Home » It’s time to pass the hat


It’s time to pass the hat — 31 Comments

  1. Expanding my mind on so many things, including on jello and ballet, is one thing. Providing an excellent forum for views is another. So yes, I’ll gladly put something in the hat for you, but I’m wondering . . . can you throw in watching out for my pretty kitty cat sometimes too? 🙂

  2. I’ve got 50 bucks burning a hole in my debit card but I need to see who I’m donating to. The money is yours if I see a credible photo instead of that apple. No tricks allowed:-)

  3. You cheap bastards. Cough it up. I’ve already given enough for neo to go out to a very fine dinner. And I’ll give again.

    I mean she’s been doing this for five years. Dig deep, brothers and sisters for the good work.

  4. Thanks, Neo, for doing this for yourself and us.

    You do an outstanding job day after day after day and are without doubt one of the most outstanding critical thinkers anywhere.

    I know many of us will give….though no one should out of intimidation, name calling and shaming.

  5. I appreciate the varied topics discussed here. I would donate but not via Paypal. I’m old-fashioned and will send a check if you give me an address or P.O. Box.

  6. I’m with those here who request a PO box number so I can send a check. If you aren’t able to provide one for some reason, I’ll donate via Paypal, but I prefer the old-fashioned way. I must say, this blog has become indispensable to me. I haven’t always time to post, but I always have time to read such clear and thoughtful stuff–and to profit from it. And, btw, this goes for the commenters as well as neo herself. It’s the best on-line give-and-take I know of, and it never lags or loses my attention.

    Neo, if you’ll declare your intentions about a PO box quickly, I’ll know what I need to do sooner. I can’t donate a lot, but donating nothing is not an option.

  7. P.S. I know PO boxes aren’t free, so if neo provides one, I suggest we bump our donations up a bit to help cover that expense.

  8. Neo – I went to PayPal to donate and they have limited my access because a third party has violated my account. Therefore, I can’t do any transactions!! True.
    So, the PO Box number would be helpful.

  9. Thanks to all who have donated so far or are even thinking about doing so! As I said, every little bit helps, and I am very appreciative.

    As for the postal box for all you old-fashioned types, I hadn’t really thought about that before. For now, though, since I’m a fairly private person (the apple and all that), Paypal seems the best way to go for me.

  10. Like betsybounds your place has been a lifeline of sorts for me.

    It’s you Neo that keeps me coming back. My feeling is that most of the community here have been of the conservative persuasion for some time but I come like you, with a passion from the other side, (although I too have little time to post.)

    Ditto the p.o.box.

  11. Well Neo, if you prefer not to do the PO box, that’s fine. I’ll use Paypal. As I said before, not donating is not an option.

    But as for your privacy–well, I wouldn’t be surprised to see you “break big,” as they say, so for you privacy may be the option you don’t have! Anyway, the best of success to you.

    Please don’t give up the blog, though!

  12. Neo:

    Happy to throw a farthing or two in the drum. Much better than NPR, both in fundraising style and intellectual substance. Thanks for all you do for us, even including the jello. F

  13. Neo,

    If you are worried about divulging your city with a P.O. box, just rent a box in a city you do not live in.

  14. Neo:

    Thanks for asking, and thanks for all you do!

    I like the idea of buying you a nice dinner, so I’ve contributed fifty bucks. (If you do go out to dinner on it, feel free to blog about it! *wink*)

    This contribution is made as is, and not with any expectation that you’ll do more than you’re already doing. Neverthestill, if you feel like expressing your gratitude to all of us, let me kick in another vote for a comment preview system. (I just visited dailypundit.com, and the commenting there is really slick… have a look!)

    Again, many thanks for your insightful commentaries, and for providing a forum for us to chat with you and with each other.

    all the best,

  15. I had just recently been wondering to myself how you manage to maintain this site without donations and voila… here comes the hat.

  16. I’ve PayPaled up, too.
    But I don’t have a clue what doing this so-worthwhile blog costs in dollars. The cost to Neo in time is an altogether larger order, I’m sure.

  17. Well I’ve donated, and happily, too. Neo, your blog is too important to all of us, and we would be bereft if you couldn’t keep it up. Hurrah for the good guys–which is us!

  18. Yeah, neo, I’ll buy you dinner in a decent restaurant. Me, I’m usually content with fast food. I don’t have sophisticated tastes.


  19. I’d much rather kick in a couple of bucks now and then to cover lost revenue from ads instead of having you go out and get google ads.

    I think you should become an amazon associate though. You could just put up a search box and get some commissions when people buy through your link. After all, Christmas is coming!

  20. I just noticed Daniel in Brookline’s comment. Yes, preview would be nice. But I’m sure you’ve heard that before…

  21. I’ll try again to find a preview function that doesn’t mess up the links, like the first one did. And yes, Amazon Associates is coming next. But at the rate I seem to accomplish these things, it may be a while :-).

  22. You know, there was a time when I had a ridiculous net worth ( a just lucky bountiful amount of WorldCom stock which I rode all the way down to nothing). Anyway, one of my regrets is that there weren’t the bloggers back then that I feel have so expanded my mind because I would have loved to be wonderfully generous and supportive. Selfishly, it would have been really fun to make a statement like that.

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