Home » Dog bites man once again: health care reform passes the House 219-212


Dog bites man once again: health care reform passes the House 219-212 — 72 Comments

  1. My letter to my Congressman: Gary Ackerman. It captures my feelings of rage and disgust.

    “Your sir are a disgrace. You have done everything wrong and wrecked our fiscal health. It will no longer be a question of if but of when this nation suffers a fate worse than Greece. Health Care was never a right but a personal choice. You have arrogantly taken that choice away from the people you claimed to represent. We will be forced into the ghetto of Medicaid while men like yourself and your staff enjoy a premium coverage we will never have. You are the participant in an immoral and unethical power grab of the very life of the American people and you will be rightfully condemned for it by history. You have also opened a door to a procedural tyranny that Republicans and conservatives are now free to abuse just as you have done. I suspect in many years to come we will use the same chicanery your party has developed to force our agenda through and you will have no grounds for outrage. That is perhaps another unintended legacy of your behavior here. For what does an election matter when the party in power chooses, like yourself, to ignore the results? When the election of Scott Brown in Ted Kennedy’s district means nothing and fails to educate Democrats like yourself?

    This struggle will not end. You have chosen a divisive and reckless path taken by other failed states and when the consequences are fully revealed it will be you and your party alone that will bear the pain. Nothing motivates the opposition more than to be contemptously ignored or overriden. An opposition greater than your supporters and now fully enraged and engaged. That is your legacy sir: an eternal war with Liberty.”

  2. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and will continue to do so, but I have to say I am really scared for this country and I am heartbroken. How could so many Americans place their trust in a man like Obama. Is it just that people are so enslaved by political correctness that they cannot see past his skin color? I can only hope and pray that the Democrats get annihilated in November. I feel like crap right now. I just don’t see our economy getting any better now or any time in the near future.

  3. I think you need to understand.

    The democrats know that they committed suicide in some cases.

    T ones are greatest risk are put on a list, with the one at the greatest risk is last.

    As soon as the vote gets above 217 or so (they didn’t want anybody to be the “deciding”vote) people could vote “no” starting from the bottom of the list.

    It was not close. You can go to the polls in the next few years believing the vote was 253 – 178.

  4. Hi Neo,

    Its an amazing night. The politics of this seem pretty obvious to me, but maybe I’m wrong. Here is a “normal” opinion from someone who obviously leans left:

    Market Watch Article

    Its from a publication I would hardly call liberal, but the columnist obviously is.

    Are people really going to get excited about this and vote for the Democrats because they look like winners? Really?

    I predicted a while back that Obama would swing toward the center pretty hard now – to try to keep Republicans from winning the next election. Maybe it will all work out for him, but I don’t see it. My prediction is that the above author is wrong, but reading other people isn’t my strong suite.


  5. Welcome to the Divided States of Amerika. Socialism and tyrrany have arrived. The days of freedom are over. Congress has now proven that they can do anything they like and you have nothing to say about it. Pandora’s box is now wide open.

  6. There’s a reason why “socialist” countries are notoriously famous for consistantly having 10-20 percent unemployment, as well as half-assed (bring your own suppies, you can have an appointment for specialized diagnostic screenings in four months) medical care for the masses… The dirty Dems have their big boot in the door, welcome to the Democratic Party Police State…. Along with all the other resistance about to proceed, what is the feasibility of the mother of all class action suits agains the Dems for fraud and racketeering?

  7. Larry Sheldon: of course that’s true, but it’s not the point at all. The Democrats would have gotten all 253 to vote “yes” had they needed to—but the fact that 34 Democrats were allowed to vote against it and wanted to vote against it proves what a deeply and profoundly unpopular bill this is, even among some Democrats and their constituents. With a popular bill, people want to jump on the winning bandwagon. This time, people fought to be allowed to jump off.

  8. Maybe I’ll have better words tomorrow. At the moment I just feel sick at my stomach. I hope you are correct Neo – that the spark Scott Brown ignited in Mass becomes a fire storm and sweeps across OUR country. I hope. I hope.

