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You may notice… — 41 Comments

  1. Ditto, here. I have no intention of which the hoopla and the self-aggrandizing actions of those who would achieve their ends by doing whatever it took, including circumventing the Constitution of the United States (which our slimey President essentially admitted to during his interview with Bret Baier).

    However, it won’t turn me off to listening to news altogether. It just makes me more motivated to recognize that here is much disinformation delivered via television — all the more reason to use the Internet to find real facts therein contained and find real truths. I have a problem discussing issues without being armed with knowledge and real facts.

    As Neo has written before, it may be hard to pursuade one to change their minds, but being able to produce reliable facts to back up one’s claims is quite effective. True, there are those who don’t want to hear anything that disputes their point of view, but I’ve found it amazing — especially recently as more and more people see the process used by Obama & team to achieve their ends — and the abuse thereof. I’ve observed some very devoted liberals take pause because they don’t like cheating, lies, and obfuscation any more than we do. Fact is, they don’t want to be dupes and fools for all the world to see.

  2. If you own the gift dvd set of Ted Kennedy’s funeral, Obama’s inauguration and judge Sotomayor’s swearing in, you might be a liberal.

  3. Myself, avoiding newspaper and TV like the plague. Neo is my main source of news. That, plus my politics-obsessed husband, who, lately, I wish would just be quiet.

  4. My stomach is a mess today too, neo. But although I’ve seen lots of liberal gloating in blog comments, since Sunday the behavior of the liberals I know personally has been very interesting. They’ve been abashed, subdued, and green around the gills. And, knowing as they do how much I loathe the thugs in Washington, they visibly flinch when I approach them, as if to say “Please pretty please don’t hurt us! We know it’s a train wreck and we know we did it.”

    And, just to show them that as a Republican and a Libertarian I have more class in my right great toenail than the entire Democrat collective, I smile and greet them warmly and treat them just as I always have.

  5. You’re not the only one. I find myself reaching for the remote all too often these days. At first it was only to hit the mute button, but now? I’ve given up on anything other than mindless entertainment or historical specials, like the WWII marathon I’m watching now on History Channel. Hard to believe that we’re that same nation…where has our resolve gone?

  6. I don’t listen to Obama or Pelosi or Reid and I stopped taking Biden seriously about 1988 when he shamelessly plagiarized a speech by Brit Labour pol Neil Kinnock. That this schmuck has retained his Senate seat all these years epitomizes the sclerotic nature of contemporary politics. Either that or everybody in Delaware are cousins.

  7. You are not alone. The TV in my house is rarely turned on.

    The pro-one-party-media is hard to take.
    It’s beyond ridiculous.

  8. My only comment is that like you I had no intention of watching the signing ceremony.
    So far it has been a beautiful day and I didn’t want to ruin it by seeing Nancy Pelosi.

  9. Anyone remember the massively unpopular Sedition Acts of 1798? From Wikipedia, pay attention to the seven words.

    Although the Federalists hoped the Act would muffle the opposition, many Democratic-Republicans still “wrote, printed, uttered and published” their criticisms of the Federalists. They strongly criticized the act itself and used it as one of their principal election issues. The controversy also had enormous implications on the Federalist party’s later history and made a significant contribution to its demise.

  10. I can’t even stand watching O’Reilly anymore, let alone Geraldo and Shep Smith.

    These people are clueless when it comes to Economics 101 and repeatedly denouncing the Tea Party folks.

    Dana Loesch stuck it to Bill which I was glad to see – she stopped me in my tracks and then Bill argued with her.

  11. elcrain, with regard to liberals being green around the gills, I have seen some of that around here too. my rep, mike michaud, was a “yes” vote even before The Won got elected, so I never bothered to contact him and he is not much to write home about in real life. however, my local talk radio station has foxnews sound bites and there was a soundbite from him, saying something to the effect that, “i did what I did, now I need to live with the consequences of that” like almost like he knew that the public was not happy and what he had just done was wrong.

    maybe now would be the time to give him a tongue lashing about it. won’t change anything but it might sting a bit.

