Obama and Matheson
Could this be just more of the Chicago Way?
Poor Blago got impeached for somewhat similar shenanigans. What will Obama get—his health care reform bill passed?
Could this be just more of the Chicago Way?
Poor Blago got impeached for somewhat similar shenanigans. What will Obama get—his health care reform bill passed?
This is a tragedy in the making. Scott Matheson should prudently decline the nomination as untimely, and soon. Otherwise both he and his brother Jim will forever be tagged as corrupt and neither will be able to overcome the taint.
The lawyers at PowerLine note that Obama would probably say that the nomination has been in the pipeline for a long time, and the timing is just a coincidence.
They also said that Matheson is an outstanding candidate from a Democrat point of view with an impressive resume — an ideal candidate. They also said that Republicans who suggested it was a bribe are probably off the mark. Their comments from yesterday are worth reading.
Sounds like business as usual. Unfortunately…
The nomination may in fact be totally coincidental, but the point is that this looks like a bribe, regardless of whether it actually is or not. You’d think Obama would have realized that; anyone of normal intelligence would have. The only exculpatory scenario posits that Obama hadn’t made the connection, which makes him incompetent.
Of course, the way his staff has vetted other nominees, it’s entirely possible he wasn’t informed that Jim and Scott Matheson were, as luck would have it, related.
Oh sure. It really does look bad, but I think Republicans are a little too ready to jump on every little thing. We should reserve our big guns for things worth spending the ammunition on.
Check out Mr. Liu, the nominee for the Ninth Circuit! Now there’s someone who needs attacking.
My first thought at seeing the headline was of Tim Matheson.