Coakley is the female John Kerry—without the charm.
Comparisons — 39 Comments
Brown is the male Sarah Palin–with a law degree …. yes and having a brain is essential. I wish him well 🙂
A very insightful comparison! Brown seems to have tapped into the same “ordinary person” energy that Palin has. His response to the pickup truck attack shows he shares some of Palin’s very shrewd understanding of how to appeal to the base and to independents who are fed up with elitism in politics. Coakley seems to have John Kerry’s ability to rub independents’ feathers the wrong way…
Interesting blog, by the way. I’m going to link to you in one of my sidebars. If you do reciprocal linking, I’d appreciate a link too, but it isn’t necessary. Great work here on your blog — well worth reading!
“Brown is the male Sarah Palin–with a law degree …. yes and having a brain is essential.”
Accusing Sarah Palin of being stupid is something only stupid people do. Ironic, isn’t it?
We badly need a conservative who’s both appealing AND well-spoken. The Republican leadership has been cursed with people with a propensity for malapropisms. Not that the Dims don’t have them (viz. Joe Blow Biden), but the Republican gaffes get endless play in the Lickspittle Media.
Brown, however, seems to be able to think on his feet. For which thank God.
I’m very fond of Sarah Palin; I think she’s intelligent enough, but she gets her syntax tangled, which is a killer in this arena.
“We badly need a conservative who’s both appealing AND well-spoken.”
Scott Brown is not particularly conservative, though. From my POV that’s great (I lean libertarian), but I suspect he won’t pass the purity tests of many Republicans, which is why I’m still not optimistic about 2012.
Purity tests? We don’t got to show you no steenkin’ purity tests.
“she gets her syntax tangled, which is a killer in this arena”
Beverly, I agree.
Love her, but still agree.
She can work on it, if she will recognize that it is a problem. I hope the Fox gig helps.
If Obama came for Coakley, who will come for Kerry???
Kerry has charm? If so, it’s of the Thurston Howell III variety.
Sarah Palin and Scott Brown both are bright and “down to earth”. But Sarah is Dynamite!
Sarcasm, Phineas.
Yes, clearly Jean-Francoise Kerie is the one that can rescue Marcia, for he has the Vietnam combat creds!
Drat, the Dems have deployed another of their legion of national security heavyweights to foil us again!!
It’s true Brown isn’t a conservative, but I’ll take a right of center moderate with some common sense out of MA any day. To paraphrase Hillary supporters (PUrity My Ass) pragmatism carries the day
Martha was handed the Teddy torch. She sneezed
at exactly the wrong moment and may have
extinguished the “eternal” flame.
It’s gonna be a hot time in the Obama WH tomorrow.
At least a two-pack night for Obama. I wonder
where the flop-smoke goes. NO ONE in the
WH seems to smell it.
Brown is the perfect storm. Good-looking, articulate, smart, honest, principled, just conservative enough, thinks on his feet, doesn’t need a teleprompter – “It is the PEOPLE’S seat.”
I can’t call John Kerry charming though – not after his latest stint especially – Like Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry isn’t scared by Code Pink, Earth First!, ALF, Bill Ayres, the Weather Underground, or the Black Panther goons with billy clubs outside polling places. He, like Nancy, is afraid of the PEOPLE. In his case it is the PEOPLE who are showing up for Scott Brown in Massachusetts. REAL PEOPLE, John. Imagine that.
He, like Olberman slings the “TeaBagger” epithet – tell me, How is the word “teabagger” any different than calling someone a ‘cunt”? Yet TV anchors and our elected officials — including the juvenile activist President himself — feel comfortable slinging that epithet. It is hate speech, pure and simple, and if it was a conservative pulling that sh-t they would be out of a job before the words left their mouths. Yet these guys get away with it.
The Olberman’s of the world will not prevail. Decency will.
Scott Brown, the perfect storm, the first wave of the sea change that is coming.
