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Dunn’s done — 16 Comments

  1. Damn, Glenn is doing yeoman’s work on this sorry crew.

    The beauty of it is that Dunn, like Wright, Van Jones, and ACORN before her, have damned themselves out of their own mouths.

    Reflect again on how much leftists must hate YouTube. Seriously.

  2. Occam’s Beard :

    Reflect again on how much leftists must hate YouTube. Seriously.

    ROTFL. Seriously. Now lefties consider it a “smear,” as did Commie Van with a Green Jobs Plan, to publicize videos of what they have said. This follows the evolution of the term “McCarthyism.” Originally “McCarthyism” meant to falsely accuse someone of Communist ties. The left later used “McCarthyism” to mean to accuse someone of Communist ties, even if the accusations were true. Especially if the accusations were true.

    I am grateful for the liberal Democrat who released the recording last year of Obama’s talk at the San Francisco fundraiser where he talked about the country hicks “clinging to guns and religion.” That showed me that Obama is not one of us. That was the speculation of an anthropologist trying to figure out the natives. In previous years, no one would have found out about it. Similarly, in previous years we would not have had access to what Van Jones and Anita Dunn said.

    The Palestininan hierarchy will talk “peace” and “two-state solution” to the West, while talking “Jewish pigs,” “interim solution,” and “from the river to the sea” to their own people.

    Both the lefties and the Palis speak one way among their own crowd, as Obama did to the San Francisco fundraiser, and another way to the general public. Van Jones and Anita Dunn were not so duplicitous: rather they were surprised that someone could take umbrage at what they had spoken, so far had they drunk the Kool Aid. Van Jones and Anita Dunn assumed that all belonged to their crowd.

    I had previously read that before the Mao dust-up Anita Dunn was already planning to leave anyway, to be able to spend more time with her family. So, while Glenn Beck is to be thanked for exposing this useful idiot, he only accelerated her leaving. I recall reading she was going to be leaving at the end of the year. So, she leaves a month early.

  3. So Dunn now has access to White House legal records available to be discussed with the requisite parties outside. Mission Accomplished.

  4. spend more time with her family

    Well, it was either that, or take over “special projects,” or “leaving to pursue other opportunities.”

  5. Here is Time Magazine October 8.

    As a mother – who plans to transition to a new job later this year in order to spend more time with her 13-year-old son – Dunn is a rarity in the almost all-boys club that is Obama’s inner circle. But her impact on the White House has been unmistakable. Since her arrival, the communications operation has been tightly refocused, with greater emphasis on planning ahead to shape the news cycle and controlling staff contacts with the press. In daily internal meetings, she points out where to strike back or admit errors.

    The Chairman Mao video aired on October 15. So yes, Anita Dunn was planning to leave even before the Chairman Mao dust-up occurred.

  6. Maybe.

    From Wikipedia (I know, I know):

    On Sunday, October 11, 2009, she appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources and was asked to clarify a statement she made to Time Magazine regarding Fox News, “it’s opinion journalism masquerading as news.”[7] She responded by saying, “if you were a Fox News viewer in the fall election, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories and biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and something called ACORN. The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party.”[8]

  7. Originally “McCarthyism” meant to falsely accuse someone of Communist ties. The left later used “McCarthyism” to mean to accuse someone of Communist ties, even if the accusations were true. Especially if the accusations were true.

    thats not the origin…

    the origin happened after McCArthy accused a man named lattimore that he was a spy. lattimore wrote a book about it, and coined the term to smear McCarthy.

    it didnt ORIGINALLY MEAN anything.. any more than using FASCIST today means anything.

    Owen Lattimore (July 29, 1900 — May 31, 1989) was an American author, educator, and influential scholar of Central Asia, especially Mongolia. In the 1930s he was editor of Pacific Affairs, a journal published by the Institute of Pacific Relations, and then taught at Johns Hopkins University from 1938 to 1963. During World War II he was advisor to Chiang Kai-shek and the American government and contributed extensively to the public debate.[1] In the early post-war period of McCarthyism and the Red Scare, American wartime China Hands were accused of being agents of the Soviet Union or under the influence of Marxism. Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being “the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.”[1] The accusations led to years of Congressional hearings which did not substantiate the charge that Lattimore had been one (nor did wartime intercepted Venona cables refer to him as one). The hearings did document Lattimore’s sympathetic statements about Stalin and the Soviet Union, however. Although charges of perjury were dismissed, the controversy put an end to Lattimore’s role as a consultant of the United States State Department and eventually to his career in American academic life.

