Home » Krauthammer: Obama’s nuclear policy is “either insane or ridiculous”


Krauthammer: Obama’s nuclear policy is “either insane or ridiculous” — 15 Comments

  1. In today;s news is the revelation that the Obami intend to impose a solution on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The reason is that it is necessary in order to somehow begin to deal more effectively with Iran. I don’t see the connection. I also don’t understand how Obama thinks the Israelis or the Palestinians will go for any solution he proposes. If the Israelis agree to every demand Obama puts in their faces, the Palestinians will not accept the deal. That is only bringing us back to Clinton’s exercises in futility in dealing with Arafat. The reason is that the Palestinians want ALL of Israel so they can throw the Jews out. They will not agree to any partition, no matter how favorable it might appear to us.

    But the Israelis are not going to go down this path with Obama. They can’t. He is not seen as a man of his word so any promises he makes will be treated as worthless. There is a strong chance that we might see Obama get angry in public when this really rather immature and silly plan blows up in his face. What then are his alternatives? Will he attempt to forge an arab alliance against Israel? Right now the arabs most likely will do anything they can to assist Israel in attacking the Iranian nuclear facilities, as Iran is more of a threat to Arab oil than it is to Israel, which the world presumes has the ability to respond with nuclear weapons.

    There was a book out not long ago the title of which is rather apt when describing the Obami, “A Confederacy Of Dunces.”

    I feel like I am sitting on a hill and about a mile away is a single railroad track and there is a train running at full speed from my left and another running at full speed from my right and all I can do as they approach each other is watch in despair as the collision becomes ever more likely.

  2. This from the man who said, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we’ll bring a gun.” Oh yeah, I forgot, that’s reserved for HIS enemies, the evil TEA Partiers.

  3. “Tunku Varadarajan calls it “auto-emasculation.””

    I call it another example of Obama auto-fellatio. And no, you do not want to google it.

  4. and should i add that we don’t get the logic even though we accept it and use it all the time when its presented a different way and in whole cloth?

    Its the same socialist logic delivered by feminists when it comes to wearing a short skirt, being drunk, and wandering an alley way at 3:30 am singing im in the mood for love… its not her fault at all, its the fault of the attackers… you cant blame the victim….

    (note that they are using that exact same acceptable premise in the protest where women walked topless. organizer Ty McDowell screeches that she was “enraged” that men showed up to leer and take pictures. / McDowell said she plans to organize similar demonstrations in the future and said she would be more “aggressive” in discouraging oglers.

    well, there you have it… don’t matter what Obama does in disarming and that being the right thing, even if it brings hell down on us. Because feminists have normalized previously the logic that you cant blame the victim… and we as a mass will be incapable of learning to blame the victim like normal in order to hold him accountable.

    its quite brilliant if you think about it as far as using years to set pieces in place so you can use them later over and over.

    shall we quote rahm? i would rather quote Hoover.

    “Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of ’emergency’. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And ’emergency’ became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.” — Herbert Hoover

    The reason humans can abstract and can do so well at it when we have nothing but good information, is that once we develop a logical thinking mechanism and its established, we then incorporate it into our schema’s as a short cut. This is the process that the big lie, and applying logic in Z area then works in pushing it all over once established.

    its a short cut our mind uses and its old since it predates deception.

    We have been logically prepared in many ways by making normal, abnormal thought.. and accepting all manners of shortcuts that are ideological like you cant blame the victim, all whites are racists and make up an oppressor class, all men are oppressors of women, disparate outcomes is a sign of covert racism, on they go. they avoid validation by being picked up socially and being made in to a schema rule… racism mostly is a schema rule which depends on life experiences and what rule we incorporate as a short cut to a faster conclusion rather risk the peril of a longer consideration (which in our societies is not the risk it used to be).

    we can believe 6 impossible things before breakfast and not bat an eye…

    we can even apply it… like giving male and female police and others the same courses because it would be unequal to give them tailored ones which focused on different weaknesses and strengths. So now everyone tazes because everyone has to behave like they only have the ability of the weakest link… why? because women normalized that form of behavior through the socialist equality stuff.

    those that realize that the victim can be to blame, realize that he is taking a big risk calling something down on us… those who have internalized the idea that you cant blame the victim will not accept that his behavior caused others to see weakness and then a predatory pounce (as the only predator is capitalist USA).

    that is, those that get it will still get it, and those that dont wont… it wont change a thing other than it will provide an excuse to those who believe every excuse, when they need an excuse to be believed.

    the whole thing sets us against each other as a response to almost any of their behavior. (which is why the tea party has them nervous. the response was not to go at each other yelling lies against truths, and half truths, but focused on them)

    it will be interesting…

  5. The policy doesn’t make any difference. What makes a difference is whether people think Obama’s willing to defend the country.

