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Links of the day — 5 Comments

  1. Wow, Neo. I just headed over here to give you the link to the climate “hockey stick” news, and you’re right on it!

    If this pans out, it shows that the “hockey stick” (which has already been put in disrepute) may actually be a case of scientific fraud. But nevermind, we still need “cap and trade”.

    Bets on this news making it into any MSM outlets??

  2. The other night a friend remarked that history is happening very fast right now.

    Which at first sounded strange to me, like saying the speed of light is faster than ever, but upon reflection I realized, yes, history is happening very fast right now.

    This is one of those times — like the Thirties, the Forties, and the Sixties — where changes pile up by the day in the news and what happens now will echo for decades.

  3. Meanwhile Pamela Geller reports Rash of BOMB SCARES ACROSS THE US:

    Nobody’s talking about what appears to be an outbreak of bomb scares ……. this today and yesterday. Look at this, we are living in a state of siege.

    Plus in the past few weeks there have apparently been terrorist plots in New York City, Dallas, and Southern California which have happily been foiled by the FBI and local law enforcement.

    Not that you would notice much at all based on the mainstream media. The stories have been reported in such a vague way with scattershot follow-up that even if one is on the lookout for such stories it’s hard to know what to make of them.

    Most strange and disconcerting.

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