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ReidCare — 15 Comments

  1. “Mr. Reid lowered the maximum amount the bill would require them to spend on premiums, capping premiums at 9.8% of income, down from 12%.”

    Can’t accuse him of not being generous!

  2. screw that, UCLA students are learning that when luxuries go, their freebies for school go.

    the riots are starting..
    before long the ones that rioted to make it this way
    will realize and be the counter force
    then the state will shut us down
    like in the other places.

    it wont be us the older more reasoned ones
    its the ones that improved things that then will become fanatical about moving things back or even more forward.

    Dramatic Footage: Near Riots at UCLA Over Proposed 32% Tuition Hike

    the whole thing dont matter.
    even if they stop healt care here
    they will push it nexct year, and next year
    and so on and so on.

    we dont throw them out for it
    and students liek this, who have no idea of economics and things other than how they FEEL. well, they are going to provide the excuse for lockdown.

    Daily Bruin: A crowd of more than 500 demonstrators rushed Covel Commons on Wednesday to protest a proposed 32 percent student fee increase. They were met by dozens of university police, some of whom were outfitted in riot gear. At one point, protesters broke through police barricades that surrounded the main entrance to Covel. Officers responded to the stampede of students and union workers by extending the metal barricades around the entrance and using nightsticks and Taser guns to force the crowd back.

    The contradictions of California are ‘coming home to roost’ in the immortal words of Obama’s spiritual mentor.

    California has taxed and spent and taxed and spent and regulated the state to fiscal death. Now the rich have fled, manufacturing has fled, companies that need electricity have fled, anyone with assetts has fled.

    The remaining tax base can’t support the bloated services the voters have given themselves. These spoiled brats want the belagured taxpayers of California to continue to over subsidize their education, but the money just isn’t there. It’s a zero sum game at this point. If tuition isn’t cut at UC, then welfare will be cut, or section 8 will be cut, or free medical care will be cut.

    It is fun (from afar) to watch the absurd contridictions of the wefare state collapse on itself. The future of Aztlan is seen in this video!

    And these kids are supposed to be ‘well educated’ and the future of our country…
    #1) They were probably NOT educated enough to realize that voting for an Obama-nation would result in raised fees and taxes.
    #2) At least they ARE educated enough to know that raising fees and taxes is BAD.
    #3) One would have to expect that the liberal-owned education system would begin to implode on itself for the indoctrination and propoganda it spews contrary to common sense, not to mention its over-arching denial of God and country and the values that are the glue of a stable and free democratic republic.
    #4) This is only the beginning…

    Students are out at protest, but I feel they many do nut understand WHY the public system needs to raise addition revenue. It is because they are broke due to the numerous social programs in the state of California. They should be protesting unsustainable government spending in Sacramento.

    Luckily I got out of the CSU system prior to a 25% hike, but unluckily when the job market is flat.

    This is just one of the first symptoms of why the welfare state cannot be sustained. I fear more and more for the state of California and the Union.

    more government!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is just the beginning. The income tax increase in my city was defeated in Nov. but the teachers still want an increase in pay and benefits. Teachers unions throughout the educational system are to blame for the downward trend in education in America. The state,federal city and county gvernment are goig to collapse from the weight of government workers wanting more and more from the private sector. We all can’t work for the government and expect to get raises when most people are taking cuts or losing their jobs completely.

    when will it be like before is a russian joke that i told before, its up theere with if only stalin knew

    now not only cant the state pay for them
    but they cant pay for them

    lumpen prols were always expected to be exterminated in the conflagration that would sweep the world as engels said before they invented the word holocaust.

    when the police state shuts down, they will end up getting the tianeman treatment

  3. Can someone please explain to me why exactly it is that we need health care reform? My family and I have medical insurance and have no real complaints about it. We go to very competent doctors when ever we need to and our actual cost out of pocket is very low. Same for our dental and vision coverage.
    Most Republicans and Conservatives agree that we need some health reform, again, why? I watch Glenn Beck now and then and he even agrees that we need reform. His favorite line about it is “Have you been to an emergency room lately?”. Well not lately I haven’t but the last time I did go many years ago, it was very crowded that is true but the care I recieved was very good and again, my insurance covered the costs. I had no complaints. What I did notice though was that I was just about the only english speaking person there and the only one who most likely was employed. In fact, and I know this because a very dear friend of mine was an ER nurse for many years, the vast majority of people here in the Los Angeles area that go to the ER rarely speak english and most often have no real emergency at all. They come in for things like a headache, a stubbed toe etc. She (nurse friend) said that these people come in to the ER because they can get in quicker than if they made an appointment at a regular doctor as the doctors office will not get you in quickly for a stubbed toe.
    Anyway, why do I have to get sub-standard (and seemingly very expensive) government run health care when I am perfectly happy with the care I currently get? Is there some other reason that I am just too stupid to understand as to why I am going to be forced to buy the governments so-called health care? Because the only reason that I can see is that they (government) want my standard of living to be lowered to that of the poor and the non-english speaking population, and amazingly I also get to foot the bill for the privilege of being lowered to the non-working and illegal aliens status.
    It seems that I am in the minority about this whole health care reform business. Although most people I know are indeed opposed to Obamacare, they are however in agreement that we need some kind of health care reform. Again, why?
    I admit that my health insurance is not absolutely perfect in every way but what business of any sort is without flaws? Nothing, I repeat, nothing runs flawlessly and without glitches and problems. There are always going to be complaints about something no matter if they are warrented or not.

