Remember Iraq?
Victor Davis Hanson does. He reminds us of just how wrong “the current troika now directing U.S. foreign policy”—Obama, Biden, and Clinton—were, as well as those “no blood for oil” folks.
Of course, they bear no consequences and there is no accountability for having been so wrong. Bush paid for his earlier errors and miscalculations because he was in charge; Obama later reaped the benefits, despite his own errors, by being elected in part because he was the un-Bush.
The new anti-terror theme is that the failure of Israel to come to some sort of resolution with the Palestinians is the cause of our losing lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Well, just asserting this inane policy will soon make it true, for just as night follows day, Al Quida and the Taliban will soon assert that they are now fighting for Palestinian justice. The problem is that the Palestinians are not seeking any sort of compromise with Israel. They want all of Israel. There is and never was anything to compromise. But, by placing blame on Netanyahu and the Israelis for failing to come to some reasonable solution, Obama creates not only his desired distance from Israel so as to enable him to do whatever stupid things he has in mind (if he has a mind), but lays the foundation for a much stronger re-emergence of anti-semitism both inside and outside the USA. This guy is evil. Even Forrest Gump wold understand that that this is not honorable.
I notice that Holder has not taken NYC out of contention for the terrorist trial. Way to go. This guy is even more stupid than his boss and that is saying something. He makes an ass out of himself with every public appearance but, thankfully for him, he is too stupid to understand how stupid he is revealing himself to be. And, again, this administration is continuing to torture Democrats, its own constituency. The problem with stupid people in government is that they push for and adopt stupid policies and they are very difficult to unwind. As embarrassing as Holder is to Obama notice that there is no calls for his head.
“”Of course, they bear no consequences and there is no accountability for having been so wrong.””
They will be held accountable. Theres just a delayed reaction in getting there.
Mr. Hanson is pretty sharp.
I dunno, Steve.
The dems paid what price, exactly, for baliing on Viet Nam?