  9. Now watch the unemployment numbers and the games they will play to try to mask the increase.

  10. So. . . what’s next? Shall we vote ourselves into bankruptcy? Hmmm? What? Oh, wait. . .

    Honestly, I guess it could be worse. I mean, we could be French or something.

  11. Word on Ace of Spades that Benishek’s (I mean the person running against Stupak, I am not sure how to spell his name) facebook page has gone viral because of donations. Note, he does not have a website yet.

    This is the first time I have seen or heard of a democratic government so united against the people it supposedly represents. Can they really be this stupid?

  12. BTW, this is the best possible outcome for those to want to get rid of Obamism for good, so don’t be depressed, just lean and hungry.

    There will be other defeats, but look a the groundswell, the indignation, anger, and fear. This is going to have a happy ending, a nice and bloody happy ending.

  13. Such conventional political thinking:

    …Obama will swing towards the center pretty hard now….

    What part of “fundamental transformation of the country” does that fit into?

  14. “Can they really be this stupid?”

    Well, yes, typical historically of the left, once they get their boot in the door their imaginations run amok, drunk with power…

  15. They have two choices now: vote themselves millions of new voters with amnesty- or suffer sever losses in November. Choice number one does not necessarily stop choice number two, however, especially in states with lower populations of illegals.

  16. I live in DC and so have no representation in Congress. But if I lived in the district of any of those 34 democrats voting “no”, I still would hold them responsible for the vote. They were allowed to vote no; but none of them can prove they would have still voted no if that meant the bill didn’t pass. Actually, there is one way they could prove it. Change parties and become a Republican.

    This was a straight party-line vote. Don’t get fooled. Don’t think any of those 34 Democrats wanted to vote no. They want to fool their constituents. And if they should win this November, they’ll have succeeded in fooling their constituents.

    There’s a Bart Stupak in every Democrat.

  17. etabby: plus, if for no other reason to vote against a Democrat who pretends to be a conservative, I’d say making sure Nancy Pelosi never gets to be Speaker again would be very high on the list. In fact, I think Republicans need to campaign against moderate Democrats with that promise: repeal HCR, unseat Pelosi!

  18. jon baker:
    I’m not sure which states those would be. I live in Pennsylvania and my area is absolutely crawling with Mexicans. That wasn’t the case just 5-10 years ago.

    Last summer, I went to a laundromat only a block from my house to wash my down comforter. I was the only Anglo in the place.

  19. I just put my money where my mouth is, which I do almost often as putting my size 13 wide foot in there. There’s a website that irate citizens can donate to called Fire Nancy Pelosi!


    I’ll be giving modest amounts to the GOP and a selection of candidates up until the election in November. For instance, I intend donating to Bart Stupid’s … er … Stupak’s opponent, Dr. Dan Benishek, as soon as he gets a donation page up and running.


    I am also proud to say that I was one of many that donated to Scott Brown’s campaign. I never used my money better. Scott Brown’s election caused the Dem’s a LOT of trouble and will cause them even more.

    Let’s not become discouraged at this setback. We can make a difference.

    I think the Progressives have made a bad mistake. In the past I have voted for a few Democrats, especially some running for local office. But never again. The Party has been taken over by radicalism so thoroughly that it would take decades for it to change if it were to start now. There are too many radicals like Pelosi and Frank that have safe seats.

    The mid-terms are extremely important — not only to get as many Democrats out of DC and local offices as possible but because this is a US Census year and the party in power gets to realign political districts next year. If Pelosi’s district could be realigned to make it less easy for her to be elected to her safe seat … get the picture?

  20. TX Atty General Greg Abbot announced in his Facebook page that a multi-state lawsuit against Obamacare is coming soon. He held a conference call with other states’ attys general, and they seem to agree on this.

    The States have a recourse to repeal this, under Article V of the Constitution.

  21. The fight isn’t over. I live in Texas, and our Atty. General, Gregg Abbott, in conjunction with several other states, has announced that he will file suit against the bill the moment Obama signs it. The suit will challenge the constitutionality of the bill itself.

    Coupled with that, my state is opening debate on a bill to reaffirm our 10th amendment rights, in effect, nullification.

