Those White House books on socialism
A blogger reports that he went on a White House tour and saw some books on socialism in a library stocked by Michelle Obama.
I say: big deal. That has no particular meaning. In fact, if both Obamas were dedicated to fighting socialism in all its shapes and forms, you certainly would expect them to have read up on the subject. Know thine enemy, and all that.
The more significant point is that here we are, a year after Obama’s inauguration and several years after he began his campaign, still speculating about the true nature of the Obamas, especially Barack. And by the word “we,” I’m not just referring to the right; the left and the middle are trying to figure him out as well.
Have we ever before had a deliberately cloaked mystery man as president, about whose goals we must continually speculate? No. Everyone wonders about Barack Obama, although some of us think we know.
I, for example, believe him to be a leftist ideologue dedicated to the redistribution of wealth even if the American electorate turns on him and his fellow Democrats in the process, and even if he has to lie through his teeth about who he is and what he intends. And I don’t need a couple of books here and there to tell me that—although in fact, these books tell me nothing. His actions are what determine my viewpoint, combined with his multiple lies and obfuscations.
Remember this, from July of 2008? It wasn’t very funny then, and it’s not all that funny now:
The only difference between then and now is that we have much more evidence of Obama’s true nature, and we also have more evidence that the American people have woken up and are onto the program, and may be able to stop it.
A blogger reports that he went on a White House tour and saw some books on socialism in a library stocked by Michelle Obama.
Big deal. I’ve got a copy of Das Kapital behind me on my bookshelf, and I bet people here suspect I’m a lukewarm Marxist at best.
Besides, it’s unlikely Michelle’s been influenced by those books, or even read them. Having read her senior thesis, I doubt we have anything to worry about. Now if she had some comic books on socialism, then I’d start worrying.
if both Obamas were dedicated to fighting socialism in all its shapes and forms, you certainly would expect them to have read up on the subject. Know thine enemy, and all that.
thats a failed assumption
(and i know you were not really making it)
this is kind of connected to the post in the thread where i detailed what was in stalins library and what he read.
the major difference if the assertio might be true, is that the book shelf would be balanced with the books of your side.
so if you were learning that ins and outs to oppose it, you would also have for reference the ins and outs that you profess
but if all you care about is one thing. and its left socialism, even THEY dont read the opposition matieral to oppose it. its not necessary. that is the way that its been formulated is to keep the beleivers from reading the other sides missives.
and so the libararies of true believers and fellow travelers are completely top heavy with only one thing.
one would expect the pope tohave a copy of the necronomicon (it doesnt exist, the one that you can get was made by a person whom i knew and became friends with before he died).
there is no reason to read about a system which you believe is a lie and is to be destroyed and replaced.
does one need to understand a buildings construction to tear it down? of course not. (you only need that if yuo want to tear it down a special way)
bottom line, her library reflects stalins library.
lenins library.
and if your conceptual was true, you would think that those here who were opposing it would not tear into me so much and would go read more..
but people who cant read 1000+ words are certainly not going to go through the lenins 38 volumes becauise i gave a link
but if they had read all this stuff.
they would know much of what i know.
that is, they would not longer think i was taking an arbitrary side in an arbitrary notion in which no one knows the facts and such, and so all can be discounted and imagination and ideas are equal then to empiricism and experience (even if only second hand and only direct as living the fall out)
so no… my take is that that is what she likes, that is her catechism. that is her bible study for the prophet Marx.
but now all this is is 100th confirmation of what the ignorant will brush off and they will endeavor to keep brushing it off, as they can continue to stand their position if they do.
kind of like denying the world is round by refusing to look through the port hole on the rocket trip to the moon.
as long as they dont read this stuff, they can make up any reason they weant that its not true, its old, it isnt relevent, etc.
after they read it, they are in a tight place they never wanted to be in
Obama’s “true nature” is that he couldn’t be a more transparent lackey for the private banking establishment. Anyone who thinks he’s any kind of a socialist or leftist is hallucinating.
Have we ever before had a deliberately cloaked mystery man as president, about whose goals we must continually speculate? No.
yes.. not no
woodrow wilson, and FDR
No. Everyone wonders about Barack Obama, although some of us think we know.
i wish i could invite you to sit with some ex soviets, some latvians on johns day, for ukrainians and such.
some of us DO know…
becasue we eitehr were raised to the same milk
or we read the same stuff and know through real knowlege.
its those who DONT know that claim that others are equal in ignorance and only believe they know.
an ingonrant person can easily make a knowlegeable person seem just as ignorant to a crowd that is also ignorant.
have you gone and read “dear god i wanted to live?”. of course not!
that would expand the unique into the banal, and then make the horror REAL…
have you gone and even started reading lenins 38 volumes? gramsci’s 9 prison volumes? and all that?
of course not..