Speaking of charming politicians from MA, Did You know John Kerry served in the military?
I hope the Fox gig helps. I hope repeating junior high would help and about FoxNew it reflects very badly on them — we need more Krauthammers not Palins.
Well said, Neo!
I caught the sarcasm; it was a bit of feigned shock on my part. But Kerry has often reminded me of Mr. Howell.
Now, if we could just send him and his “Lovie” on a three-hour cruise… 🙂
Hopefully, Mass voters will overlook the lawyer part.
John Kerry is charming? Who knew?
Coakley is the female John Kerry–without the charm.
Oh, snap! That’s going to leave a mark. Oh, and it’s John Freakin’ Kerry, who served in Vietnam.
Prediction: The big story that is about to unfold could be one of massive voter fraud in MA.
….I’m talking massive Democrat-voter fraud. I think they see it as the only way to have a chance.
I would dispute any assertion of John Kerry being charming. I find him to be a condescending, deceitful, self-aggrandizing, elitist snob. That doesn’t charm me one bit. If, on the other hand, you are speaking in relative terms with respect to Coakley, then maybe you’re on to something.
Here is another contrast: The State of the Union address is scheduled for the same day as the Apple rollout. Which will get the most attention from the Obama youth supporters?
Highlander: although I know it’s not a good idea to explain a joke, let me make this one perfectly clear: Coakley is less charming than Kerry, and Kerry has no charm whatsoever.
What an apt comparison! It goes to show that there’s quite a big difference between Brown and Coakley. But the question is, does Kerry have charm? Maybe, for some he is but for many, it’s a no.
Spot on, Neo!
I got on a Democrat mailing list a while ago — and so I was annoyed, the other day, to get an e-mail from, purportedly from President Obama, addressed to me personally. (I got another one, a day or so later, from Vice President Biden.)
Answering those e-mails was a lot of fun! My CC to and got canned replies, explaining that those addresses were no longer monitored… but that since this was going to be the most transparent administration in history, I was encouraged to leave my responses on the appropriate Web form at… which I promptly did. (I didn’t get any responses, but I wasn’t expecting any.)
I was hoping for a push-poll phone call, asking me about Scott Brown denying rape victims etc., so that I could respond “did you know that 79.6% of Martha Coakley pollsters make up accusations out of thin air?… And if you knew that, would that influence YOUR vote?” Sadly, it didn’t happen.
Daniel in Brookline
Mark@Israel: I think the only person who thinks Kerry has charm is his wife. And maybe not even her.
You think John Kerry has charm? When did that happen? Was it his impassioned false testimony on Vitenam in front of Congress back in the 1970s? Or was it the Winter Soldier radicalism that did it for you?
Oops. Sorry. Didn’t read the comments before I posted. Good joke. Got it.
Sally Quinn, Doyen of the Washington DC Elitist Class, told O’Reilly last night that Scott Brown is gonna win big “because he’s a hunk.”
There’s a Beltway Slick’s assessment of the Mass. election dynamics. Baa-Daa-Bing. Like Dat.
Brown is the male Sarah Palin–with a law degree.
Coakley is the female John Kerry–without the charm.
neo, thats going to leave a mark.
Brown leads Coakley. Across the nation Republicans are cheering.
And so are quietly are Democrats – at least Dem politicians. But why?
It seems obvious to any pragmatic observer that Healthcare Reform is a massive TURD. And that any
politician who goes near it is going to stink and the voters clearly don’t like that smell. It might be OK for
Dems in safe seats or Dems planning to retire – but how many Dems will be out by the end of 2010 if the
Health bill passes???? Consider Ben Nelson who was eating out with his wife – and people started to criticize and boo him…when your constituents are THAT pissed you are in big trouble. Then there are those elections that Dems keeping losing, and the low ratings in the polls. You might just think that Healthcare which is Barack’s signature issue – is not a vote winning idea so much as a suicide mission for the Democrat Party.