    I think this thing is going to be the catalyst for a REAL transformation, and it’s not going to be pretty. I hope it happens, and the end result is a return to bedrock constitutional governance.

  22. Let’s not become discouraged at this setback. We can make a difference.

    I agree. This battle over health care is not over yet. Also, because the Dems have spent so much time on this they have made little progress on anything else. Cap and trade, card check, amnesty, all have been stalled for a long time. Not sure how much they will be able to do now that it is basically election season and it looks like they are facing a blow out.

    I also think they have a big issue with taxes. The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year. What are they going to do, just let them sunset? Are Dems seriously going to allow the bottom tax bracket to go from 10% back to 15%? That would be a huge tax increase on the little guy when Obama promised he wouldn’t do that. They don’t have much time left.

    Anyway, here is a cool little thought from FrankJ of IMAO:

    We lost a battle in a war that has no end. So we keep fighting… same as if we had won. You just live your life well and do the best you can.


  23. Tonight they broadcast the movie 300.

    They died to the last man at Thermopylae, fighting for Freedom against the barbarian tyrant Xerxes.

    “For from free Greek to free Greek…

    …the word was spread
    that bold Leonidas and his 300…

    …so far from home…

    …laid down their lives
    not just for Sparta…

    …but for all Greece
    and the promise this country holds.

  24. Not only has Obama not succeeded in anything yet, he’s also sown the seeds which will lead to complication after complication in the real world.

    But all the latte’ Commie Proggs see in their fantasyland is the empty “success” involved with achieving mere word memes – “first black President”, “Healthcare”, “closing Gitmo”, “protecting our values”, “bringing us back from the brink”, etc..

    I’m going to work to bite them back, as I’m sure will all of reality. This is surely an Historic opportunity, probably another inevitable one. Our existence and nature means something the Proggs can’t understand – and it obviously bothers them quite a lot. They know we are stronger.

  25. From the play A Man For All Seasons (the film dialog is a bit different), after Rich has given his perjured testimony.

    CROMWELL Sir Richard, have you anything to add?
    RICH Nothing, Mr. Secretary.
    NORFOLK Sir Thomas?
    MORE (Looking at FOREMAN) To what purpose? I am a dead man. (TO CROMWELL) You have your desire of me.

  26. If doctors have a set of balls at all, they’ll go golfing for ever how many weeks it takes to bring this communist jugernaut to its knees. I’d be willing to contribute into a fund for any that did.

    Imagine whatever profession you’re in, it being declared a RIGHT for everyone. Now just replace whatever your speciality is with the act of picking cotton.

  27. Very depressing.

    But as others here have stated, the fight isnt over.

    The links posted by grackle to go after Pelosi and Stupak are a begining.

    The road now leads to November, 2010. Remember 1994, and November, 2012.

    Remember that after so many years, federal welfare was repealed by the Contract with America Congress.

    Remember also 1989, when a Catastrophic Health Care measure the American people opposed was repealed after one year.

    The congresspeople who voted for this: never let them forget it. Protests. Letters. Emails. Phone-calls. Donations and support to their opponents.

    The fight isnt over.

  28. My hope is that this will run the bastards out of office soon. But I’m not very sure, not sure at all. I’m a former democrat and this morning got an email from an aquaintance telling me that I would be able to now get health insurance. Rather than just replying with a litany of obscenities, I explained what I’ve come to know over the years: I make too little to live as comfortably as I would like, and make far too much to be eligible for assistance. I went on; “Obama and his kids went/will go to Harvard, my kids, they go to Community College and State schools, and have to pay their own way, see how it works?” I don’t want to wait in line down at the welfare office to see a doctor. There is however, a significant segment of the population that doesn’t mind, in fact, they know the system very well, and have structured their culture around it. The other segment in the equation is coming everday, by the hundreds, by the thousands. I was already disgusted with this administration, now I’m quite pissed.

  29. Will put it quite well. I am personally seceding from the rotten hulk of what was once a proud republic founded on the premise of personal liberty and governed by the consent of the citizenry. I fight to restore the republic and the constitution that once specified the legitimate limits of governmental intrusion.