What if you found out that those that know really do?
then what?
The only difference between then and now is that we have much more evidence of Obama’s true nature, and we also have more evidence that the American people have woken up and are onto the program, and may be able to stop it.
and not having read the books they have, you refuse as do others, to realize taht that response is part of the action. in judo, if my opponent doesnt attack, then i am at a big disadvantage. but if i can get the target to get angry, and leave their center of balance, i can have complete control over them, because they have to enter my space to attack. then i can throw them aroudn like a rag doll.
this applies all over. in north africa, rommel fought monty… and he hated the fact that monty refused to attack. that he sat there and ddidnt fight… why? beacuse most of what rommel could do, required the help of his enemy. i even quoted the german word they used for it several times. did any one try to find the literature that would be connected to such a word that delineated process?
here is what its like on this side. we all just saw a magic trick, and some of us know how the trick is done. the others dont. no matter how those in the know are told how its done, they fight to preserve the magic of not knowing, where all potential is still real!! (and real hasnt destroyed most potential). i could be the magicians brother, and no one will believe that there is a trick to it. that it can be larned that ANYONE who knows can do it.
so why doesnt everyone do it? Morals… not everyone is sociopathic/narcisistic enough to hate everyone enough to want to team up to erase them. and when one steps up, the rest still cant believe process and intent, but wait for magic. i knew obama was coming way way ago. no, i didnt know his name, or whom he would be. but i knew that once we elected a fullbright scholar to the soviet union as president… the other one he prepares the way for, is going to come. and since this system doesnt care what and whom it chews up, dont think that safety, and good outcome prevents action. that a group of people who are willing to die for their cause to succeed, opposed by others who catn find the time to read up and learn about them in detail, is not going to fail.
especially when that ignorant group doesnt realize that what they are latching on to save the day, is what is needed to seal the deal.
Your assessment on what’s in a person’s library as evidence of their personal position is dead on. We’ve have more damning evidence time and time again right from the horse’s mouth. I was just thinking the other evening about Obama’s comment while stumping for healthcare, suggesting that his healthcare program would put a stop to doctors performing unnecessary practices in order to extract a fee. His example was a removal of body parts. Of course this comment was extremely instructive in revealing what he thinks about the medical profession or any profession for that matter in the public sector. Always behind it is that suspicion he holds and wants to inspire in the public toward the greedy capitalists and their schemes to separate us from every dollar they can. Funny how few liberals recognize those same machinations within the federal government.
Neo, when you mention the cover of the New Yorker magazine you are correct that it does not tickle the funny bone.
What got lost in the hoopla about the cover art was the content of the article within the magazine. To my mind, it was the most revealing piece of journalism written about Obama during the campaign.
Spot on accurate.
Artfldgr –
Overreact much? We saw a little bit of one shelf. That shelf included two history books on socialism and one book on Communism – written by an anti-Communist neocon, Nathan Glazer.
That makes it “Stalin’s library?”
I assume there are a lot more books than that in the White House library.
I’m still a little skeptical of Obama as crafty ideologue. Unthinking believer, perhaps, but certainly not a revolutionary tactician. He sounds to me more like every other college sophomore from the 1970s. His standard Marxist critique of Western society is now being critiqued by American voters. And I don’t think he likes it one bit.
there will be a copy of this book in your email..
The Road Ahead: Americas Creeping Revolution
funny thing is that gates and his foudnation wrote a book by the same title… so guess what happens when you tell someone to read it?
The Road Ahead; America’s Creeping Revolution is John T. Flynn’s treatise on the infiltration of Socialism into the politics of the United States. First published in 1949, it had at least three printings totaling over 500,000 copies. Many of these were distributed by the Fighters For Freedom, a division of The Committee for Constitutional Government, Inc., based in New York City.
This book has no formal introduction, save one paragraph appearing at the bottom of the book jacket bearing Flynn’s signature. It states, “I wrote this book to answer a question that practically everybody is asking: Where are we heading? I thought it was about time for someone to answer it, candidly and with blunt facts.”
having neve read such books
having not even knowlege of literally HUNDREDS from the 20s and 30s.. and covering the whole history before whatever editions time of authorship, they detail the things that would change your mind from one of they dont know, they cant know, to how could you not know..
the original is out of print, and free on line
from chapter 1 the real enemy
Y PURPOSE in writing this book is to attempt to describe the road along which this country is traveling to its destruction. Human societies come under the influence of great tides of thought and appetite that run unseen deeply below the surface of society. After a while these powerful streams of opinion and desire move the whole social mass along with them without the individuals in the mass being aware of the direction in which they are going. Up to a certain point it is possible to resist these controlling tides and to reverse them, but a time comes when they are so strong that society loses its power of decision over the direction in which it is going.
