Home » Hey, let’s diss another ally!


Hey, let’s diss another ally! — 15 Comments

  1. Obama Brand Foreign Policy… is there any positive relationship he can’t f*** up?

    Pretty soon, all our allies will be counting the days with us:

    Gone Daddy Gone

  2. Come now. Let’s not criticize a woman, who, until the advent of Barack Obama–the most brilliant man in the world, the solar system, the galaxy and the known universe–was known as the most brilliant woman in the world. Sadly, in comparison to The One, she no longer burns quite so brightly, but still, even a step down would make her what? The most brilliant woman in America?

    And no doubt, she knows far, far more about foreign affairs and the dangers we face than mere mortals. Therefore, when her priorities are such globally vital issues as Canada’s failure to consult sufficient Eskimos and her lack of fervent fidelity to abortion, one can only conclude that such matters as Iran’s headlong race to the nuclear weapon finish line, the resurgence of communism in Central and South America, a global jihad, two hot wars, a middle east about to explode, and more or less constant Chinese threats and provocations, to name but a few, are surely insignificant issues. We, the great unwashed, the gun and God clingers, apparently aren’t intelligent enough to understand the exalted priorities of our betters who alone know what is best for us.

    Surely, too, her suggestion to England that negotiations over its sovereign territory–the Falkland Islands–would be wise must be yet another example of smart diplomacy. Wasn’t there some kind of war or something in those islands awhile back? Hmmm. I’ll have to look that up… What’s next? Perhaps a suggestion that Texas and Mexico ought to be negotiating over disputed lands?

    If an enemy of the United States, bent on destroying America without the use of outright military force so as to preserve the infrastructure, was in charge in Washington DC, how, pray tell, might one tell them from the Obama Administration?

  3. > If an enemy of the United States, bent on destroying America without the use of outright military force so as to preserve the infrastructure, was in charge in Washington DC, how, pray tell, might one tell them from the Obama Administration?

    Such an enemy would probably not act so blatantly arrogant, but otherwise I don’t know.

  4. Perhaps the most salient question arising from Sec. Clinton’s bashing of Canada, Britain, Israel, etc. is whether she is being directed to do so by Obama or if she’s acting semi-autonomously with Obama approval.

    I suspect the latter but in either case she’s conclusively demonstrated a remarkable lack of diplomatic skills.

    Confirming what many suspected, she rode her husbands coattails as far as they would take her, always assuming that personal opinion promised natural acumen, which equated to all the expertise needed.

    Just another poseur, ‘another pretender to the throne’, just like her boss.

  5. Canada joins the crowd of spurned allies.

    Canada’s allied with Indonesia?

  6. the thing is if you can vote these clowns in on a whim,the fact that you can correct your mistake 4 years later doesn’t matter. who can trust the US?Canada, the UK can fend for themselves, but there are US allies living in very dangerous neighbourhoods. Moynihan’s statement about being an enemy of the US being dangerous but being a friend being fatal applies.

  7. Someone call Guiness Book. W now know its the biggest G** D*** bus ever. I mean running over people or, even Israel, is one thing. But Canada’s frickin’ ginormous.

  8. Canada’s allied with Indonesia?

    I can tell you from talking to Agus and Dewi in the street that Obama-love is wearing a bit thin here in Indonesia. He may yet come here, but he’s already put off trips twice, and the Indonesians are growing tired of getting strung along by someone who promised much but has delivered little (sound familiar?).

    From what I can tell as a private-sector expat, the relationship is basically the same as where it was during W’s administration. The difference is that the Indonesians expected little from Bush other than help in fighting terrorists, and that’s what they got, with a fair amount of success, I might add. But Obama promised much more for his childhood home, and has come through on nothing. Some Indonesians are now openly disdainful of Obama, others, like battered spouses, are making excuses for him. But the bloom is definitely off that rose.

  9. Every day is a fresh insult, a new assault on anything and everything…

    There is no predicting when it will come, or how it will be…You just know it will be something.

    Is this planned? Is there a psychological ‘thing’ where the victim is always on guard – knows something is coming but not from where and not exactly when? And so the victim is in a constant state of cowering until it would take anything just as long as there could be peace and quiet and a little bit of stability?

    Are we being set up for accepting anything just for a little peace and quiet?

  10. One salient point in my opinion is left out:

    Canada, France, Germany and even India all have right of center governments. Obama really dislikes right of center governments. They make him look bad in a number of ways. I know its complicated, but if you squint your eyes, China’s government even looks capitalist – in a brutal sort of way.

    Canada is sitting on tar sands oil which comprises the equivalent of 3 Saudi Arabias. If it can be exploited/refined underground, you have a huge evil in Obama’s eyes: Cheap, carbon spewing oil which will last a long time.

    I’ve always been somewhat more bemused by Obama than scared of him. This was because the whole world is turning capitalist just as Obama is trying to steer the oldest capitalist country to socialism. Socialist countries are very hard to run when surrounded by capitalism. Its sort of like trying to float a lie on a sea of truth. Its exposed pretty fast.

    The only allies Obama have in the sea of world capitalism are the few socialist backwaters still left – Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras with a little push, and if you squint even harder – Iran.

    Don’t be surprised that Obama and team are mean to allies. Allies are capitalist, and should be treated badly.

    Great Britain could be considered an exception to this rule, but the labor government did participate in Iraq, which makes it evil, plus won’t be in power much longer, so treating it badly is fine too. If they treated Great Britain well, Obama would have to continue to do so after the conservatives take power. That’s not going to happen.


  11. I’m more and more inclined to agree with Mark Steyn about Obama et al. It’s not so much a wel–thought out and planned strategy as “just what you say and think” in elite Leftist cirlces of the academy and coffee klatch.

    Of course you object to Canada if they don’t include abortion in their foreign aid. Naturally you diss the Queen. She’s so…Old Empire. Netanyahu? Dinner withn him? We don’t do that.

    Chavez and Castro, just as naturally, represent the long struggle of the indigenous peoples against…bad old whitey, and so we understand even their…excesses (?). Waith. There are no excesses on that side.

    And so on.


  12. James Says:

    “Socialist countries are very hard to run when surrounded by capitalism. Its sort of like trying to float a lie on a sea of truth.”

    That and there is no wall to keep us in. 🙂

  13. Mike Mcdaniel wrote “What’s next? Perhaps a suggestion that Texas and Mexico ought to be negotiating over disputed lands?”

    sshhh Not so loud.

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