    If he is, it doesn’t matter what the agreement says, because he’ll throw his promises under teh bus (Gitmo, no middle class tax hike, etc). If he isn’t, THAT’S the problem, not the agreeent.

  6. Artfldgr Says:

    “Its the same socialist logic delivered by….”

    The USSR’s disinformation campaigns. This guy is such a tool he is finishing their old instructions / playing their tune… even though they’re long gone… Sort of like the story of the Japanese soldier lost in the jungle for 20 years….

    Unilateral disarmament = peace
    Nuclear freeze!
    Stop the US military industrial complex!

  7. “Obama has achieved the feat of managing to betray all of our allies simultaneously. “

    For the very first time, I am impressed with Obama. That is an absolutely incredible achievement. One I hardly thought possible. (sarc/off)

    “In today’s news is the revelation that the Obami intend to impose a solution on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.”

    This however is great news. That is if you favor Israel. The reason why is that its far too premature to seek to impose a ‘solution’.

    The Obami have ‘jumped the shark’. They either lack the discipline to get their timing right or their internal polls show that the November mid-term elections will be such a debacle, that they’ve concluded it’s a case of do it now or not at all…because a Republican Congress will never support imposing a ‘solution’ upon Israel.

    But the Obami haven’t laid the foundation for such a move. They needed a long propaganda campaign to paint Israel as unreasonably obstructionist…and then an ‘incident’ that ‘broke the camels back’.

    Like Israel preemptively attacking Iran or starting another military offensive against the Palestinians. Then, Obama would have had sufficient political ‘cover’, to impose sanctions meant to compel Israel to accept an imposed ‘solution’.

    So, Obama will try and he will fail, miserably. If the reports are true and Obama does this, it may well be the long awaited wake-up call for many American Jews.

    Obama is not going to be able to spin this one and Jewish denial of Obama’s real sympathies will now be much more difficult to maintain.

    “This guy is such a tool he is finishing their old instructions / playing their tune…”

    Yes he is, fortunately he’s no Lenin, just a poseur… an out-of-touch, ivory tower intellectual, possessed of illusory narcissism.

    The American left has never lacked for duplicity but has always lacked the ruthlessness of a Lenin. Alas, lesser qualifications simply can’t carry off a ‘coup’ in America.

    Here’s what Obama will be doing over the next 6 months and what his message to the American people will be:

    So, we’ll defend ourselves, kinda, sorta. Our allies however are on their own.

    Iran is probably closer to the bomb than we think.

    When they get it, Obama thinks he can live with it but the American public ain’t gonna be happy and, they won’t blame Bush, they’ll blame Obama.

    Now he’s gonna push Amnesty for Illegals in an economy in the tank. And he’s going to call unemployed workers who object, racists…that’s going to go over really well.

    By doing this, Obama is going to do more to cure white guilt than conservative arguments could ever do.

    Then he’s going to declare war on business with Cap & Trade. But this time unlike with ‘Health Reform’, the business community is going to mount a massive advertising campaign of protest. Businesses are going to be talking about this, not just as a job killer but as a business killer.

    Watch for ads with ‘mature’, attractive married couples sitting at the kitchen table talking about their electric and utility bills tripling just as they thought they were seeing daylight ahead. And then, the ad cutting to Obama, admitting on camera in 2008 that, “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” How about then cutting back to the couple with the wife holding her head n her hands looking down at the table with the husband looking frustrated, angry and helpless…

    He’s already lost folks, it’s over. He just doesn’t know it yet. It’s over because he won’t stop.

    And the Democrat’s leadership; Pelosi, Reid, Frank et al, are ideologues too and they won’t stop either. Their recent behavior proves that they’ve drunk the kool-aid too.

    All they can do from this point forward is further enrage people and drive ever larger numbers of independents and moderate democrats away from them. Watch, Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Frank, etc, are going to destroy the Democrat party.

    In the fashion of the truest of Greek dramas, the methods used to pass Obamacare were truly a Pyrrhic victory for the Democrats.

  8. As a Jew I have to say that my almost to a person my liberal Jewish friends, acquaintances and family are still in love with Obama and are asleep at the switch. Nothing seems to get through. I am tolerated as a pariah (or male Cassandra)!

  9. Geoffrey B.:

    He’s already lost folks, it’s over. He just doesn’t know it yet. It’s over because he won’t stop.

    I’d love to believe that. But we must not underestimate the Republicans, or their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Remember, Americans are increasingly feeling that Washington does not listen to them and does not care about them. Unfortunately, Republicans are just as capable of being out of touch as Democrats are.