In some ways this is looking like a replay of HillaryCare in the 90s. But this time people are REALLY pissed. Last time around opposition to HillaryCare didn’t spawn a damned political movement! The party leadership have decided the correct way to put those pesky citizens in their place, those uppity people who think they have the right to protest against their Masters, is to adopt a kind of political Kamikaze policy. They’re determined to crash or crash through and damn the losses to achieve glorious victory! Ram the thing through and let the Voters get used to the idea that in this here democracy it’s the people who serve Washington not the other way around…
But who is going to enjoy this “victory” and who is going to suffer the wrath of voters. How many Dems must be thinking – how will I survive if the Healthcare Turd is shoved where the voters don’t want it?? You might want to believe that the voters will forgive and forget by the time elections roll around late this year- after all voters ARE stupid. But that’s a lot to hang on your contempt for the limited attention span of the American Voter. I think you would have to be either an major optimist, or have a very safe majority to like that plan. Say a big majority in a solid Blue state like Mass – er ok bad example. Those who don’t face election till 2012 like the Great Leader may also be happy to sacrifice underlings for the cause, the underlings may not be quite so sanguine about their role.
The best thing for Dems – especially Blue Dogs and anybody in a marginal seat is for the Healthcare Turd to be derailed by Scott Brown. I mean, that way you can tell the Liberals that you fought the good fight and got screwed by those nasty Republicans. While telling all the other voters – that you supported the IDEA of Healthcare Reform, but were not really satisfied with the bill anyway. You can make lots of sounds along the lines of being “determined to work for healthcare reform in the future” yada yada yada.
Voting against it, might blow your cover and risks making you enemies among the powerbrokers. But having Scott Brown do it for you ?? – Priceless if you ask me.
So you gotta believe that plenty of Dems not in Massachusetts, and not just voters, are crossing fingers and praying for Scott Brown.
Just think Scott Brown is the man who has reached across the aisle and finally united Democrat and
Republican in a common cause!
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing abilities has inspired me to start my own blog now.
Brown is the male Sarah Palin–with a law degree …. yes and having a brain is essential. I wish him well 🙂
A very insightful comparison! Brown seems to have tapped into the same “ordinary person” energy that Palin has. His response to the pickup truck attack shows he shares some of Palin’s very shrewd understanding of how to appeal to the base and to independents who are fed up with elitism in politics. Coakley seems to have John Kerry’s ability to rub independents’ feathers the wrong way…
Interesting blog, by the way. I’m going to link to you in one of my sidebars. If you do reciprocal linking, I’d appreciate a link too, but it isn’t necessary. Great work here on your blog — well worth reading!
“Brown is the male Sarah Palin–with a law degree …. yes and having a brain is essential.”
Accusing Sarah Palin of being stupid is something only stupid people do. Ironic, isn’t it?
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We badly need a conservative who’s both appealing AND well-spoken. The Republican leadership has been cursed with people with a propensity for malapropisms. Not that the Dims don’t have them (viz. Joe Blow Biden), but the Republican gaffes get endless play in the Lickspittle Media.
Brown, however, seems to be able to think on his feet. For which thank God.
I’m very fond of Sarah Palin; I think she’s intelligent enough, but she gets her syntax tangled, which is a killer in this arena.
“We badly need a conservative who’s both appealing AND well-spoken.”
Scott Brown is not particularly conservative, though. From my POV that’s great (I lean libertarian), but I suspect he won’t pass the purity tests of many Republicans, which is why I’m still not optimistic about 2012.
Purity tests? We don’t got to show you no steenkin’ purity tests.
“she gets her syntax tangled, which is a killer in this arena”
Beverly, I agree.
Love her, but still agree.
She can work on it, if she will recognize that it is a problem. I hope the Fox gig helps.
If Obama came for Coakley, who will come for Kerry???
Kerry has charm? If so, it’s of the Thurston Howell III variety.
