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Busy day — 4 Comments

  1. Blumenthal quotes from a 1959 letter President Dwight Eisenhower wrote to World War II veteran Robert Biggs, who longed for a leader who would “speak for us” and was certain that American people would “back … completely if the statement is made in truth” in which he recommended that his constituent read “The True Believer” by Eric Hoffer:

    Eisenhower … explained to Biggs that Hoffer “points out that dictatorial systems make one contribution to their people which leads them to tend to support such systems – freedom from the necessity of informing themselves and making up their own minds concerning these tremendous complex and difficult questions.” The authoritarian follower, Eisenhower suggested, desired nothing more than insulation from the pressures of a free society. …

    [P]erhaps it was his experience as supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe that taught him that the rise of extreme movements and authoritarianism could take root anywhere – even in a democracy

  2. commonsensepoliticalthought.com/?p=7293

    In the Stimulus Bill is something called the HITECH Bill. This calls for the electronic filing of health records. In the Health Bill is the use of the HITECH Bill. Done in lightening speed. If you care to read the 1017 pages of HR 3200 you will see large quantities of references of change this sentence in this bill passed 10 years ago. Change another sentence somewhere else, and this is done tens of times through out the Bill. Now tell me when Congressed convened, they quickly wrote this. This bill was on the shelf and ready. Remember Conyers complaining he was clueless.

    sounds like someone else was running our government through other means…

    non elected people with interests elsewhere wrote our new laws. which we enacted without reading.


    Clearly, the stimulus bill that no congressman read is not working. As it turns out, no congressman may have written it either. It’s largely the creation of a coalition of leftist organizations called the Apollo Alliance, whose primary interests are saving the Earth, environmental justice and redistributing wealth. They are not friends of job-creating capitalism.

    On Apollo’s Web site, Sen. Reid, whose state also leads in foreclosures, is quoted praising the group of which former green czar Van Jones was a board member.

    “We’ve talked about moving forward on these ideas for decades,” Reid is quoted as saying. “The Apollo Alliance has been an important factor in helping us develop and execute a strategy that makes great progress on these goals and in motivating the public to support them.”

    Jones, the former Oakland, Calif., community organizer and self-avowed communist, was on the board of the Apollo Alliance when he accepted the position in the Obama administration as green jobs czar.

    As Phil Kerpen of Americans for Prosperity told Glenn Beck, Jones has “described the Apollo Alliance mission as sort of a grand unified field theory for progressive left causes” that would tie elements of organized labor with community organizers and environmental groups into an outfit that would restructure American society.

    Wade Rathke, founder of Acorn, was also on the Apollo board, as is Gerald Hudson, vice president of the Service Employees International Union, which provides the shock troops in the movement to pass government-run health care.

  3. Just learned of this post at American Thinker by Jack Cashill. He’s the fella who was studying the thesis that Obama’s book(s) may have been written by Bill Ayers. He has an update. It’s a side splitter.

  4. Yes, artfldgr, it seems pretty damned obvious the components of the health care bill, the stimulus bill, and even cap and trade – the clean air act on steroids – have all been sitting around waiting for quite some time.
    I’ve said all this in posts before.

    Obviously, as pointed out in your findings explained in your first post, our own elected officials aren’t smart enough to write these bills. My posts aren’t as long as yours, but no one reads mine, either. Although I do not read and otherwise keep myself informed as you are capable of doing, it seems obvious to me, just by thinking it through, what is going on. I used to think it was me, that people can’t be this devious, can’t have these ulterior motives that would destroy our country as we know it. Not people born and raised here. I used to think it had to be me. The hippie movement was naive, and easily infiltrated, twisted, perverted. The result is where we are now. Nixon may have been a lot of things, but it seems he was right about the hippie movement being one of the most dangerous things to ever happen in this country. Not in and of itself, but because it was so easily hi-jacked so long ago.

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