Home » Obama’s big FU to Bart Stupak, patsy extraordinaire


Obama’s big FU to Bart Stupak, patsy extraordinaire — 42 Comments

  1. Maybe I’m just getting cynical but I think it’s possible that Stupak, Pelosi and Obama cooked up the phony executive order as cover for Stupak and that they all knew it wouldn’t be signed. The “cover” is that Stupak can always say to the voters, “Hey, I was tricked; I never would’ve voted yes if I had known that bad old Obama was going to break his promise.” Stupak gets to play the victim.

    Alternate possibility: Obama will sign some kind of executive order that will not actually ban abortion and the delay is due to trying to get the wording just right.

    Final thought: As I understand it, an executive order is binding only on military personnel, federal employees and federal institutions. And private hospitals, civilian doctors and insurance companies are none of those, right?

  2. Hey, Li’l Stupey, that proclamation that freed no slaves. Nice model for worthless posturing, though.

    These clowns really are ignorant of our history.

  3. 1. I’m not at your moral level, nnc. I intend to savor the schadenfreude for some time yet.

    2. I expect that Obama will ultimately sign the order in order to try to keep Stupak’s district blue.

    3. This completely unnecessary behavior makes it less likely that anyone will trust Obama to keep his end of a bargain. It puts Obama’s pettiness in plain sight of all. What a lightweight.

    4. I’m guessing Stupak was promised a cushy job–a university presidency or a high-ranking executive branch post–if he lost the election. Good luck with that.

  4. grackle: I’m with you. In some of my earlier posts on Stupak, I made it clear I thought the whole thing was a scam cooked up by Pelosi, Obama, and Stupak. The “patsy” part (which I think I may not have made clear) is that Stupak thought it would save him from electoral ruin and exposure of his hypocrisy. It wasn’t going to do that—people are smarter than that, I think—but at least in order to have any chance of that, I would think Obama would actually need to sign that order. He is thumbing his nose (or worse) at Stupak, and exposing him as a patsy.

    I am very cynical too, although I don’t think I started out that way. It’s hard to be too cynical for Obama and Pelosi, though—they keep jumping ahead of my ability to keep up in cynicism.

  5. I’m not an expert on Caligula–to say the least–but this is one of those situations that once again remind me of nutty Roman emperors. They could do whatever they wanted. Who was there to stop them?

    Obama’s a megalomaniac, and we’ll see this more and more. Remember, he started his career by buzzing the people of NYC in his fancy jet plane.

  6. Stupid, I mean Stupak sells out. From Drudge, all you need to know…

    “Three airports in the district of infamous fence-sitting and ultimately kowtowing Democrat Bart Stupak were awarded $726,409 in grants by the Obama Administration just two days before a vote on Obama and Pelosi’s government takeover of healthcare.”

  7. Initially I did not think Stupak would hold out as long as he did but he was on a number of Fox shows declaring his commitment and opposition to the bill should the language re: federal funds for abortions be removed permanently. Obama promised an executive order doing so…so naturally Stupak was all aboard.

    Tonite, during opening of his show on Fox, Bret Baier noted the Rose Garden ceremony for signing the bill (which I went out of my way NOT to watch). He followed up this piece of news by specifically noting that Obama did NOT sign the promised executive order for Stupak and the other pro-life Democrats.

    No surprise, except that I don’t know how Obama kept a straight face knowing all the open promises made to buy those votes, and all the schmucks (excuse my language if anyone considers it offensive) and thinking of all the schmucks in his own party who were relatively easily turned. I predict he’s going to have fun watching them squirm while he decides which — and, if — he will ultimately come through for them — or what he might decide they must do in addition to this vote, before he doles out the appeasements.
    Let’s face it: the dupes who voted before they had their promises in writing are just that: dupes. As for those who have been promised important jobs and positions in Administration in exchange for votes….well-l-l-l, Obama is not one guy I would ever place that much faith in. (Correction: ANY faith in. Ditto for Pelosi, Reid or Obama’s buddies such as Emanuel, Axelrod, or Jarrett. They all make my skin crawl!)

    Today we have witnessed a new form of domestic terrorism: Watching our country that we love, transformed, unable to do a thing about it, except wait for the next scheme these folks cook up. Those founding fathers better be spinning in their graves, as the very protections they worked so hard to include in The Constitution, are being targeted for dismantling as we write.

    That’s what the voters of this country get when they failed to learn their history and the importance of checks and balances………

  8. “The most famous Executive Order was the Emancipation Proclamation signed by President Lincoln in 1863.”

    Yeah, and the most famous American novel is Moby Dick, but that doesn’t mean that your ninth-grade 50-pager is valuable.

  9. You! O most wretched of men! having filled every continent and every island with good laws, and principles of justice, and wealth, and comfort, and prosperity, and abundance of other blessings, you, wretched man, full of all cowardice and iniquity, who have emptied every city of all the things which can conduce to stability and prosperity, and have made them full of everything which leads to trouble and confusion, and the most utter misery and desolation. – Philo to Caligula

    Would that the Roman people had but one neck! – Caligula

  10. I heard on NPR this morning that BO is expected to sign it today (Wed.).

    But since it is meaningless, I guess there is no rush.