  30. Particularly telling was this sub-headline on an AP article I saw this morning:

    “The landmark health care vote may backfire if Obama can’t sell the plan to angry voters”

    What is the disconenct here?

    Time for another revolution and this time we should take our cues from the French. Time to march Obama, Aunt Nancy and company to the gallows.

  31. We all know that even if the Republicans won 80 seats in the Senate and 380 in the House, they would “conserve” Obama’s gains as they have conserved the New Deal and Great Society.

    To prove me wrong, have the Republicans abolish the state income tax in a Republican-controlled state before the next federal elections. Otherwise, I’m staying home.

    Since my ancestors fled EUropean tyranny to live in America, now that the US has become the USSR, to where can I flee? No obvious place presents itself.

  32. This is our Pearl Harbor.

    Not in the sense that it was a surprise, but rather in the sense that it has united a people like the democrats have never seen before.

    They have awakened the giant once again.

  33. The good news is the lefty Dems pulled this stunt before they had over half the population on the dole. The wake up call may have come in time.

  34. No, this isn’t over, not by a long shot. I was asked by a reporter from the local Fox affiliate yesterday what I thought of the prospects for the HCR bill. (I do the media-wrangling for our local Tea Party, being that I have a background in broadcasting) I said that in some ways, if it passed or it didn’t would be all the same to Tea Partiers. If it was voted down, well, that was a victory for us. And if it passed – that would also be a victory because the fury it would generate (especially when people got a good hard look at what it actually contained) would do the Obama administration no good at all. The fury would be focused on voting out every representative who voted for it in November. It will turn out to have been a Pyrrhic victory for the Dems. They will have hardly a moment to savor it.

  35. While we all look ahead to doing what can be done to continue fighting against the HCR, don’t forget that the Dems/Commies are now moving on to their other big issues. Wtih this behind them, it will be full steam ahead for immigration, and then cap/trade.

    We are being attacked on multiple fronts.

  36. I don’t ever see Obama swinging to the center. He is emboldened. He, Pelosi, and Reid – tyrants all – will move to enact more of their radical agaenda.

  37. We all know people and perhaps have friends who support this administration. How do we even converse with them after this? Do they not see the rage, polarization and tearing at the social fabric of this country they are causing?

    As a conservative, i can’t imagine my side on a similar hell bent mission to force prayer in school, ban abortion, stop all entitlements, bombing Iran nuke sites….All in a year?

    These progressives really are worked up in an all or nothing frenzy that really begs the question of whether they are simply losing their minds. I don’t know what the backup plan for an epidemic like mad cow disease might be. But this phenomenon has to be worse than anything an explainable epidemic like that could ever visit on a people.

  38. I’ve been a registered Democrat since I was 18.

    Today I am changing my party registration to Republican.

    It’s not so much an embrace of the GOP as it is a final rejection of the Democratic party and what it has become (I think it’s finally been made clear to me that there ARE no pro-life Dems anymore.)

    Makes me sad because I come from a long line of working class Dems, but my party left me a long time ago.

  39. This is like Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” declaration. You don’t have a victory yet Mr. President. You can’t buy public support as easily as you can U.S. Senators.

  40. CV, I’m going through similar issues at the moment.

    While I’ve criticized the national democrat leadership long and hard, I still retained my voter registration as a democrat – which is what I registered as in 1982 when I turned 18 – and 2 years later voted for Reagan.

    There are a lot of decent democrats at the local level I still support.

    However, at the moment I’m so pi$$ed off that I am considering changing my registration as well.

    The only concern left being that it may screw up the voter rolls come November, and I don’t want anybody insisting I have to fill out a *provisional* ballet that can be lost easily if my professed party doesn’t match their rolls.

    Seriously, I’ve come to trust the apparatus that little!

    My younger brother registered as “Independent”, and he and a half dozen other independents had to fill out provisional ballots in their locality in the last election – and he’s convinced their votes weren’t counted.

