Home » Best line about the SOTU speech


Best line about the SOTU speech — 6 Comments

  1. Also see Barry Rubin’s observations at Rubin Reports.
    It really is time to start thinking of ways of removing this guy from office. He is obliviously not playing with a full deck.

  2. We at the Institute of Obamalogy are gratified that our recent tweaks to the Obama 2.0 model have significantly improved the model’s predictive powers.

    Realizing that Obama’s narcisissm (NC) was more directly related to Obama’s imagined fame (Fi) as a historical figure as opposed to his external popularity (Pe) was the key distinction.

    Based on this we can predict that Obama will continue to diverge from reality at least until the midterm elections when party losses may be great enough to shock him back into reality or may cement his view of himself as noble martyr to the cause with future history restoring his reputation.

    Further research is directed twoards the post-2010 scenarios.

    — Institute of Obamalogy, “Working tirelessly to remove the Enigma from the Obama”

  3. My wife, who has a Master’s in Psychology, says that Obama may resign in order to secure his place as a martyr and deny his enemies the pleasure of voting him out of office. Sort I had the last laugh means of protecting his ego.

    Let us hope, pray and keep braying.

  4. In his analysis of the speech, George Will’s final paragraph summarized it quite well:

    Obama’s leitmotif is: Washington is disappointing, Washington is annoying, Washington is dysfunctional, Washington is corrupt, verily Washington is toxic — yet Washington should conscript a substantially larger share of GDP, and Washington should exercise vast new controls over health care, energy, K-12 education, etc. Talk about a divided brain.

  5. Mr “Big O” lost me in the S o/t U speech when he started in on the line-by-line review of bills, and transparency/posting bills online, and stopping earmarks. It hasn’t even now dawned on this genius that he CAMPAIGNED on all that stuff, that HE WON THE ELECTION DAMMIT, and that HE’S HAD AN ENTIRE YEAR TO MAKE GOOD on those promises and hasn’t chosen to do so????? Instead, he’ll just dust off those old forgotten words and present them to us as fresh, new ideas???

    No. ThanksVeryMuchButImNotBuyingItMrPresident.

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