Home » First, they came for the auto companies


First, they came for the auto companies — 35 Comments

  1. I’ve heard the term “crony capitalism” to describe this sort of economy. Also “graft.” As with you, increasingly I think of it as fascism.

  2. Some thoughts that were formerly “unthinkable” and “in tin foil hat territory” but are, day by day, Obama & Co. action by action, becoming more “thinkable” and edging more and more out of the “Twilight Zone” and into “the territory of the possible” with each passing day.

    Consider, for instance, the attacks by Obama & Co. on our Democracy and Liberty, on our individual Freedoms, our Property Rights, and the Constitution–all launched supposedly as executive actions and legislation designed to fix our economic and other crises–(the Housing Crisis, the Auto Industry Crisis, the Banking Industry Crisis, the Insurance Industry Crisis, the Stock Market Crisis), and their newly declared “Health Care Crisis” and the soon to be declared “Education Crisis,” two crises that only Obama & Co., but no one else, have identified as the primary causes of our current economic crisis, and other attacks against our Rights, presented as somehow necessary actions taken to “right wrongs” and “for our own good”–attacks that just keep coming from all directions at a dizzying pace; a Blitzkrieg very carefully and deliberately designed to slap us silly, to daze, confuse and demoralize us, to hamper and disrupt our ability to keep track of and understand these numerous and mounting attacks and, above all, their purpose, and to make sure that any protests and, more to the point, any active steps American citizens might take to defend their rights and liberties will be far too little and too late.

    Some commenters have posited that in order to make this avalanche of malignant change, this coup d’etat more likely to succeed, Obama & Co.–not just ill-educated, inexperienced, stupid and incompetent–are deliberately sabotaging our economic system, driving it into one crisis after another so that, when this state of multiple crises reaches a fever pitch–likely accompanied by protests, riots and violence–a “Reichstag Fire” moment, Obama & Co. and the Democratic majority in Congress will declare that we have been caught up in an “Emergency Situation” so dire, so great, that some form of dictatorial power will be needed to be given to Obama & Co., so that they can save us all. Thus, an excuse for Tyranny, for Marshal Law and the suspension of many of our rights and suspension too, I’d imagine, of the elections of 2010 or 2012.

    As one theater of battle in this war on all fronts against pretty much every American citizen, I point to a bill recently introduced by Democrats in the House that, while it is packaged as a much needed bill to stop “hate crimes,” and “cyberbullying”–“it’s for the children” is, by its terms and in its effects, really a bill that could very easily be used to establish “thought crimes,” to criminalize dissent and shut down criticism. I say this because this Bill, H.R. 1966, the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act,” specifies that any speech that might “cause substantial emotional distress” to someone can be prosecuted and punished by a fine and up to two years in jail; i.e. it establishes and punishes “thought crimes” and speech. Under this legislation all an enthusiastic prosecutor–heaven knows such a prosecutor would never indulge in selective prosecution–needs to get to work is for an allegation to be made that speech by someone has made another person suffer “substantial emotional distress,” and an investigation and/or prosecution can be launched.

    I can certainly imagine that a large portion of all the speech on the Internet and on radio and TV, especially that critical of Obama & Co. and the Democrats and their actions, could be deemed to cause someone “substantial emotional distress.” As for our constitutionally protected right to free speech, when, so far, has the Constitution ever stopped Obama & Co. from doing what they wanted?

  3. As I’ve said before, “what needs to happen needs to happen sooner rather than later.”

    I can’t be much more specific than that in public without putting myself at risk of prosecution.

  4. The leftists have done a masterful job of projection. Each and every thing the BDS sufferers accused Bush of doing, they themselves are doing, and they are doing it at lightning speed.

  5. crony capitalism is a misnomer. if thats how it works, then it isnt capitalism. (capitalism being the mutual voluntary and benificial exchange).

    the old system, one could only buy and pay off the entities that actually provided services and such. the beauty of socialism is that it allows for the disbursment of huge quantities over the table that would not be possible in the old crony system.

    in the old one (bofore socialism), the best you could do was over charge to build a highway…

    in this new system you can give 100 million away and have literally zero accounting as to where it goes.

    under socialism we dont ahve to get a return for the value we lose.

  6. Here’s a post in memory of FredHjr. It’s from a 1984 interview with Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB operative who defected to the West. Bezmenov explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America’s values, destabilizing the economy, and provoking crises in order to sovietize the free world:

    Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate and open. You can see it with your own eyes…. It has nothing to do with espionage.