    So, is it better to keep the registration as it is now and vote in the general election against Bob Etheridge for Renee Ellmers http://reneeforcongress.com/, and then vote against Obama in the Primary come 2012, or is it better to change my registration now, risk registration issues being created in the fall and have my small victory of diminishing the democrat rolls by at least one voter?

    Heck, I may even volunteer for Ellmers campaign if she would take a democrat on board!

  41. Obama Pelosi Reid moved the battlefront further to the left. This gives our side a larger pool of recruits.

  42. One of my many deep concerns about all of this is that the Democrats must know how unpopular this is, and they still voted for it.

    The conspiracy theorist part of me fears that they have some hidden plan to skew the upcoming elections so that they’ll stay in power anyway.

    But then I think about how well Obama and Holder thought through the implications of their KSM NYC trial.

  43. “”The conspiracy theorist part of me fears that they have some hidden plan to skew the upcoming elections so that they’ll stay in power anyway””

    Yea. The same hidden plan that got Obama elected. Its called the main stream pop culture media. Seen what they’ve done to Toyota lately?

    Our conservative money would probably best be spent offering Americans free cable without sycophant news outlets than contributing to a single candidates campaign.

  44. And what i said is now going to start happening, as peoples take it upon themselves to damage property.

    AND i said they will make sure that the tea party movement gets the blame. (without anyone noticing how irresponsible the press is writing such falsehoods)

    As the healthcare reform bill approaches the final stages, there is talk from Teabaggers and disenfranchised people of a civil war if the bill passes. If this were just one nut-job making noise, it would cause people to shake their heads in disbelief. But this is not one crazy person with an axe to grind, or a disgruntled employee who is angry with their boss.

    These dangerous people are armed and motivated by rumors and innuendo that the government is taking over their healthcare, and they are ready to fight to preserve the status quo.

    They listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh whip them into a frenzy with talk of Communism, Marxism and Socialism as if the country is under direct attack from a hostile power.

    The governor of Texas, Rick Perry insinuates in speeches that secession is a viable option, and his supporters go wild at the thought of breaking away from the United States.

    All this talk of armed conflict over a bill to reform the insurance industry’s unfair practices that cost American lives and bankrupts sick people is cause for concern.

    The sick part of this equation is that the people most likely to start shooting have no idea what the healthcare reform bill means or says. They hear rumors and fake news reports from commentators at Fox News, Teabagger leaders, and politicians who manipulate them for profit and political influence.

    Writing such things was EXACTLY how things were done way back when in the place we are not supposed to bring up or comment on for fear of not being listened to.

    its not going to take long before anarchists, and communists, and left liberals, in their anger, start attacking the other side. when they realize that their actions will be defend in many ways, or the blame for the bad will be moved to the tea party and others, they will increase their actions.

    the police and military WILL do what they are supposed to, and that will be enough. i mean do you really think that they will just sit by and let the left destroy property so that the right doesn’t get a false label? do you think that when the citizens start torching something they wont do something?

    C’mon, all the smarties that said the police and military will not act. let me know how they will choose to behave when there is a group of them 100 strong and another group of people 1000 strong, and 5 of them are about to start a fire with a Molotov cocktail?

    According to the ones who believe in Calvary they wont do anything.

    Anyone besides me realize that they have been working on these articles before the vote, and that they were ready to go the night of to be in the press the day after? (they dont react the make)


    All this hatred and talk of Civil War over regulating health insurance companies for the good of the American people is ridiculous. Listening to protestors in Washington shouting they should storm the capital to prevent a vote is sickening and the instigators should face arrest. Inciting a riot is a crime. Sedition against the legally elected government is a crime, and a joke if these idiots were not arming themselves and talking about Civil War.

    This health care reform bill has brought out the worst of America or as Sarah Palin says the ‘real America’ that threatens a Civil War if the Congress enacts insurance industry regulations and reform. Regardless the provisions in the Constitution guaranteeing the right to free speech, inciting a riot or threatening Civil War or gun violence goes too far.


    This behavior is a direct result of lies by Fox News, Teabagger leaders, and ignorant people who get their news from one source, and that source is culpable for any violence that may happen. Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Republicans, and special interest groups have done everything in their power to spread lies and misinformation because they know their small-minded followers will suck right into the lies.