    Lattimore’s “lifetime intellectual project,” notes one recent scholar, was to “develop a ‘scientific’ model of the way human societies form, evolve, grow, decline, mutate and interact with one another along ‘frontiers.’” He eclectically absorbed and often abandoned influential theories of his day which dealt with the great themes of history. These included the ecological determinism of Ellsworth Huntington; biological racism, though only to the extent of seeing characteristics which grew out of ecology; the economic geography and location theory; and some aspects of Marxist modes of production and stages of history, especially through the influence of Karl August Wittfogel. The most important and lasting theorist, however, was Arnold J. Toynbee and his treatment of the great civilizations as organic wholes which were born, matured, grew old, and died.[2]

    depending on whether you read the now revisionist wiki, or other sources… you will read that mccarthy had no evidence.

    this was not true… like the terrorist stuff today, the best evidence cant be revealed inside a court till years later when its no longer relevent or dangerous to do so.

    In 1952, after 17 months of study and hearing, involving 66 witnesses and thousands of documents, the McCarran Committee issued its 226-page, unanimous final report. This report stated that ‘Owen Lattimore was, from some time beginning in the 1930s, a conscious articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy’, and that on ‘at least five separate matters’, Lattimore had not told the whole truth. One example: ‘The evidence… shows conclusively that Lattimore knew Frederick V. Field to be a Communist; that he collaborated with Field after he possessed this knowledge; and that he did not tell the truth before the subcommittee about this association with Field….'[18]

    In 1952, Lattimore was indicted for perjury on seven counts. Six of the counts related to various discrepancies between Lattimore’s testimony and the IPR records; the seventh accused Lattimore of seeking to deliberately deceive the SISS. Lattimore’s defenders, such as his lawyer Abe Fortas, claimed that the discrepancies were caused by McCarran deliberately asking questions about arcane and obscure matters that took place in the 1930s. Within three years, federal judge Luther Youngdahl dismissed the charges. Four of the charges were dismissed as insubstantial and not judicable; denying that he was sympathetic to communism was too vague to be fairly answered; and the other counts were matters of little concern, those which a jury would be unlikely to convict on matters of political judgment.[19] In his book Ordeal by Slander, Lattimore gives his own account of this episode.

    and in that book, Ordeal by Slander, he INVENTS the FALSE TERM, to slander McCarthy… and the left being a collective took the collective position to create the big lie. (and perhaps resurect lattimores extensive works. just as they are trying to white wash heideckers nazi love).

    it was YEARS later that Venona transcripts were released..

    most on the left try to hid this by linking what mccarthy had with the list of 109, or his 81 cases.. but the reality is different… it doesnt create the false story that mccarthy didnt know…

    read the list and they conviently leave out lattimore!!!!!!! http://www.johnearlhaynes.org/page62.html

    this is when knowing lots of history is important, because reality is concordant…

    From the earliest years of the New Deal until the late 1940’s the government was deeply infiltrated with Communists and their supporters. There was no shortage of either messages to the President or evidence to support such infiltration. Yet, Roosevelt then Truman chose to ignore such evidence.

    Adolph Berle, Undersecretary of State for internal security at State, went to Roosevelt in 1940 with a list of Communists in government provided by Whittaker Chambers, a party member who’d defected. Roosevelt, according to all accounts laughed it off and refused to deal with it.

    J. Edgar Hoover, in 1943, informed Roosevelt of Soviet spying both within the government and at the Russian Embassy. On this occasion Roosevelt not only disregarded the evidence, he sent Harry Hopkins, his Domestic Affairs advisor, to warn the Soviet embassy that their phones were tapped.

    In 1946 Hoover again went to the White House, this time providing Harry Truman with a list of known Communists and sympathizers still in the government. Truman’s response was: “What am I going to do? Give those @#%&* Republicans up on the Hill something to bash me with.”

    the meanign is artificially constructed so that we live in a world where spies dont exist, and those who believe they do, and believe in subversion, and rotting from inside, are deemed tin hat.

    but then again, they dont read the histories, they dont read the reams and reams of archive information… to START would be to admit they are ignorant, and thats the LAST thing they would do, cause that makes them believe they are massively not equal.

    McCarthy’s detractors, Communists, and Soviet sympathizers never anticipated two things: One, the Venona intercepts and their subsequent release; Two, the collapse of Communism and the opening of Soviet files.

    i am still waiting for the results of the opening of the CPUSA files over at NYU… i dont think i will ever see them though.