    I know that intelligence gathering looks more romantic…. That’s probably why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond types of films. But in reality the main emphasis of the KGB is NOT in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion, and the opinions of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.

    It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages. The first one being “demoralization”. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism….

    The result? The result you can see … the people who graduated in the 60’s, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems. You are stuck with them. You can’t get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

    In other words [for] these people the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another 15 or 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of United States society.

    There’s more at the link that’s worth reading, as well links to videos of the interview.

  7. rickl,
    previously i have explained this effect and its why they accuse the other of doing things. it has to do with not allowing anyone to occupy the high ground.

    but the game was more subtle than that:
    by projecting all this nuttyness on bush who didnt fit the model at all, they insured that when something that did fit the model showed up, it would be equally discounted.

    the attacks on bush were a set up to disarm us from being able to percieve what obama was doing.

    they used bush as chicken little to desensitize us before actually causing the sky to fall. i guess thats taking it to the next level.

    its a mental form of judo.

  8. Capitalism = an economic system where the people choose who gets what resources.

    Socialism = an economic system where the government chooses who gets what resources.

    I suppose crony capitalism is a fascist system where a few people in various places choose who gets what resources but I can’t see anyone in the airline industry ACTUALLY having any control. They are there to serve the Obama administration. No?

  9. “Mr. Obama, however, may not be so pleased with the result if it means he must soon add the airlines to the collection of failed industries being run out of the White House.”

    On the contrary Neo, my take on it is that the airlines would be yet another trophy for Obama and the Dems, toward their ultimate goals. I’m not sure the dems, or at least many, realize (or even care) that they have morphed into communists, and full blown traitors.

  10. rickl,
    it was worded poorly. the point is that such looseness with bush, would make it easy for someone else to do things more validly in line and not be noticed. it was not meant to imply prescience of obama coming as far back as bush.

    thanks for catching it. 🙂

  11. Oh, I hope they don’t dick with the airlines, I fly 4 to 8 times a month and will for the foreseeable future, never had a problem yet except for some weather delays. Very seldom is there an empty seat.

  12. Artfldgr Says:
    July 8th, 2009 at 10:37 pm

    No, I think I did understand what you meant. That’s why I said “Whoo”. I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  13. Rickl – welcome to politics since sometime in the 60’s. Sadly most put their heads in the sand (for whatever reason) and we have what we do today.

    Obama was the right person at the right time – he spoke to many who wanted *hope* and that is a hard thing to give up. I know a number of supporters who *still* think there is something beyond what they see (after all he is brilliant) but are mostly shocked at how populist he has been.

    I still maintained that a large part of his continuing support is from people who have realized that once that is gone – where to go? Republicans have squandered their once high regard (1992 Contract with America) and have done everything in their power to only be a notch above the dems (that is, we hate them less than the opposition yet we hate them anyway).

    I think a large part of his support yet non-support of his programs stems from this. Many realize that if this experiment doesn’t work as they want then there is no where to go.

  14. Further fuel for the fire:
    Our stuff can violate the rules but yours can’t, watch it all the way through, the humor in responses is sickening, totally out of control…

    BTW, its “Martial” law, not Marshall law, or Marshal law.
    Keep seeing that here from such insightful comments.
    Marshall plan= rebuilt Europe.
    Marshal law= a comic book
    Martial law= when the military takes over law enforcement functions.

  15. Wolla Dalbo: …. “this Bill, H.R. 1966, the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act,” specifies that any speech that might “cause substantial emotional distress” to someone can be prosecuted and punished by a fine and up to two years in jail; i.e. it establishes and punishes “thought crimes” and speech.”

    refering to website “pathwaytohappiness.com”, unhappiness is not caused automatically by external events, but is a consequence of a personnal choice. I think that likewise, taking offence or distressing oneself is a personal choice and is not an automatic response to an external event. i.e. one chooses to be offended or to distress oneself and one has the option to choose not to be offended or not to distress oneself. If this is the case, then no speech can cause substantial emotional distress. A person can choose to distress themselves as their response to an external stimuli, but their response is not automatic. Does this bill impose responsibility upon an individual for the choices that other individuals, over whom one has no control, make?

  16. Darrell-You are, indeed, correct. It is Martial law–i.e. a form of military law, and not Marshal law with a U.S. Marshal or Sheriff stalking the streets to keep order.