  12. These people have done the unthinkably dangerous. They must pay. They will pay…
    I couldn’t watch it either. Low nausea threshold. I am beginning to hate so many people, on a visceral level. I can’t look at pictures of The Won, without feeling like I may vomit. The same for the Pelosi creature.
    All of those Dems who sold us out for a mess of pottage and acclaim? You will pay. The scorn and derision will be merciless and unrelenting. We elected you to work for us – not do dispense from on high, laws and policies which you fancied would be ‘best’ for us.
    November 2010 will not come soon enough.

  13. Doctor says, take care of your stomach. The seat of your soul is in the core of the digestive system, head of the pancreas, maybe.
    The Feds and their regulations and schemes ultimately seem to be on an imploding collision course with itself. I now pledge allegiance to the flag with past tense… “and to the republic, for which it stood”

  14. I just spammed mike michaud’s office with some anti healthcare emails, let’s see what that turns up. probably more fluff and drivel.

  15. I didn’t watch it; I try to avoid Obama as much as possible. I detest the fawning MSNBC so what I watch on TV is mostly programs on Masterpiece Theatre.

    Today I went to a gathering of some clergy colleague friends. We had a nice devotional time and prayers and holy communion. Right after that I got palpitations and a ill stomach when a woman I like very much said how racist and homophobic tea partiers are. I said I didn’t know any who were like that. She said “I don’t understand how people can be against heath care”!! I didn’t even get into it. All of these people are well meaning progressives, but they have no idea I voted for McCain after a two year political conversion progress from liberalism. They do not know anything about Obama but what the MSMBC tells them. They also have no idea that I actually am a Tea Party member or why and I can’t tell them at this point. Everybody I know but my husband and my BIL are liberals. Sometimes I feel very alone.

  16. Let me sum it up by the Hoof & Mouth Diseased VP:

    It’s a big F#&king deal. No wonder the logo is a donkey.

    I am providing a bucket here to

    puke in {____}

  17. I’ve told this story a few times before, but I don’t remember whether I did here or not.

    I largely quit watching TV on Election Night 2008. As the result became certain, the cable networks showed large crowds of delirious ecstatic celebrating fools in cities around the country. I couldn’t take it any more and turned the TV off.

    I didn’t turn it on again for three full weeks, and then only to watch a football game.

    I’m really more a baseball fan than a football fan, so that’s what I mostly use the TV for nowadays. I get all of my news from the internet (a dizzying variety of sources, including MSM websites) and talk radio. I do believe that I am better informed than the majority of people who rely on television and newspapers.

  18. FenelonSpoke: I understand your dilemma. But if you think about it, that woman was labeling people she knows nothing whatsoever about, the Tea Partiers. She has bought the entire MSM line, and that’s the sort of thing that needs to be challenged. It takes courage, but saying something like, “Oh, gee, I don’t know—when I was at the last Tea Party I attended I didn’t see or hear anyone like that” would stun her. She needs to have her pretty little MSM world shaken up.

    Have you read any of my posts on the subject of speaking out? Take a look, for example, at this one in particular.

  19. False optimism over realism causes an increased experience of dissonance…

    What is the reality and where does the false optimism lay? There is no shortage of dissonance generated by this, or any administration, but is it we who champion liberty and individual accountability, or they who champion social justice and serfdom that wear the rose colored glasses?

    I don’t think it can be distilled down to that kind of “us or them” choice, but if the past few decades have been any indication it boils down to an administration and party who makes “reality” so uncomfortable for the voting population majority to trigger a major change.

    Like most on this thread I see no need to view the public (power) intoxication of the OPR trifecta…I truely hope they drink deeply. I also dearly hope, with the swill they’ve concocted with their machinations, deceptions, bribery, and intimidation, they wake up from this with one mutha of a hangover that takes them to their knees.

  20. Unnatural unwanted imposed systems failed in Russia, China and 1920s America (prohibition) and who knows how many other places. What makes anyone think this will do any better even before the pain starts to fester. Some of the Dems must know that none of us are under any obligation to obey this law, indeed as a free people we are only obligated to violate it. America was just given a new national pastime, sticking it to the self-anointed.