    They are so convinced that Communists are taking over that they are ready to revolt, all the while claiming they want their country back. Well their country is not the United States because America is a country of laws, and just because you don’t like a law, you don’t threaten a Civil War or arm yourself to fight against insurance regulations unless you are an Anarchist. The people who threaten a Civil War over insurance regulations are a threat and danger to the country and it is time to hold the instigators responsible before there is an armed conflict against the government.

    Russia and China is a country of laws too

  45. Holmes and others, re “anger.”

    Cold anger, please. The 2010 elections are merely Round One of a ten-round championship. It will be a very bad outcome if we angry ones vote a bunch of bums out of office in November but only restore balance or parity to congress and decide that’s enough.

    We might get a knockout if we can create a Constitutional Convention, but all of us need to quietly resolve to be in for the duration on this. We need to not only win in 2010 and 2012, but for several elections beyond that to repair and restore, because it is not merely this crop of Democrats, but an entire DC culture that includes a lot of corrupt Republicans. The longstanding problem for conservatism is that we have lives and jobs which command a great deal of our attention. We have gotten by with occasional corrections to the insanity in DC, then returning to our regularly-scheduled programming.

    I expect to be preaching this a lot in the months to come. We do not need to rely on violent or escapist solutions. We merely need to persevere in retaking cultural and political territory. Nov 2010 should be Midway Island, not Hiroshima.

    We don’t have to vote them all out on the first try, but we do need to keep at it each election.

  46. I like this one.. the emotion is at a fever..

    The Morning After:
    Tea Party’s Spitting, Racial Epithets, Gay Slurs Linger

    On Saturday, a group of unhinged tea party protesters menaced and harassed three Black Democratic lawmakers, including Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), a hero of the civil rights movement, hurling the N-word at them as they walked to the Capitol to hear President Obama’s final speech on healthcare reform. One black lawmaker was spat upon. Inside the Longworth House office building, teapartiers shouted the homophobic slur “faggot” and “homo” to Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), as the group laughed. As the unruly tea party mob moved through the office building they banged on the office doors of Democratic lawmakers. When Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) tried to enter an elevator, the tea party mob surrounded the lawmaker shouting “crook” and “liar.”

    Spitting and Slurs Directed at Lawmakers

    and talk about bull sh*t

    The No. 3 Democrat in the House, Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, said, “I heard people saying things today that I have not heard since March 15, 1960, when I was marching to try to get off the back of the bus.”

    interesting… that when you look at that date…

    they arrested students in south Korea for protesting.

    and that they arested 380 african american protestors who converged on LUNCH counters.

    and 77 students were arrested for sitins…

    but if he is talking about sitting at the back of the bus…

    On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks, age 42, refused to obey bus driver James Blake’s order that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. Her action was not the first of its kind: Irene Morgan, in 1946, and Sarah Louise Keys, in 1955, had won rulings before the U.S. Supreme Court and the Interstate Commerce Commission respectively in the area of interstate bus travel. Nine months before Parks refused to give up her seat, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to move from her seat on the same bus system. But unlike these previous individual actions of civil disobedience, Parks’ action sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

    “Civil Rights Hero,” Rosa Parks: USA Today reports that NEA teachers
    have seen to it that every public school child in America knows their version of “The Rosa Parks’ Story.”

    It goes something like this; a poor tired black seamstress took a seat in the front of a Montgomery, Alabama buss on December 1, 1955. The driver asked her to move to the back under the state’s Segregation law.

    For refusing Parks was arrested.

    Four days later Martin Luther King arrive in town and launched the Montgomery Buss Boycott. After 381 days, the Supreme Court ordered the city buses integrated. The True Parks’ Story: the behind-the-scene true story is that Rosa Parks was the secretary of the local NAACP.

    The book, “Speak Now,” a left-wing history of the civil rights movement, states that in August of 1955, (four months before the bus incident) Parks attended the Highlander Folk School in Mount Eagle, Tennessee. The “school” was started in 1932 by Myles Horton and James Dombrowski, both members of the Communist Party.