    I should have known better, since I really hate it when I see things like the Real Estate ads a few years ago in this area that bragged that houses had Palladium windows.

  17. the collection of failed industries being run out of the White House.

    First run out of the White House, then run out of the country.

  18. Obama, however, may not be so pleased with the result if it means he must soon add the airlines to the collection of failed industries being run out of the White House.

    Naive. He wants to crash our system because he doesn’t like it. The only question is whether his ideal is a sort of global oligarchy of good and wise philosopher-wonks or a 3rd world hellhole with a Dear Leader for Life. Obama’s 3-piece suited demeanor suggests the first possibility, but his partiality for the thugs of color, Chavez, the Mullahs, etc, is clear.

    Either way, the USA is history unless….

  19. I’ve heard the term “crony capitalism” to describe this sort of economy.

    It has other names.

    Fascism if the government controls industry
    Corporatism if industry controls government

  20. OT Warning

    A minor request: could we use ‘statist’ rather than liberal? I ask because I spend a lot of time in the 19th Century (mentally, that is. I’m a historian.) and my “liberals” are rather different from the “liberals” discussed here. Statist describes the behavior from those on the left, and leaves “liberal” free for other uses.
    Thanks, and now back to the regularly scheduled thread.

  21. Wolla, no sweat, I have seen several commenters using that spelling lately, keep up the great comments.

  22. LittleRed, I was going to talk to you about making some investments in the 19th century, until I read the rest….:(

  23. can anyone explain if things arent going to crap out this way, why there are 800 manned fema camps? why they have huge camps with graves and stackable coffins? .

    Civilian Inmate Labor Program

    And don’t forget REX84

    you can watch videos with all the coffins… in one location the CDC owned them and leased the land to store 125,000 at one location. they created temporary morgues across the nation. originally there were half a million, but they were distributed.

    the boxes turned out to be casket liners. half a million casket liners.

    is it for a pandemic? for war?

    no one will answer…

    i dont like tin hatters conclusions (any one who doesnt understand what a coffin liner is, shouldnt be trying to imagine its soemthing else).

    the only images are from all over the country and from people… no news service i can find covers it.

    but if its tin hat, then how can they find so many of them? you literally can see photos on site, and aerial ones.

    i can draw no conclusions as always its protected by ambiguity…

  24. The problem here is one of “bad faith,” the legal definition of which is “the fraudulent deception of another person; the intentional or malicious refusal to perform some duty or contractual obligation.” Up until now we have just been able to assume “good faith” on the part of our Presidents; stupidity possibly, a flexible morality and inflexible policies, yes, arrogance, too, but always some species of good faith.

    If we are assured by his actions–not just his statements–that a President is acting in good faith, then almost any charge against him should be viewed with great skepticism and routinely dismissed. However, if a President’s actions show us that he is acting in bad faith, then his every action must be viewed with the greatest suspicion, and almost any allegation, no matter how wild seeming, must be treated seriously and investigated, and all sorts of schemes that we would never attribute to a President acting in good faith, must be considered likely possibilities when a President is not.

    We assume our Presidents will act within certainly Constitutionally and traditionally prescribed boundaries, but what if, once a candidate deliberately lies about the entire scope and direction of his ideals, plans and policies and fraudulently gains the power of the Presidency, he simply chooses to ignore those boundaries and traditions, and acts as he wishes–using whatever justifications he might dream up–and is unrestrained; then we have a Tyrant or Dictator. This is where Obama is headed.

  25. Artfldgr: When I was a leftist in the Eighties, I heard the same tinfoil about REX84 from my more paranoid fellow leftists.

  26. yeah, but in light of now, does it mean anything? i sure as heck dont know. but its not nice when things like this are worked out and stored for a rainy day.

    without all the games that may throw people nutty and have them doing things to each other

    Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

    Akron police say they aren’t ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation.
    Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ”This is our world” and ”This is a black world” as they confronted Marshall and his family.

    The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.
    Marshall spent five nights in the critical care unit with a concussion and multiple bruises to his head and eye

    did it happen that way? was something left out?(most likely) Are there other incidents occuring that are not newsworthy?

    are the politicos nutty, or do they believe and know that what they are doing will eventually reach a let them eat cake moment?

    hope a lot of people wake up and start asking whats going on…

  27. Artfldgr: You are the largest purveyor of tinfoil on this blog.

    Note the classic crank “yeah, but” topic switch to some almost pointless anecdote complete with lots of breathless Von Daniken-style questioning and of course eccentric capitalization.

