Home » On Obama’s threats to the non-TARP Chrysler lenders?


On Obama’s threats to the non-TARP Chrysler lenders? — 17 Comments

  1. First!

    Dr. Know No Economics is helping Ford prosper… by reducing Chrysler to a pile of ash.

  2. [turn on heavy brooklyn italian accent]

    no, no.. you hava ita all wrong..
    we are not making threats, threats..
    threats is such an ugly word…
    we no a maka da threats…
    we no have to

    [turn off heavy brooklyn italian accent]

    everyone knows what they have to do
    what roles they have to play.
    its why people arent writing or calling, the what if question of things changing and they have their name.

    i said in the last line, that they want us pissed off and protesting as they did to put someone in office, and other issues. but no one gets the heads i win tails you lose constant as a technique. protest for what i want, your a radical for the cause, a hero. same person protests the change or other things, they are right wing extremists, fascists, and those who would tear apart the republic, and must be stopped at all cost. then the buggers will bugger themselves not realizing it as the ones who dont protest give permission to the state to go after the extremists. now, all oposition can be crushed.

    we aint even in six months, you aint seen nothing yet. i said they were going to turn on every burner in the house and its going to get real real hot. well? hot enough yet? i hear Pandemonium the home of demons is very hot, and has a lot of friction.

    the rule of law has been broken, the state can now make laws a rules situational to be fair. this means that the states power is no longer tied to law any more than kings, or ceasars, czars, etc.

    i dont think most realize the fundemental change that just occured. the old system will be too slow to defend itself since the new system that is attacking it can operate at whim making up laws and rules as it goes along based on situations and complete power of the appoints to be “fair”.

    we crossed the event horizon a while back…

    there is absolutely nothing we can do now but ride it out if we can. the minute the liberals protest and riot when things flower, they enable the final win.. or havent anyone taken time to read the signing statments of the presidents from the 60s onwards?

    well, whatever it becomes i am pragmatic. i will live in it the way everyone lives in whatever they are subjected to. i will be like most everyoune else and just follow and be what my new state requires of me. in a free state i was a proponent of freedom, in another kind, a proponent of that. ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do.

    i guess they havent realized that a state that can do anything to the most powerful entities on the planet, is one that will not stop there and love you.

    you and i and most people are just one big headache of whining needy people that are never satisfied, dirty their property, get in the way, and generally arent smart enough to tie their shoes.

    at least i think thats how they see it since they are not our servants any more.

    it was a nice experiment while it lasted… too bad.

  3. Heard today that the banks now have until April 9 to come up with a plan as to how they will get their cash reserves up to where the Fed thinks they need to be. “The Langoliers” are here.

  4. A brilliant post that is dead on.

    The pressure on the Chrysler non-TARP lenders is the perfect example of President Obama’s blatant disregard of law and the absolute requirements of that law for any orderly lending process to business.
    If anyone wants to understand why people are appalled at the Obama Administration, this case is the perfect example to learn from. All fact; no opinion.
    The lack of coverage in the press completes the trifecta.

  5. I now know where the business for crysler will come from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    if your going to give free cars to welfare recipients isnt owning the care industry a way to make it simpler?

  6. and here comes the tsunami

    the prices receeding were like the ocean receeding before the wave comes in.

    Oil rises to six-month high near $58 in Asia

  7. Artfldgr Says:

    “if your going to give free cars to welfare recipients isnt owning the care industry a way to make it simpler?”

    No. Because they still can build them cheap. It would probably be cheaper to buy them Korean made cars….

  8. sorry… that was in sarcasm of leftist economics… they are probably thinking of how smashing that german guy did with the peoples car…

    their logic would be that they could then give the cars away “at cost”. but either way, they just defined that its easier to lose a job, wait to get low down, then arrange for a job, get a car for it, then take the job, and voila…

    while in truth its as appealing a life as being fingered by captain hook, but they will just work it, not relize it.

    the fact that they are giving welfare recipients cars in any form and paying for them in any way should mean something. i think

  9. “No. Because they still can build them cheap. It would probably be cheaper to buy them Korean made cars….”

    You will note that the phrase was “simpler”, not “cheaper”.

    Its even simpler if the union owns the rest of the company too – they aren’t going to strike against themselves!

  10. time to go to a junk yard, spend 200, get it to barely run, and trade it in for 3500

    Obama Plan To Raise Used Car Prices
    Committee members emerged from the meeting Tuesday claiming a modest victory. They said they agreed to embrace a “cash for clunkers” plan that would provide $3500 or $4500 to people who replace old, low-efficiency cars with new, more fuel-efficient models.

    classic values had this to say:
    Brilliant. What will happen? People in the market for a new car will buy a $1,000 (or cheaper) running used car to sell to the government and the government will give them $3,500 or $4,500 for their junker. This will help clear the used car market of the very lowest price cars and it will help raise the price of all used cars. It effectively puts a floor of $3,500 (or more – depending on the “generosity” of Congress) an the price of a used car. The $500 and $1,000 used cars will be vacuumed from the market.

    but dont worry…. we now know how he will dismantle the market and destroy americas kulak class like a good stalinist.

    Guilty Until Proven Innocent

    Obama also planned to ask Congress to crack down on tax havens and implement a major shift in the way courts view guilt. Under Obama’s proposal, Americans would have to prove they were not breaking U.S. tax laws by sending money to banks that don’t cooperate with tax officials. It essentially would reverse the long-held assumption of innocence in U.S. courts.

    and again from classical values:
    You will be guilty until you prove you are not.
    Now suppose you have done nothing wrong? Where exactly will you be able to find the evidence?

  11. strcpy!!!

    kudos to you!!!

    i thought it when writing it, but didnt see the distinction when challenged. 🙂

    i tend to choose words pretty well when fast, but sometimes i dont notice why i chose A over B. and the truth is, that economic efficiency of the process was not in the equation at all…

    so simpler to control for them is better…

    too funny…
    now i am guilty of not paying attention to myself!!
    its now so bad i dont listen to myself.

    anyone else see that as hysterically funny as i do?

    now if i can only find my glasses on my forhead when i need them… 🙂

  12. Guess there going to have to put on more shifts at the mint. The only way they are going to come up with the money is to print it and not worry about backing it up. I think I need to come up with a light weight collapsible wheel barrow to carry the money in for that quick trip to the grocery store for a loaf of bread.

  13. If anyone wants to know what kind of cars the State makes, look at the Soviet cars, or the Yugos in Yugoslavia, and others.

    Shitboxes are what they are.

    And there is no longer respect for the nature or the details of contracts. Just thugs using brass knuckles.

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