    “Speak Now” states that the schools’ original purpose was to train Communists activists on how to promote textile strikes, hold protest marches, picket lines and learn “socialist songs.”

    The Textile Workers Union was completely controlled by the Communist Party. “Speak Now,” page 529 reads as:

    “FBI surveillance of the Highlander Folk School and the Southern Conference Educational Fund, (SCEF) intensified. In 1952 Myles Horton would invest their energy and resources in the historic Southern struggle over desegregation of the public schools.”

    “Speak Now,” says that Parks attended summer training at the Highlander Folk school in 1955, 1956 and 1957. She is pictured with Martin Luther King sitting on the front row in a Highlander training class on September 2, 1957. Thus, the liberals’ story that she was just a “poor tired black seamstress” when she sat in the front of the bus is a total lie!

    i have no idea what this man is referring to as far as getting off the back of the bus, as he is over a half decade off.

    This afternoon, the congressman was walking into the Capitol to vote, when one protester spat on him. The Congressman would like to thank the U.S. Capitol Police officer who quickly escorted the other members and him into the Capitol, and defused the tense situation with professionalism and care. After all the members were safe, a full report was taken and the matter was handled by the U.S. Capitol Police. The man who spat on the congressman was arrested, but the congressman has chosen not to press charges. He has left the matter with the Capitol Police.

    and so the whole spit thing is a set up. its BS… that he would let someone spit on him and not press charges and not make a big thing as to fearing to catch aids. lets hear some info as to the man whos pit him and was arrested (cant find anything on it yet).

  47. Right-wing journalist: “Blame Obama” for coming “possibly violent civil unrest.” // Matthew Vadum, a self-described “Chronicler of the Left” who writes for, among others, Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com, warns of “violent civil unrest” as a result of “Fascist health care”

    the lefts response basically finds it easier to believe in the false characature of racism, than reality.

    IRONY in the comments points out his genius mentality:
    TRANSLATION: See…we told you not to elect a n*gger President.


    Vadum reminds me of a wife beater who blames his wife because she p!ssed him off.
    I opposed the tax cuts and the Medicare part D and the war in Iraq. Without all of that the deficit would be far less. (Iraq alone would pay for the entire Health Reform) So in effect we had 8 years and nothing to show for it.

    of course these things show a grasp of the situation and so they will reasonably just sit around and not do counterproductive stupid stuff. they will work for their own enslavement until its so complete that there are no more ways to ignore it. (and they will sit in their chains blaming the wrong people. does it matter if they blame the right or wrong people? not at all, they are still captured means of production)

    i wonder if the reasonable people who got everyone to wait and see have a line to talk to these people.

    Farrakhan Warns Obama of Civil Unrest

    [whats his excuse over vadum? or does Farrakhan also not like Ni**ers? (as per the idiot statment above).

    When we can’t feed our families what do you tell us? Thou shalt not steal? When survival is the first law of nature? What are you going to do when black people and poor people erupt in the streets of America? It’s coming! Will you use the federal troops, Mr. President, against the poor?

  48. People HAVE to get over this stigma of being called a racist. It begs common sense and is in itself abnormally race focused to consider the color of the persons skin who is trampling you. This is the very issue providing this President and progressives cover while they rape and pillage our country.

    45% approval? WTF?

    Would any of these “approvers” stand by and let someone with downs syndrome choke their child to death for fear of not being seen as compassionate toward the disabled?

    We need transformation alright. We need somebody with the balls to give a passionate speech heard all over this nation that settles this issue of whether we are to be a color blind society or a color obsessed one, once and for all.

    1964- How dare you notice my ethnicity
    2010- How dare you not notice my ethnicity

  49. U.S. Preparing for Civil Unrest?

    HR 645… National Emergency Centers Establishment Act

    A bill entitled the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in the US Congress in January. It calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations

    “Operation Exodus”
    Sheriff Trains Citizens for ‘Operation Exodus’

    Police volunteers will have access to a .50-caliber machine gun to put down looters and rioters.