    The Dems are incredibly stupid.

  21. Thanks, neocon-

    I haven’t actually attended a TP event. So far, I just belong to the group and read their website and do some pro-active things like write letters to Congress people. What I said to her was a start, I think-that I didn’t know any racist or homophobic tea partiers and I thought it was wrong to demonize people like that, She apparently knows people in her congregatiion who are opposed to this HCR bill and thinks they are coming from a posture of fear. When I told another one of the group right after the election that I had read a lot about Obama and didn’t like his background, he said, “You have to get over it.!” These people are some of the folks who marched as late teens and twenties in the 60’s. You couldn’t pry them lose from their liberalism with a crowbar, unless and perhaps, (as I think he will ) Obama declared martial law before the November elections. Even then, I’m not sure if they wouldn’t think the “evil” tea partiers deserved it.

    But thanks for the heads up on your articles. I will gladly read them.

  22. FenelonSpoke Says:
    March 23rd, 2010 at 8:34 pm

    She said “I don’t understand how people can be against heath care”!!

    And that is the very nub of the issue.

    I’ve been tearing my hair out for months now about the way nearly everybody has described the government takeover of health care as “healthcare”. It is sheer intellectual laziness and practically everyone has fallen for it. “He voted for healthcare.” “She voted against healthcare.”

    We completely let the left set the terms of debate. Practically everyone is guilty including Republican legislators, media pundits, bloggers, and blog commenters. Everybody used the lazy shorthand of “healthcare” or “the healthcare bill”.

    What kind of cruel heartless bastard could possibly be against “healthcare”?

  23. bluewaterneocon Says:

    “I watched and noticed that Obama called it Health INSURANCE Reform. Haven’t heard that for a while.

    Health Care Reform = Prohibition”

    I also noticed the media calling it universal health coverage… after it passed… no need to confuse anyone beforehand.

  24. Bob from Virginia: When Prohibition was enacted it was far more popular than this bill is now.

  25. If you need a way to frame it, it’s just spreading the healthcare as if it were wealth. The dems plan won’t add to healthcare, if anything the supply will decrease… but now people who don’t work or want to make sacrifices can have some of it that was going to those who did (done in the name of the very few who lost their coverage after becoming ill…).

    But making it better, cheaper, or whatever… all BS and lies…

  26. I cannot stand watching ANY of the talking heads. I now understand when I was growing up why my father, an honorable attorney, was livid at the TV news.

    Currently, I watch only hockey on TV. News, I get from the internet. Like Neoneocon, I much prefer to read than to listen to those nitwits talking at me.

  27. “I don’t understand how people can be against heath care”!!

    That statement might make sense if uttered by someone in Zimbabwe or Ethiopia. In the United States it sounds like a kid at Disney World whining because it isn’t Chuckie Cheese.

  28. Remember how Reagan and Bush were the simpletons who saw only black and white? Zero integrity.

    I don’t understand how anyone could be against unicorns. And rainbows! What kind of an evil person would vote against rainbows…

    Anyhoo, I’ll take this moment to thank Neo and the commenters here for maintaining a thoughtful forum at the most critical time. This is yin to the yang of Congress.

    Maybe we can become the ruling elite…mwah hah ha ha

  29. I made every effort not to see the ceremony (or the Gloating Triumph party, a more appropriate name), and still accidentally popped onto a scene on some channel which I immediately left.
    But the visual stayed with me: a small boy stands near the table and looks across it at smiling Obama signing document that will bankrupt his future…

  30. Regarding not watching tee vee news . . .

    I think it’s important to know what the people are getting from tee vee news — what the gullible are ingesting, so that I am better-prepared when I converse with one of them.

    M J R


  31. I can’t put up with the mindless commercials on television. They’re depressing in that they reveal just how elementary and ignorant a population that puts up with such crap has become.

  32. Steveh – I cant stand how they turn the volume down on the show, and up on the commercial! (despite it now being not legal)

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