Sarah Palin and Scott Brown both are bright and “down to earth”. But Sarah is Dynamite!
Sarcasm, Phineas.
Yes, clearly Jean-Francoise Kerie is the one that can rescue Marcia, for he has the Vietnam combat creds!
Drat, the Dems have deployed another of their legion of national security heavyweights to foil us again!!
It’s true Brown isn’t a conservative, but I’ll take a right of center moderate with some common sense out of MA any day. To paraphrase Hillary supporters (PUrity My Ass) pragmatism carries the day
Martha was handed the Teddy torch. She sneezed
at exactly the wrong moment and may have
extinguished the “eternal” flame.
It’s gonna be a hot time in the Obama WH tomorrow.
At least a two-pack night for Obama. I wonder
where the flop-smoke goes. NO ONE in the
WH seems to smell it.
Brown is the perfect storm. Good-looking, articulate, smart, honest, principled, just conservative enough, thinks on his feet, doesn’t need a teleprompter – “It is the PEOPLE’S seat.”
I can’t call John Kerry charming though – not after his latest stint especially – Like Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry isn’t scared by Code Pink, Earth First!, ALF, Bill Ayres, the Weather Underground, or the Black Panther goons with billy clubs outside polling places. He, like Nancy, is afraid of the PEOPLE. In his case it is the PEOPLE who are showing up for Scott Brown in Massachusetts. REAL PEOPLE, John. Imagine that.
He, like Olberman slings the “TeaBagger” epithet – tell me, How is the word “teabagger” any different than calling someone a ‘cunt”? Yet TV anchors and our elected officials — including the juvenile activist President himself — feel comfortable slinging that epithet. It is hate speech, pure and simple, and if it was a conservative pulling that sh-t they would be out of a job before the words left their mouths. Yet these guys get away with it.
The Olberman’s of the world will not prevail. Decency will.
Scott Brown, the perfect storm, the first wave of the sea change that is coming.
Speaking of charming politicians from MA, Did You know John Kerry served in the military?
I hope the Fox gig helps. I hope repeating junior high would help and about FoxNew it reflects very badly on them — we need more Krauthammers not Palins.
Well said, Neo!
I caught the sarcasm; it was a bit of feigned shock on my part. But Kerry has often reminded me of Mr. Howell.
Now, if we could just send him and his “Lovie” on a three-hour cruise… 🙂
Hopefully, Mass voters will overlook the lawyer part.
John Kerry is charming? Who knew?
Coakley is the female John Kerry–without the charm.
Oh, snap! That’s going to leave a mark. Oh, and it’s John Freakin’ Kerry, who served in Vietnam.
Prediction: The big story that is about to unfold could be one of massive voter fraud in MA.
….I’m talking massive Democrat-voter fraud. I think they see it as the only way to have a chance.
I would dispute any assertion of John Kerry being charming. I find him to be a condescending, deceitful, self-aggrandizing, elitist snob. That doesn’t charm me one bit. If, on the other hand, you are speaking in relative terms with respect to Coakley, then maybe you’re on to something.
Here is another contrast: The State of the Union address is scheduled for the same day as the Apple rollout. Which will get the most attention from the Obama youth supporters?
Highlander: although I know it’s not a good idea to explain a joke, let me make this one perfectly clear: Coakley is less charming than Kerry, and Kerry has no charm whatsoever.
What an apt comparison! It goes to show that there’s quite a big difference between Brown and Coakley. But the question is, does Kerry have charm? Maybe, for some he is but for many, it’s a no.
Spot on, Neo!
I got on a Democrat mailing list a while ago — and so I was annoyed, the other day, to get an e-mail from, purportedly from President Obama, addressed to me personally. (I got another one, a day or so later, from Vice President Biden.)
Answering those e-mails was a lot of fun! My CC to and got canned replies, explaining that those addresses were no longer monitored… but that since this was going to be the most transparent administration in history, I was encouraged to leave my responses on the appropriate Web form at… which I promptly did. (I didn’t get any responses, but I wasn’t expecting any.)
