Home » And in other scandals…


And in other scandals… — 9 Comments

  1. as far as Kissinger quote…

    it only applies to women…

    power is not an aphrodisiac to men

    shows you how a male in the house who is equal is not something attractive to the mate…
    It’s why it fails as he has no power, she has no respect..

    add to that the fact that she will abandon lack of performance above average… and you have eugenics if we are ignorant of ourselves and think we are equal and the same.

    i guess if we are equal, then powerful women would have lots of men crawling to be with them.

    but the truth is that male trolls with power (the reason they seek it), get lots o women

    and female trolls with power dont get have as much as those without it and time.

    but it makes sense if your genetically predisposed to judging your mate by what you can get out of them.

  2. He did the right thing by resigning, and even though he did not practice what he preached, Americans understand that there exists a moral dimension which informs the Republican Party. His repentence as set forth in action is necessary for atonement. His resignation saves, in a small but still meaningful way, him and the Republican Party.

    The tea party movement addresses that issue by demanding our elected officials do more than lip service for our votes. People will err and that will not destroy the Republican Party, but rank hypocrisy will.

    T. Roosevelt said,”it is not the critic who counts.”

    Each man is afforded an arena in which he is the actor. Those who will not even fight but instead live degraded lives given to self and sensuality–these may be immune to the charge of hypocrisy, but they are “cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”

  3. His mistake was fornicating while Republican. For a Democrat this would have been a career enhancement.

  4. I wish we would just dump monogamy and be done with the suspense.

    I don’t know what this means exactly but I hear there are more conservative Republican swingers than liberal Democrats. One way of avoiding a divorce and keeping the family together I suppose.

  5. It’s often been pointed out that men have enough blood to fully serve the part of their body about their belt or below their belt. The woman was young and pretty. The guy didn’t stand a chance. Not that there is anything right about that.

  6. I do not know what this means exactly either, but I hear there are more child molesters in the liberal democrat party than in the the conservative republicans. It is certainly one way to avoid sexual harassment in the work place I suppose.

    Personally I figure both statements need something more to them before they were released to the public – but hey since when have we ever needed anything other than what we hard some highly partisan people say?

  7. Hypocrisy is said to be a homage which sin pays to virtue. Still it worth for sin to pay this homage, and for virtue – to demand and accept it. Sin which have enough decency to hide is less destructive to society than open and arrogant sin. Fire and brimstone follows not when there are too many sinners, but when there are too few righteous men.

  8. Relax Souder, once the Caliphate has been ushered in, these type of things will no longer be a problem. The wife won’t dare utter a peep from under her full coverage burkha. Of course, that also means no more barbecue ribs and beer…but you’ll be able to sow more seed than ‘ol Farrakhan himself!

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