    From 1943 until 1980, unbeknownst to virtually everyone, the National Security Agency intercepted every Soviet message going from or to the United States. It was not until 1994 that their existence was even acknowledged, and 1995 when the first 1,400 of 240,000 intercepts were released to the public. Their content was damning and supportive of the contentions of not only McCarthy but Whittaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, Hoover, and others.

    The collapse of Communism opened files of not only internal Soviet spy documents but also gave the FBI, CIA, and American scholars access to the files of the American Communist Party that had been hidden in a Russian warehouse since 1950. The cat was out of the clichéd bag.

    Just who was exposed by these documents. Alger Hiss who had been the number three man at State behind Dean Acheson and Dean Rusk, and who, most assuredly, at some point, would have eventually been Secretary of State. Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, who purposely withheld allocated funding for the Chinese Nationalists, during their Civil War, that destroyed their currency and, thus, their efforts against Mao’s Communists.

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg had been conduits for even more damaging information than the atom bomb, for which they were executed. Lauchlin Currie, Special Assistant to F.D.R. Samuel Dickstein, member of the House of Representatives from Brooklyn.

    William and Martha Dodd, son and daughter of the U.S. ambassador to Germany in the 1930’s. Lawrence Duggan, State Department Director of Latin American Affairs. Harold Ickes, Sr., father of Clinton’s impeachment flack, who was Secretary of the Interior. Finally, William Weisband, U.S. Army Signal Security Agency. This is just a very few, the most prominent or household names one might say.

    Was Robert Oppenheimer, the Director of the Atom Bomb Project at Los Alamos, New Mexico, a member of the Communist Party? Quite emphatically, no! His wife was. His brother was. His mistress was. As were many of his closest associates at the University of California. In addition, Oppenheimer was one of those scientists in the 40’s who thought that all scientific information should be shared universally for the good of mankind.

    and NONE of them were on his list..

    Just how many did McCarthy catch? Darn few. Of the 10,000 government employees who were exposed as Communists, security risks, or of questionable loyalty and lost their jobs, at the least, only forty can be attributed to McCarthy.

    think of that… ALL the reputation of mccarthy is for catching 40 spies.. out of mroe than 10,000…

    does that sound like a wild goose chase?

    Any of the major players? None, as most had either been moved laterally by Truman or snared by the FBI.

    Most of the forty were small time functionaries such as Owen Lattimore, John Stewart Service, Philip and Mary Jane Keeney, and Howard Shapley; and these were the most prominent. In every case, of the forty, they were all accorded trials and attorneys before their dismissal.

    Lattimore had been Director of the School Of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University, advisor to FDR on China in 1941, advisor at State in 1946-1947, preached that Mao’s Communists were “agrarian reformers”, in 1948 encouraged George Marshall to stop aid to Chiang Kai-Shek and his Nationalists, and in 1949 urged U.S. withdrawal from Korea.

    Lattimore was a McCarthy “coup”. Lattimore was the individual who coined the term “McCarthyism” in response to and defense of the charges brought against him. In a feeble attempt to attack the messenger, Lattimore went so far as to write a book declaring his innocence while, at the same time, attacking McCarthy.

    There was only one problem in all of this for Lattimore: Hoover had given Lattimore’s FBI file to McCarthy and McCarthy had Louis Budenz as a witness, a former Communist, who’d worked with Lattimore. McCarthy carried the day but was forever stuck with the sobriquet “McCarthyism”.

    given that Mccarthy had his file, and all the information…

    it was not what you said it was.

    it was NEVER what you said it was..

    it was only that if you absorbed the information and never knew the whole real story.

    like most

  8. Art, do you have further references? This goes beyond the revelations of the Klehr book on the KGB.


  9. I’ve just done a bit of reading on Lattimore – wow. What a prize he was. And I’d never heard of him before.

    Thanks for the education.

  10. Thanks for the education.

    no problem… please share what you find.

    i dont know everything despite what the snarky trolls might say..

    just remember that different sources leave out different little things..

    [the link has a period on the end which stops it from working]

    if you want to have a good start… go to the FBI… they have lots of these files up for you to read and learn from…

    whats amazing is following the different forms along the lines of the different groups.

    like images of stars… you can only get a good clear one from adding up many images so that the disturbances cancel out… 🙂

  11. Pingback:Another day, another roundup - The New Neo

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