Home » Time to abolish the CBO?


Time to abolish the CBO? — 8 Comments

  1. I read that article yesterday.

    There are pro’s and con’s.

    Tools, money, data, they can all be misused.

    Just because somebody is misusing a tool or money or data doesn’t mean we should take it away.

    However, it’s been useful to see projections by CBO are inaccurate and are gamed by the Democrats by front loading taxes and back loading costs.

    The Democrats are evil for doing this 🙂

  2. For members of Congress to stand up and say that the CBO is “non-partizan”, implying that their findings are objective and realistic is a prime example of why our citizens have no faith in Congress.

    As Mark Twain said “figures don’t lie, but liars figure. The same could be said of the CRU team at the University of East Anglia relative to supporting their political agenda.

    Seeking the truth, or some honest assessment always requires multiple sources and thorough analysis. Shortcuts belong to fools and self-serving knaves. The CBO is indeed a waste of taxpayer’s money since the political knaves misuse agency.

  3. The CBO is a creature of Congress, and since Congress funds it, Congress calls the tune.

    The former Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was also a creature of Congress, and wasn’t as responsive and timely in its analyses as the Congress desired so, 23 years after its creation, it was summarily abolished by Congress in 1995.

    I can assure you that other creatures of Congress on Capitol Hill, the remaining sister agencies of the OTA, –the GAO, the CBO and CRS–are acutely aware of that fact.

  4. Abolish it? Just rename it for clarity: CDBO (Congressional Democrats Budget Office)…

  5. I believe that he Congress required the CBO to use a static accounting method. That is, although our experience indicates that tax reductions increase economic activity and thereby increase tax revenues, the CBO must account for the reduction as if it reduced revenues. Similarly, it must treat tax increases as if they will result in increased revenues without regard to the impact the increase will have on reducing profitable activity.

    It represents the philosophical difference between the Democrats, who look at the pie as static so that anyone taking a piece of the pie does so at the expense of everyone else (which is how Obama views the USA as using too much of the world’s energy), and Republicans, who look at the pie as growing and shrinking as the economy grows and shrinks, so that anyone who adds value to the economic pie benefits everyone in the pie. The static pie is not real. Use of the static pie is not truthful. Everyone who does so in public is lying and knows that s/he is lying.

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