    You don’t have to write like a crank but you do, and it would take some real work, editing, and genuine critical thinking for you to do otherwise.

  28. Artfldgr–Sorry, but I used to do research in a premier think tank on Capitol Hill, researching a vast array of subjects over the course of 25 years there, most reasonably ordinary, some in X-file territory, and the material we gathered in our file on REX84 indicated that it was a crock.

  29. I never said it was not a crock…

    i said and i quote directly

    “i sure as heck dont know”

    soooooo how is that fit with what your saying? i havent the slightest idea on this one. period.

    on other things. i DID know stuff on.

    here we sit contemplating the fascistic take over of the united states, but some things are still not to be brought in the conversation cause they are verboten.

    Wolla.. how about this for a better angle…

    rather than “argue from authority”

    see: http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/skeptic/arguments.html

    rather than tell me its X-Files, and shut me up with credentials when i said I DONT KNOW..

    how about teaching me on this one?

    give me a break on the other stuff, cause i have been right on the other stuff, and even occam has confirmed stuff (as well as others).

    when i dont know, i dont know. i dont say i know.

    but right now i live in a inner city neighborhood which is one of the most dense multicultural places on the planet (over 800). in my neighborhood you can see burkas, and about 4 different versions depending on which country and form. down the blok they put carpets on the ground and they have daily prayer (the same mosque that the fbi arrestted someone)… down the other block i got crips… the other direction… bloods… somewhere i there is also latin kings.

    in the past year i have been attcked for ruining america in the supermarket… more than once this year someone razor bladed my clothing on the subway. at the local home depot, a crazy looney came in and yelled about obama going to take it all away and they are going to pay back and walked out.

    so really… if you lived next to a section 8 development, and you were a disfavored class, wouldnt it be good to know which one of these thigns was valid or not.

    so PLEASE, share why it was found invalid. what was the facts discovered that would put it all to rest?

    that would be very usfil. a CV and name calling is not.

    and huxley. which tin foil point do you want to bring up… EVERY one of them i put up links and such to.

    [edited for length by neo-neocon]

  30. and another quesion, that may interest neo… since she also mentioned tin hat that is now not tin hat…

    what makes something tin hat?

    we assume invalidity, but thats not a correct assumption is it?

    we also definitely cant assume validity either.

    but like calling someone a fascist, or a tin hatter, or a person on the right, whats the purpose of those terms in this usage rather than share the information?

    rather than sharing information and getting everyone on the same page, it instead is used reflexivly to control other people. who may or may not know even.

    there is an interview coming out in the times (it may be out, or i may have the paper wrong), it will be with ruth bader ginsberg on roe v wade.

    read it carefully, you will hear her admit that the jurors were thinking eugenics… that they were worried about global populations…

    when we talk of Sanger and planned parenthood being eugenics, out comes tin hat again.. right?

    and thats even after reading her own statments from her autobiography in 1927… like the post that mentioned bezmenov… “you ocant change them, you cant convince them, etc”…

    but sangers original program was called the negro project. she started the american eugenics movement (and another woman did exactly the same thing in the UK at the same time). hitlers people wrote to her for information for their programs.

    but… thats all “tin hat”…

    [edited for length by neo-neocon]

  31. Artfldgr–look, man, get a grip. Your stream of consciousness presentation, incomplete sentence structure, and combining item after item into one long, rambling, semi-incomprehensible list is getting old.

    Surveying the landscape, there are a million curious, interesting, and sometimes deadly things out there, a whole catalog of things that are not right–old and new injustices that should be addressed and rectified, things that are little known or recognized but should be, and different levels of knowledge and awareness, “fools gold” and real gold. But, life is short and–as those of our ancestors that survived to reproduce did–you need to “filter” to determine which targets and situations really matter, and then “focus” on the most critical one or two such targets; those that have the greatest potential for dire, real time, immediate and/or deep and lasting effects on you, your family, your livelihood, our democracy and the country as a whole, threats that you have at least some chance of diluting, diverting, mitigating or eliminating. Obama & Co.’s destruction of the Rule of Law, growing Economic Fascism–Cap and Trade, the Nationalization of major sectors of our economy, of Health Care and Education–policies destroying our Capitalist system, the soundness and value of our dollar, and leading to potential hyperinflation, Obama & Co.’s enormous economy and credit wrecking national deficits and debt, too large to ever be paid off for generations–if ever; all are palpable, massive, immediate and credible threats.