    Instead of normal riot equipment such as shields and batons, the volunteers will be armed with shotguns and have access to a .50-caliber machine gun mounted on a vehicle dubbed “the war wagon.” On February 20, the volunteers were trained in hand-to-hand combat techniques.


    According to the Times, Deen’s department will also make shotguns, riot shields and batons available to the members of Operation Exodus.

    “Being prepared is the key,” Deen said.


    WSJ: Mean Street: America’s Coming Civil Unrest?


    interesting that areas are training with 50 cal to insure local safety…

    i wish i could leave ny…

  50. Rule of mediocrity.
    These people have no imagination of their own. It’s all been done to death already: see Reighstag Fire , and 1933-1940 in USSR, and how so called Sabotage was blamed on every failure of the government, with ensuing mass arrests and deportations into concentration camps…

    Actually, that fact – that they repeat old recipes – is encouraging. History, as you’ll know, has a knack to repeat itself at a accelerating rate; so maybe getting rid of socialists in this country will take less than 90 it took for Russia.

    For my generation, I’m not optimistic. I’m not even sure that I will ever work again.

  51. As Government Fist Tightens, Philadelphia Degenerates Into Anarchy

    Business owners yesterday called on Mayor Nutter to stop “flash mobs” on South Street after patrons couldn’t shop, dine or get home on Saturday night because of the hordes of teens roaming the neighborhood.

    Inspired by Twitter messages to “come to South Street,” police say hundreds – business owners say thousands – of young teens stampeded down South Street in waves, jumping on top of cars, knocking over pedestrians and fighting and cursing. …

    ok… now will someone, who had all the answers before and told me that this woud not go this way…

    tell me what we can do now that we didnt prepare?

    Flash mob anarchy is getting to be a regular occurrence:

    Saturday’s was the sixth flash mob to hit the city since last May: three on South Street; two in the Gallery, including one that spread to Macy’s; and one along Market Street East that spread to the area near City Hall.

    About 11 p.m. a 27-year-old woman was walking on South near 15th when a large group of male and female juveniles ganged up on her, kicking and punching her until she fell to the ground, where they continued to kick her in the face and head. She was taken to Hahnemann University Hospital, where she was treated for bruises, abrasions and a large laceration on her upper lip. She has since been released. No arrests were made.

  52. “”∅bama’s plan will lower family’s health premiums by $2,500 per year !””

    Well yes. But that feature doesn’t kick in til 2024. Just in time for $2500.00 to buy 3 loaves of bread.

  53. That’s not what ∅bama said…

    Additionally, this plan will create 4 million new jobs !

  54. Around seven this morning I was at MSNBC’s website. There was a poll asking how people felt about this historic moment. I voted as “angry” When the result was shown it registered something like 54% Angry, 22% Happy and the rest were divided as unsure etc.

    I just checked the page again and cannot find the link for the poll. If anyone can, please correct me.

  55. will,

    Why are you angry? If you listened to Nancy and ∅bama yesterday you would probably feel PROUD. I listened to them.

    Don’t you believe what they say?

  56. “I didn’t see it because I could not bear to watch the proceedings”

    Neo: How can you defeat an enemy if you cannot bear to face same enemy?

    Yes, it was sickening to watch Pelosi and her entourage all giddy like deranged school girls and it was just as nauseating listening to Obama’s midnight speech and seeing him and Biden walking away embracing each other. But we must all be witness to these horrors to reinforce our resolve for the long haul. Now is not the time for weakness. 🙂

  57. Marine’s Mom: I’m curious to know whether those “wishy-washy friends” are liberal Democrats. If so, I’d be especially encouraged by what you say.

  58. Angry?
    Why that’s what you call people in my demographic. Other demo’s are “concerned” or “resolute”. People who do not support Obama are “angry”. I did see Pelosi with the big gavel and the carefully orchestrated minstrel show starring Lewis and others (where was Harry “no Negro dialect” Reed?). The irony of this staging and the massive bill benefitting “all” Americans was not lost on me.

    p.s. I found the poll, it’s on MSN’s home page, and continues with the “angry” trend. Do check it out!

  59. Pingback:thanks it is good to know

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