Interim Honduran President Micheletti speaks
Read his piece in today’s WaPo. Hope he can stay the course against the thugs in DC and elsewhere:
We are, of course, disappointed with the position of the United States and the European Union, both longtime friends. We look forward to continuing dialogue with the United States, the European Union and the rest of the international community to prove our commitment to democracy and the Honduran people’s love of freedom. Coercive action directed at our nation will only harm less fortunate Hondurans, whose hospitals, schools, roads and other institutions rely greatly on our friends’ generous assistance, for which all of our citizens are immensely grateful.
I have said from the moment I was sworn in as president of Honduras that I do not intend to remain in office one second more than what our constitution mandates. On Jan. 27 I will hand over leadership responsibilities to the ninth president of our 27-year-old democracy. Such actions are in keeping with the desire of the majority of our people: the strengthening of our democracy.
Any way we could import a few Honduran politicians?
They seem to actually be blessed with both a spine and that elusive thing called *character*.
It would certainly be a step up from what we have right now!
I don’t understand why some of our conservative elected officials have not proposed a resolution of support for the interim Honduran government.
Maybe it’s because we don’t have any true conservative elected officials anymore.
Su Excelencia Presdente Roberto Micheletti:
Es obvio que Chavez esta utilizando a Lula Dasilva y Zapatero para presionarlo a ud con proposito de que el zelaya mantenga a Honduras en Jaque y en una larga situacion de Zozobra protegido por la embajada de Brazil.
Recomiendole hacerles una jugada de “Troya al reves.” Mande tres altos oficiales de suma confianza para sacarlo para “Hacerle a ud un Golpe” e imediatamente arrestenlo en nombre del Tribunal Supremo de Honduras con jueces prsentes. Que quede filmado todo y con sonido “opcional. ” Enjuicienlo como traidor a su Patria sin participacion de ningun otro pais en el juicio. Permita que una sola camara y reportero de Prensa Internacional informe las otras agencias de Ingles y Espanol/ Portuges. Jamas pierda el control ni la compostura.
Su Verdadero Amigo
“Hope he can stay the course against the thugs in DC and elsewhere.”
Oh, I do…definitivamente. BTW, if anyone is interested in what Orlando said above, there is free translation software on “Da ‘Net”. Of course, you get what you pay for, so it’s not that good…