    To my knowledge, REX84 is not real or a threat, but I’d say the recent House bill introduced by impeached federal Judge, and now Florida Democratic Congressman, the Far Left Alcee Hastings, which, curiously, does set up sites for the “housing” of people in “emergencies”–a concept that is open to a wide variety of interpretations–is worth keeping our eyes on, as is the “hate speech” bill I mentioned earlier. The activities of the new Cybersecurity CZAR, and ACORN’s involvement with the Census are among other major things that need watching, too. It seems to me that, particularly in the context of all of the unconstitutional on their face, unusual and suspect actions by Obama & Co so far, these are among the concrete threats that have the potential to seriously and permanently damage us right now.

    As I have written here before, what was formerly “unthinkable” has now become increasingly thinkable in Obama & Co.’s America. If we want our democracy and freedoms to survive, we had better focus on the here and now, understand the concept of “bad faith,” and apply the templates of Socialism/Tyranny/Fascism/Marxist dictatorship and their histories and development in understanding and assessing Obama & Co.’s actions, and not the formerly applicable, but now disastrously misleading template of Democracy (that assumes “good faith”) that we have, up until now, been fortunate enough to be able to routinely use.

  32. ok…

    then can you tie together margeret sanger negro projects goals to ruth bader ginsbert?

    Q: Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?

    JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae – in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.

    sorry… but for me, thats too much like.

    The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” — Margaret Sanger, letter to Clarence Gamble, Dec. 10,1939. – Sanger manuscripts, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College. (Dec. 10 is the correct date of the letter. There is a different date circulated, e.g. Oct. 19, 1939; but Dec. 10 is the correct date of Ms Sanger’s letter to Mr. Gamble.)

    and then tie that to the activist that went under cover to planned parenthood wanting to donate to exterminate black babies.

    Lila Rose, went undercover to many clinics and exposed that they dont report statutory rape, they lie on the forms, and they do not mind taking money from a racist wanting to eliminate a black baby so that his kids can do better.

    According to Bryan Fisher, executive director of Idaho Values Alliance, Planned Parenthood, which gets an estimated $200 million annually from U.S. taxpayers, has located nearly 80 percent of its clinics nationwide in minority neighborhoods, and about one-third of all abortions are performed on blacks, even though they make up only 13 percent of the population

    reverreng jessy jackson originally rode on a platform to stop this, and when reaching power, suddenly reversed himself on it.

    The UCLA Advocate released a transcript:
    Actor: I want to specify that abortion to help a minority group, would that be possible?
    Planned Parenthood: Absolutely.
    Actor: Like the black community for example?
    Planned Parenthood: Certainly.
    Actor: The abortion — I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?
    Planned Parenthood: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.
    Actor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.
    Planned Parenthood: Yes, absolutely.
    Actor: And we don’t, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.
    Planned Parenthood: (Laughs) Understandable, understandable.
    Actor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college.
    Planned Parenthood: All right. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited, and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.

    and note that if you export abortion to all these other countries… you will exterminate more people of color, since the world is populated by more people of color.


    look i learned my lessons from the knee of an adopted uncle (he had no family after the war), he survived 8 years in the gulag. we worked long and hard with BATUN to get my elderly granmothers out. my family and myself are here now because we picked up on all this and left.

    that is my family was able to pick up on things and realize there was no way to ride it out and know the outcome. so they packed up their stuff, got steerage, abandoned their territory (they were land owners and butchers), and came here with nothing.

    my wife is just as interesting, she is chinese, and has family in communist china, and in indonesia. they were political avtive and part of the suharto office (and sukarno)… i had some great conversations with the distant family members who have many factories in china, and one who is running an NGO there (dangerous).

    and through the years i have known some famous people who were friends of the family that also came from the same political jobs.

    so… lets let neo put it to a vote…
    and if the yeahs have it i will just leave…

    if i have a larger burden of having to write better, not talk about things, etc… why bother? i dont have the time to compose, and you do have the choice to ignore me. (but alas if others talk with me, you find it harder to tune out what you dont like and so have to remove the thorn)

    [edited for length by neo-neocon]

  33. Artfldgr–I didn’t say “begone,” I said focus, pick a target, concentrate on it, and try to better express yourself.

    A shotgun blast at close range is so devastating because the choke concentrates all the explosive energy and shot into a small area. No choke, or fire from further away from the target, and the explosive energy dissipates, the shot spreads out and hits all over the target area or beyond it, with much less effect.