I believe we are now moving along under the dominion of such tides and that all the things we do to deal with our accumulating perils are futile because we do not understand the tides nor the direction in which they are carrying us. I believe that we still have in our hands the means of checking this onrush to disaster. We still may consciously control our destiny. But I feel sure that we are moving toward a crisis which will be ior us the moment of decision. It will be at that point we will either use or lose our final opportunity to determine the direction along which this nation will travel.
Basically your all coming into the movie or the play in the last act!!! and thinking its the first act!! you are completely unawar of the warnings and such that have come before, the detaisl and so on.
The Fabian Dream
FOR a thousand years, says Winston Churchill in his war memoirs, no alien enemy has been able to invade the shores of England. It is quite true that the doughty Briton has been able to keep Hitler, as he kept Napoleon, from crossing his guarded channel. But for all that, Karl Marx made it. And now we shall see how it was done.
Of course the British apologist for the
present government in London will tell you his socialism has nothing to do with Marx. We shall deal with that later. For the moment, let us rest with the observation that no American can understand what is happening in America if he does not understand what has happened in England and how it was brought about.
the apologists distract you
many dont even know the role they take
as they defend what historically is indefensible
[edited for length by n-n]
Come to think of it, the biggest error of Obama’s critics isn’t that he’s a leftist (he isn’t) but that he’s an ideologue of any sort. Despite all the hysterical conspiracy-mongering, there isn’t any evidence that Obama holds any firm belief in anything other than himself, his own glory, and power for its own sake.
As if that wasn’t disturbing enough, there’s something similarly creepy about the constant fetishistic fantasizing about some imaginary rigid, controlling, straitjacketed ideology lurking behind the empty, insipid, pandering, all-things-to-all-people “bipartisanship” that is the hallmark of Obamaism.
A pox on both your houses.
I’m with Occam’s on the library selections. I just can’t imagine Michelle sitting down with such a book. She’s more the fashion mag and high-end entertaining type. I’m pretty sure she had someone on her staff contact a few academics to compile a list of books that would impress intellectuals. I bet she never got farther than the required reading in her ethnic indoctrination courses at Princeton. She may have a couple of autographed copies of Jeremiah Wright’s works in her personal collection.
here is a copy of the plan written before 1949 when it was published in this book. please go over the numbers and let me know if it fits. then you might realize that some do know…however when someone knows and tries to help. what they learn is what i just learned. that i better use my knowlege to JOIN them. for i certainly cant use it to educate their victims. right?
and i will point out that stuart chase, and others were part of the clique that came before ayers clique. that the chases and geithners knew each other, as did the fords and such. in essence they didnt have to read the plan, that was for followers from outside. they are related to the people who MADE THE PLAN. and have known this is whats happening in the open, and so why do you think with all that power arrayed, they would oppose it on moral terms?
these posts are too close to home…so i cant keep spelling out the obvious…eventually i am going to get hurt.
fancy that… the labels mean nothing. like i said…fancy that, a list you can follow if you are not ignorant. fancy that, the people writing up these plans are related in blood to those who are in office. still think none of us know?
Mr. Chase does not say so and perhaps would not agree, but what they add up to is British Fabian Socialism and American National Socialist Planning, which are precisely the same under different names. The most extensive care is observed to get away from the word “socialism.” This is the advice George Bernard Shaw gave the English. He admitted the English could not nationalize everything. He believed it more likely that nationalization would become the rule and private enterprise the exception.
And he urged that we stop talking nonsense about socialism and set to work to nationalizing various things and make an end of insisting on what it shall be called. “And I,” he adds, “who said 40 years ago that we should have had socialism already but for the Socialists, am quite willing to drop the name, if dropping it will help me to get the thing done,” This is the shrewd counsel which the American new-style Socialists have adopted. They have dropped the name socialism. This, then, is the Socialist program for America. It envisions:
1. The taking over by the federal government, in time, of all the enterprises controlling credit, power, transportation, coal and steel, the complete federal control of our export and import trade, and the assumption by the federal government of all insurance functions.
2. The subjection of what remains in private enterprise to federal planning on the model described, and
3. The assumption by the federal government of complete responsibility for the continuous functioning of the whole economic system at or near full-scale operation and adequate provision for the whole population of jobs or such arrangements in the way of pensions or other payments in case of old age, widowhood, orphanage, unemployment.
Included in this, of course, will be the socialization of medicine.
[edited for length by n-n]
YVE MUST now ask: What can be done?