  11. I heard that, in Renaissance Italy, one of the great families–which was always on the losing end of various intrigues–was the Pazzis.
    Hence the Anglicized version, “patsy”.
    Stupak is only a patsy if he genuinely trusted zero.
    Even a congressman isn’t that dumb.

  12. As near as I can tell, Linda Goldthorpe is a Ron Paul groupie. That’s a road to nowhere.

  13. Stupak has been Stupaked. (New verb for what our petty tyrant president does to suckers like Stupak.)

    Hate Stupak? Send money to his challenger, Dan Benishek. A virtual unknown when he mustered up 1,000 signatures by March 15 to get his name on the ballot, the surgeon from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan now has almost 20,000 fans on Facebook. This makes me happy.

  14. I suspect that ‘to stupak’ will eventually become a verb

    ‘to stupak’ 1) to do something incredibly stupid
    2) to do something incredibly
    deceitful with flimsy cover

    Of course if will also probably be defined as “hate speech”

  15. anyone besides me and moon battery remember that yesterday was the anniversary of the enabling act?

  16. …it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people. John Dingell (D-MI)

  17. Highlander: I agree that Obama may sign it in the end, because he knows it means nothing.

    But he’ll delay in order to make Stupak sweat and let him know who’s boss. That’s what these Mafiosi-types do; they like to make the underlings know whose heel they’re under.

  18. Artfldgr: that’s a wonderful quote.

    Too bad they don’t teach classical history any more. All the founders knew it, but hardly anyone knows it any more.

    That is by design, of course. And it’s part of the reason we have arrived where we are today.

  19. Stupak forgot the single most famous Executive Order – FDR’s order to intern the nisei.

  20. Un-freaking-believable. Does he have no concept of biting the hand that feeds him? Or does he truly think he can do it all himself?

    Perhaps more to the point: what rationale can any Democrat use now for trusting the President’s word on anything?

    csimon: I frankly doubt that getting a promise in writing would have made any difference. The promise made national headlines; that’s all the writing Stupak really needed. Can you imagine him waving a piece of paper, signed by the President, and screaming “The President promised me! He lied!”

    …well, yes, I *can* imagine that. What I can’t imagine is it making any difference at all.

    Daniel in Brookline

  21. csimon Says:

    March 24th, 2010 at 4:27 am Today we have witnessed a new form of domestic terrorism: Watching our country that we love, transformed, unable to do a thing about it, except wait for the next scheme these folks cook up. Those founding fathers better be spinning in their graves, as the very protections they worked so hard to include in The Constitution, are being targeted for dismantling as we write.

    NO They would be picking up their muskets and rifles…

  22. > A White House official told Fox, Obama will not sign the Executive Order [banning federal funds for abortion] Tuesday and has set no specific date to do so.

    Just call me “Nostradamus”. On Monday I sent out:

    from the NYT:

    Democratic opponents of abortion rights, led by Representative Bart Stupak of Michigan, announced that they would vote for the legislation after Mr. Obama promised to issue an executive order “to ensure that federal funds are not used for abortion services” if the bill passed.

    In related news, male teenagers announce that they all “promise to pull out” before they come. Parents of teenaged girls celebrate wildly…

    Even if this actually happens, how long before an “executive order” comes down which reverses that call?


    Yeah, yeah, yeah — I predicted “Dog Bites Man”. Sue me.

    I think it’s pretty clear — When they named the man “Stupak” they got the last two letters wrong.

    If it weren’t for the fact that this moron and his cronies almost singlehandedly guaranteed the screwing over of the American people, and did it for NOTHING in return, I would be ROTFLMAO.

    They are SO gonna hang him up by his testicles.
    He’s gonna have to wear a disguise just to get elected to follow the dogcatcher with a pooper scooper.
    In the next edition of the Random House and Websters dictionaries, next to the word, “moron”, they’re going to have his photo.

  23. > Even a congressman isn’t that dumb.

    I’ve met a Lt. Governor who was clearly that dumb, so I’ll assume a mere Congressbozo can be.

  24. .

    Breaking news — this just in: Bart Stupak sold the
    family cow this week for a packet of magic beans.



  25. 1. Obama has signed the order.

    2. I’ve been trying to keep a cool head but, checking my previous comment above, it looks like I got played a bit.

    3. Otoh, maybe the Democrats realized a real threat to Stupak was taking shape. (At least one person in the Republican field looks qualified.)

  26. He signed, it is reported, but there were no reporters or photographers allowed.

    “We’ll have a nice picture from Pete that will demonstrate that type of transparency,” Gibbs said in his daily briefing, referring to the White House photographer, Pete Souza.

  27. Gibbs. I can’t watch him without an urge to wipe that smirk off his demon frat boy face.

    Update and speaking of immature: Obama found VP’s effing gaffe hilarious highlight of historic day.

    I was happy to see someone finally use the word I’ve been thinking for a year, and pretty much in the way I’ve been thinking it: antichrist, as a a “perennial phenomenon” opposed to and inverting the transcendent and the real.

    As it pertains to Obama, the really frightening thing about him is his “superior ignorance,” but especially his conspicuous ignorance of that which he blindly opposes.

    “Superior ignorance” – excellent two-word summing up.

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