Pelosi: does she…
…or doesn’t she? Have the votes for HCR, that is?
Even Pelosi doesn’t know for sure. As for me, I would not believe a word that comes out of Pelosi’s mouth. And that includes “and” and “the.”
While it’s true that, if Pelosi did have the votes, she would move the bill to the floor, right now the Democrats are waiting for the CBO to score it and the parliamentarian to rule on it. So there is a possibility she does already have the votes and is telling the truth. But if so, it would be a surprise to Bart Stupak and his anti-abortion-funding colleagues.
“But we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it.”
Does she or doesn’t she?
That’s the $64 question. Or $64,000 question. Or $64 trillion question. Who’s counting these days?
The day that Pelosi has the votes is the day the vote will be taken. It is also the day that Obama will sign it into law.
Mr. Frank has it right. Waiting for the CBO score is a sure sign that Pelosi doesn’t have the votes, that she’s been told by some Democrats that they won’t prematurely vote before they see the CBO score.
Well, I’m not sure I understand this entirely, but it doesn’t look good for the notion of the Americans being a self-governing people:
Mr. Frank and Geoffrey Britain are right: Pelosi does not have the votes, or it would have been voted on already.
She needs more time for arm twisting…