  4. “I cant beleive its not butter”

    too bad that Federal Judge overthrew Prop 187 and the State of California did not follow through with the appeals.

  5. If you want to understand why we need reform, look at cosmetic medicine, which is not covered by insurance.

    Cosmetic care is low cost, due to actual price competition.

    What we need is real reform, and a return to free markets.

  6. Health care “reform” has nothing to do with health care. Or reform, for that matter.

    It has everything to do with power and control.

    The vast majority of Americans are pretty much satisfied with their access to health care, as well as their current insurance coverage. Are there problems? Yes. Do some people fall through the cracks? Certainly.

    So clearly identified problems should be targeted in order to fix them. That can be done without smashing the whole system and rebuilding it under centralized control. But that’s not what this effort is about.

    Then there’s also the laziness about terminology: “Health care reform.” This is not reform, which would be focused on fixing clearly delineated problems. This is about the wholesale government takeover of health care.

    Even worse is calling it simply “health care”, as in “the health care bill.” “He voted for health care.” “She voted against health care.” You can see how the Left has defined the terms of debate.

    To repeat: This has nothing to do with health care.

  7. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter: I think the biggest problems are the insurance costs for small businesses who lack bargaining power, inability to get insurance if you lose or quit your job and have a pre-existing condition, mandated coverage for care you don’t want, and high costs because privately insured patients subsidize care for the publicly insured and uninsured. All should be fixable without remaking the whole system.

  8. expat,
    I also suspect the practice of folks thinking insurance should cover everything is part of the high price. As others have suggested around here, we would be better off if we thought of insurance for large cost, not something for every visit to the doc.

  9. rickl Says:

    Then there’s also the laziness about terminology: “Health care reform.” This is not reform, which would be focused on fixing clearly delineated problems. This is about the wholesale government takeover of health care.

    I’ve taken to calling it “health care deform .”

    I think were in a race against time, with the end point being the November 2010 elections. I was caught by surprise by the House actually passing their version of health care deform, because I thought there were so many obstacles in the way to Dem unity, and because I thought the tide of public opinion against the bill would doom it. But the Dems have thrown caution to the wind, and the lack of public support may actually be making them that much more insistant to passing this thing. Thank God theres still a lot of obstacles in the way, and theres possibly a point where the clock will run out in November 2010. The next battle is the Senate, where hopefully some rational Dems like Lieberman (a Connecticut independent now) and Nelson (from Nebraska) may join the GOP in blocking this thing by fillibuster.

  10. About six weeks ago out of my office window I watched in horror as an elderly woman, dropped off in the wrong place by her husband, attempted to step up a steep curb to a graded sidewalk. According to her husband, a US Postal Service truck was blocking the entrance to our medical building. How’s that for irony? In the space of about ten seconds, before I or anyone else could act, she lost her balance and fell, breaking her femur in the process. I’m happy to report she is recovering, slowly, at home at this point, after surgery to place a metal rod in the bone. But isn’t the vignette a micro version of the coming health care disaster? We can see it coming and are helpless to do anything when gravity takes over and smashes the bone?

  11. Party A (the state), and party B (elite people), decide what party C mid class (middle class) will lose and be forced to give to party A (the state) who will skim the money before they give it to party D (state created poor), who will have to give a portion of it back to party A (the state) when they use it to purchase items. Party A (the state) then gives it to family and friends (state social services), who skim more, returning some to party A (the state) in campaign support. All the while moving money from school (children of middle class) and support services and infrastructure to family and friends (state social services) while skimming some for party A (the state). They then cry poverty which then gets party A (the state) and party B (elite people), to decide that party C is not giving enough, because party D has not been erased from existence. Of course the reason is that so much has been skimmed off during transport that they live subsistence.

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