  34. i will tell you the truth..

    if i do that (and i have), then everyone hates me big time.

    going fast and not thinking is a fairness thing. if i slowly think things trough and such, i will come up with the tiny trump that no one can touch, or i will not debate as its not there.

    its like playing speed chess against a regular chess or email chess player… they get hours days or a month for their move, i get 2 mins for the whole game.

    if its a choice between a gentler scatter with more options to play agaisnt or for me, the more i am accepted.

    if i am a top sniper and i keep plinking away each person…

    been there done that.

    i have been told that when i debate and concentrate my oponents are so painted in that they cant respond at all.

    in lessers this generally is when the fight breaks out, literally.

    in the inner city as a kid with the mama talk and ranking games…

    here is one..
    someone called me a mother F…

    i reply, your right! your completely right
    your mom didnt complain half as much as you.

    constant trumps makes hate…

    i am at least glad that you took the time and such to help me understand where your coming from. its is appreciated.

    but in many ways, few take the time to understand where i am coming from and how my talents are a living hell… (quite literally).

    Eidetic memory, photographic memory, or total recall is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme accuracy and in abundant volume.

    almost no one has really total recall.. for me facts are like languages to a linguist. how can a person be fluent in 400 languages? well learn enough and you learn the meta rules that language is about and so you can learn them without so much.

    same with facts. our schools teach them discordantly unconnected and such… but if you cast away the specialization of ants, and the vertical konwlge, and you try to educate like the old days (like i was), then your like our founding fathers and others of that period where you are not just vertical and dumb everywhere else.

    Many people who generally have a good memory claim to have eidetic memory. However, there are distinct differences in the manner in which information is processed. People who have a generally capable memory often use mnemonic devices to retain information while those with eidetic memory remember very specific details, such as where a person was standing, what the person was wearing, etc. They may recall an event with great detail while those with a normal memory remember daily routines rather than specific details that may have interrupted a routine.

    i remember once at my first fortune 10 job.. i was working away on cics… and a consultant came in and asked a question of someone else. they didnt know the answer. i told him to go to the documentaion room. the wall on the right… top shelf, look for the ibm 370 manual…go to around page 130…

    he sniffed and went off… i expected him not to look, but he did… i guess he wanted to screw me so went to get the info and hoped to have a story to tell about a little snip… i was off by 2 pages.

    anotehr day someone asked me and i said go to the cobol manual, before the index, in front of the title page, at the bottom is the answer to your question… the other went there, looked, and he found out that this revision of the language didnt have that math function… but unless you read that littel note. you would never know it.

    the memory is hit or miss though in categories. cant remember names, but i can recongize faces regardless of how they disguise them.

    neo can affirm my photography..

    she can also affirm smoe of my other extreme talents, like photo realistic drawing.

    if i was too terse with you walla. i am sorry… i have the same problem that aspergers people suffer from. i am so different that others dont allow me to be with them.

    i love people. think their great.. but they like artificial realities more than the real one, and i am the opposite. i love the real one. like lao tsu, i taste the vinnegar and smile.

    in my real world, there are no people i can talk to. recently i ahve become friends with a top genomics genetics professor. so at least i have someone i can talk to about genetics and scinece now… (he is amazed that a man with only a high school diploma knws as much as he does and even more in many cases. i have won bets on how they would make stem cells (in detail), and lots of other stuff. poor guy.. i am too much to handle…

    no… i have always been apart.. red hair made it worse… and no.. i am not uncoordinated..

    i have taken top IQ tests… mensa is a joke…
    average IQ for bronx science at the time was 140

    i wasnt average… and it sucks so much…

    oh how it sucks… if you think people hate the wealthy, i will tell you that they hate the smart more, and funny thing is that above 120-130, the benifits decline…

    you can find me all over the net at different stages (search artfldgr batmax)… from physics to sensors… to mens news daily (i was a blog wonk with my own column there, and can go back and write… so i could be heard by more people easily, and yes, i can write better if i take the time and i go over it and refine it)

    but i go where the converstation is juiciest, not where the most can hear my prattle.

    and thats from me is one of the highst compliments i can give neo’s place here.

    if a square peg dont fit in a round world
    what the hell does a 5 dimension hypercube fit?

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