political commitment: Luké¡cs, Gramsci and Althusser (famous for his supposed “anti-humanism”) were all members of Soviet-aligned parties; Karl Korsch was heavily critical of Soviet Marxism, advocating council communism and later becoming increasingly interested in anarchism; the theorists of The Frankfurt School tended towards political quietism, although Herbert Marcuse became known as the ‘father of the New Left’; Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Lefebvre were, at different periods, supporters of the Communist Party of France, but all would later become disillusioned with it; Ernst Bloch lived in and supported the Soviet Union, but lost faith in it towards the end of his life. Maoism and Trotskyism also influenced Western Marxism.

    none of this is spontaneous and anything spontaneous is brought to heel

  25. Scary?!………..Scarier is to read the Comcast blogs, and to see how they are received by both Comcast itself and a decent number of their bloggers. Also, scary is the denial of so many Jews. This is why my favorite movie ever is Defiance. What comes next?

  26. It is interesting that the word for ‘person’ the root of which comes ‘personality’ as in cult of personality, in Arabic is INSAN…not to be confused with INSANE, of course.

  27. “[F]or Obama to impute Israeli anxiety to his Cheshire Cat of a middle name is grossly dismissive and insulting to the Israelis.”

    But of course. Obama is the most arrogant, vain, and narcissistic president we’ve ever had. He’s convinced that everyone who disagrees with him does so because they’re stupid… or bigots.

  28. Perfected democrat wrote:

    ~ Nothing in the world is more haughty than a man of moderate capacity when once raised to power. ~
    Baron Wessenberg

    Good quote and very relevant. The more one has to hide and less to provide the more the need pretense and dissemination.

  29. You all are missing the bigger picture as the totalitarian states are slowly reverting back in preparation…

    Russia parliament votes to strengthen KGB successor
    Russia’s parliament on Friday voted to boost the powers of the successor to the Soviet KGB, allowing it to summon people it believes are about to commit a crime and threaten jail for those who disobey its orders.


    since they never stopped being totalitarian/authoritarian, they can remove any and all “progress” towards a free republic at any time they wish… like now.

    while we gave up freedom in a false game of meeting them half way… but this is like meeting a heroin addict half way, when your done, you have the same disease.

    they WILL facilitate another OBAMA win in 2012, or something to keep him there. as they will NOT have another chance to have someone in place so incompetent and EXTRA incompetent as he is playing from a play book which is old and has no new moves.

    ALL the progressives stuff, which inspired Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin… have evolved much more than our form of it under the active measures as guide from another state.

    “It’s a step toward a police state,” said Vladimir Ulas, a member of the opposition Communist Party. “It is effectively a ban on any real opposition activity.”

    and look how easy it was to convert back. why? because they NEVER crossed the line where they gave up control.

    and we confuse seeing a loosening up under a directive as a loosening up of control.

    but this was the WHOLE point of the fall which never changed leadership… to reform and re organize so as to defeat the west.

    with us about to fall economically and so not be able to get credit for a war. and not have manufacturing in place to supply… and havig key technology elsewhere (with a 5- 10 year building of facilities preventing changing locations).

    and a public that may just beg to be taken so as to stop the pain.

    remember all the attempts at reset buttons, and to be friends (With someone that only pretended friends to get close enough), and its rebuke. the fast converstion back to a old way that seemed to take decades to make, being done in less than one decade.

    if you listed out all the big things. you would be scared.

    if you listed what we have done over the time period you would become paranoid.

    “A warning sounds benign, but under Russian law it can have serious consequences,” said Allison Gill, Moscow director of New York-based Human Rights Watch. “It is a significant increase in power for the FSB.”

    and what opposes them?
    Obama? he fawns over them as does Ayers.

    and those willing to betray their own will not have a good place with them. their morals are not so broken.

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