I was hoping for a push-poll phone call, asking me about Scott Brown denying rape victims etc., so that I could respond “did you know that 79.6% of Martha Coakley pollsters make up accusations out of thin air?… And if you knew that, would that influence YOUR vote?” Sadly, it didn’t happen.
Daniel in Brookline
Mark@Israel: I think the only person who thinks Kerry has charm is his wife. And maybe not even her.
You think John Kerry has charm? When did that happen? Was it his impassioned false testimony on Vitenam in front of Congress back in the 1970s? Or was it the Winter Soldier radicalism that did it for you?
Oops. Sorry. Didn’t read the comments before I posted. Good joke. Got it.
Sally Quinn, Doyen of the Washington DC Elitist Class, told O’Reilly last night that Scott Brown is gonna win big “because he’s a hunk.”
There’s a Beltway Slick’s assessment of the Mass. election dynamics. Baa-Daa-Bing. Like Dat.
Brown is the male Sarah Palin–with a law degree.
Coakley is the female John Kerry–without the charm.
neo, thats going to leave a mark.
Brown leads Coakley. Across the nation Republicans are cheering.
And so are quietly are Democrats – at least Dem politicians. But why?
It seems obvious to any pragmatic observer that Healthcare Reform is a massive TURD. And that any
politician who goes near it is going to stink and the voters clearly don’t like that smell. It might be OK for
Dems in safe seats or Dems planning to retire – but how many Dems will be out by the end of 2010 if the
Health bill passes???? Consider Ben Nelson who was eating out with his wife – and people started to criticize and boo him…when your constituents are THAT pissed you are in big trouble. Then there are those elections that Dems keeping losing, and the low ratings in the polls. You might just think that Healthcare which is Barack’s signature issue – is not a vote winning idea so much as a suicide mission for the Democrat Party.
In some ways this is looking like a replay of HillaryCare in the 90s. But this time people are REALLY pissed. Last time around opposition to HillaryCare didn’t spawn a damned political movement! The party leadership have decided the correct way to put those pesky citizens in their place, those uppity people who think they have the right to protest against their Masters, is to adopt a kind of political Kamikaze policy. They’re determined to crash or crash through and damn the losses to achieve glorious victory! Ram the thing through and let the Voters get used to the idea that in this here democracy it’s the people who serve Washington not the other way around…
But who is going to enjoy this “victory” and who is going to suffer the wrath of voters. How many Dems must be thinking – how will I survive if the Healthcare Turd is shoved where the voters don’t want it?? You might want to believe that the voters will forgive and forget by the time elections roll around late this year- after all voters ARE stupid. But that’s a lot to hang on your contempt for the limited attention span of the American Voter. I think you would have to be either an major optimist, or have a very safe majority to like that plan. Say a big majority in a solid Blue state like Mass – er ok bad example. Those who don’t face election till 2012 like the Great Leader may also be happy to sacrifice underlings for the cause, the underlings may not be quite so sanguine about their role.
The best thing for Dems – especially Blue Dogs and anybody in a marginal seat is for the Healthcare Turd to be derailed by Scott Brown. I mean, that way you can tell the Liberals that you fought the good fight and got screwed by those nasty Republicans. While telling all the other voters – that you supported the IDEA of Healthcare Reform, but were not really satisfied with the bill anyway. You can make lots of sounds along the lines of being “determined to work for healthcare reform in the future” yada yada yada.
Voting against it, might blow your cover and risks making you enemies among the powerbrokers. But having Scott Brown do it for you ?? – Priceless if you ask me.
So you gotta believe that plenty of Dems not in Massachusetts, and not just voters, are crossing fingers and praying for Scott Brown.
Just think Scott Brown is the man who has reached across the aisle and finally united Democrat and
Republican in a common cause!
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing abilities has inspired me to start my own blog now.
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