    Maybe they’ll pull it together, and run the sort of ads Geoffrey proposes. I hope they do.

    Daniel in Brookline

  10. The American left has never lacked for duplicity but has always lacked the ruthlessness of a Lenin.

    i beg to differ on that..

    Here occurred one of the bloodiest riots on record, in which the Ku Klux killed and wounded over 200 Republicans, hunting and chasing them for two days and nights through fields and swamps. Thirteen captives were taken from the jail and shot. A pile of twenty-five dead bodies was found half-buried in the woods. Having conquered the Republicans and killed and driven off the white leaders, the Ku Klux captured the masses, marked them with badges of red flannel, enrolled them in clubs, made them vote the Democratic ticket, and then gave them a certificate of the fact.”

    Go to the history books, and you will find that Lenin and those guys copied the democrats of the tilden era.

    it was the democrats that invented what later would be known as red terror. if you read the whole story, you get EXCALTY the same methodologies they are using today… (with refinements from later history)

    Every possible effort was made by the Democrats, both before the returning board and before later congressional investigating committees, to break down the story of this outrage.

    It was claimed that the murder had no political significance, that, as a matter of fact, Pinkston was a Democrat.

    Charles Tidwell, the owner of the plantation on which the murder occurred, reluctantly admitted before a Senate committee, how ever, that while Pinkston had two years before voted with the Democrats, he was at the time of his death a Radical

    there was also evidence to the effect that by remaining away from a Democratic rally Pinkston had endangered his life.

    Another theory propounded by the Democrats was that Pinkston was killed by a negro named Brooks, with whom he had had a fight some months before. But there was no real evidence to support the theory; while there was evidence, both direct and circumstantial, that the killing was the work of several men.

    Much evidence was brought in by the Democrats to show that because Eliza was of bad character no weight should be attached to her story of the outrage.

    same as today… but today they have more polish.

    Yet the essential portions of her story were not successfully impeached. .

    The anxiety of some partisan writers, such as Gibson and Bigelow, to prove the out rage all a pretense has betrayed them into some rather grim absurdities. [I have been trying to find the articles]

    Gibson triumphantly points to the fact that the child s throat was not cut. as she alleged, and that Pinkston s body was not mutilated in the manner she described. 3 He seems to lose sight of the fact that the child was nevertheless killed, that its body was thrown into a pond, where it was not found for a week; of the fact that Pinkston was shot seven times and that his dead body was so distorted that it was not put into a coffin but was buried in a quilt.

    and to think that these same people terrorized people and now the people they murdered and terrorized, and hunted down and disposed of like animals, are their greatest supporters.

    tried to mail the history to the likes of stanley crouch, but alas, his email is not open, its up their for the show of it.

    there is a LOT more… like the description that in white areas, they held picnics and blacks and whites had a good time.

    in black areas, like landry, they hinted them down and tortured them till tey voted the way they wanted.

    still think the democrats dont have the blodo to be like stalin or lenin?

    to note, this is also why radicals got a good name, the radical republicans…

    by the way… want to know what kind of republicans those people were? well, unlike the dems they did not want to win by any means.

    Seeing the situation of affairs in the parish, the Republican managers had already decided not to attempt to have their followers vote at the outlying polls, but to have them come into Monroe, the chief town, where there was a small detachment of United States troops. There was nothing unlawful in this procedure, for the law allowed a man properly registered to cast his ballot at any poll in the parish ; but to- prevent the movement, the rifle-clubs picketed the approaches to the town ; while the Democratic mayor issued a proclamation directing the negroes to return to their homes.

    [kind of reminds you of the panthers in front of the voting booths… no? same old same old]

    The evidence before the returning board showed that in a number of other parishes there had been a condition of affairs somewhat similar to that just described in Ouachita. For example, in East Feliciana, a parish in which the Republican vote for state officers in 1874 had been 1,688, the negro Republicans had been so demoralized as a result of a reign of violence which had begun more than a year before that the Republican managers appear to have given up all hope of carrying the parish and to have issued instructions to their followers not to attempt to vote.

    In consequence, only a single Republican ballot, and that a defective one, was cast ;

    and the Republican majority of 841 in 1874 was transformed into a Democratic majority of 1,741.

    so thats why they dont want to teach history in north carolina until AFTER those dates…

    if they taught real history, and included the above, what would happen to the largest population of blacks in terms of the democratic party and the false crap of the south?

    on another note, i have found some of this history scrubbed from other books. that is, the chapters seem to end and disappear and then reappear after all the information.

    however, one only has to look up the names and start digging into the congressional record to hear about a time in America we cant even imagine happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dont history make all the difference?

    here is the link
    i would suggest grabbing as much of it as you can as other texts i tried to find have been stalinized.


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