One of the first things those opposed to this socialistic program must do is to rid themselves of the moral intimidation which has been imposed on their minds. In the debate around this problem, the American system has been painted as something wicked, bungling, even brutal, while the Planned New World of the future will be filled with sweetness, light and plenty. The very word “profit” has been endowed with the most sinister implications. When our new Planned Paradise is opened for business the very nature of men will be altered. If you oppose these plans it is, of course, because you are sitting upon some immoral concession of the profit system from which you do not wish to be dislodged. In the morning paper on the day I write this the President scolds the opposition to socialized medicine (which he calls “health insurance”) because it represents nothing but the selfish interest of “organized medicine” fighting to preserve its “exclusive monopoly.” Whatever may be said of the 180,000 doctors in this country, certainly they cannot be called monopolists. And is it not barely possible that there may be something more than a mere selfish interest in the opposition to socialized medicine, even among the doctors?
She’s more the fashion mag and high-end entertaining type.
the number one agency in fashion for the runway and such is… drumroll
“peoples revolution”
go ahead, take that term and put it into google
you dont get marx
you dont get china
you get
people’s revolution clothing
People’s Revolution’s founder gears up for Fashion Week.
Public relations reps get a bad rap. People’s Revolution founder Kelly Cutrone, however, calls herself the Mother Teresa of the avant-garde, championing the likes of Vivienne Westwood, Agent Provocateur, Alexandre Herchcovitch, and Jeremy Scott. With fashion week on the horizon, we caught up with Cutrone to find out who she’s got her eye on.
What made you want to start People’s Revolution?
I already owned a pretty significant, prototypical PR company called Cutrone & Weinberg, which turned into Untitled, probably the largest management company in the country. But I can’t help myself because when I see something really good, I want to tell other people about it! So when I sold my first company and started People’s Rev, I decided that I wanted to make a company of the future–I told everybody fashion is the new rock and roll!
I wanted a PR company that told the truth versus cheer-leaded, represented only things that I really believed in. It’s all very idealistic. I mean, the name itself, People’s Revolution, means the world will change when we change ourselves.
sometimes knowing them personally makes the quotes more real
Artfldgr, you’re a funny guy. The federal government hasn’t taken over the banks, the banks have taken over the government. And despite what you may have read, “socialized medicine” was not, is not, and won’t ever be on the table as long as the insurance and pharmaceutical industries are writing the policies. If it were, a lot of people, including myself, might actually support it. Stop chasing phantoms.
What’s next, Nesta Webster and Lady Queensborough?
I agree he IS what his actions purport him to be. No other “investigation” is necessary.
To believe otherwise is like trying to explain why the head of the Genovese crime family is probably a good Catholic, murder notwithstanding.
I find it all the more remarkable that people (or perhaps it’s the media) keep trying to make the distinction between the man and his policies as in: Polls show Obama’s popularity above 50% but they also show that the American public disapproves of his policies. They are one and the same.
uh, ditto.
Artfldgr, you’re a funny guy.
ha ha… real funny
i am quoting a blueprint for the future they are following, matches what they are doing, was written by smoeone they look up to, and was involved in the big last time this was tried by a man whom the current president trying this looks up to and says he is modeling things like.
ha ha
i give extensive references. i post tracts
what do you offer in the way of knowing other than belief?
No, it doesn’t “match what they are doing”. Socialized medicine was NEVER part of Obama’s health insurance plan. The feds have NO meaningful control, or even token oversight, of the Bush-Obama bailouts, which are sheer naked plunder. You’re living on the moon, pal.
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I hate to say it, but whenever I see “Artfldgr Says: ” I reach for my mouse wheel…and rotate fast and far.
Art, you need an editor…and loose italics and boldface. I never finish your screeds: they get to be boring.
Good Ole Charlie
Socialized medicine was NEVER part of Obama’s health insurance plan.
“All of this doesn’t necessarily mean that socialized medicine, or even single-payer, is the only way to go. There are a number of successful health-care systems, at least as measured by pretty good care much cheaper than here, and they are quite different from each other. There are, however, no examples of successful health care based on the principles of the free market, for one simple reason: in health care, the free market just doesn’t work.” krugman
thats why russias life expectancy dropped to 58, and the US has the highest life expectancy, which is killing social security.
you didnt read what i wrote…
because what you said i said, i didnt wrote.
you were reading from the 1949…
yet you couldnt tell it wasnt from today.
same goals, never changed.
I would say you lost me Art, but you never really had me.
No, I didn’t think your so-called “blueprint for the future” was from today; in fact it seems rather dated to me and doesn’t match what’s happening now at all.
Click the link, read the update — apparently we haven’t had serious readers in the White House since Jackie Kennedy. I’m disappointed to learn that even Laura Bush didn’t make some changes.
One thing is obvious to me and that is that neither Obama is well-read or well-educated.
Artfldgr, you know russia has a huge drinking problem . Try comparing us to France and Great Britian our socalist Allie in the war on terror you think so little about