Home » Obama, the Mexican guns, and Latin America: blame the US first


Obama, the Mexican guns, and Latin America: blame the US first — 21 Comments

  1. With every passing day Obama shows how absolutely clueless he is when it comes to foreign policy (as well as almost everything else having to do with the office he holds). The very worst thing about all his apologizing is how it not only reinforces the garbage most of them are fed by their governments but also actually lowers the esteem of the US in the eyes of the citizens of countries around the world. It will be perceived a willingness to resort to any amount of grovelling to be “liked”. It will be (aptly) judged as weakness and will be exploited – especially in Latin America.

  2. Just as aside – I live in Florida off the 15th green of our golf course. For the last couple of days there has been a bald eagle hanging around (a somewhat unusual sight in these parts).

    When I first saw it I pulled out the binoculars and got a good look. I was impressed with the majesty and look of power – even at rest. I thought to myself how glad I was that Ben Franklin was outvoted on the issue of our national symbol – he wanted the wild turkey.

    I have since named it Barack because it keeps allowing itself to be chased off by the small birds (only one or two at a time) that have nests in the area.

    I’m starting to give Ben’s idea a second look.

  3. I thought the whole fake 90% thing was a water testing to bring back the ‘asault’ weapons ban….

  4. It’s not true, although it’s a meme that will not die.

    Because a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. This is the narrative that the administration and their MSM flacks want to promote. Hillary said it too. As have others.

    I think that we all understand why, which is why guns and ammo sales have sky rocketed since the election.

  5. I’ve been disturbed by most of what has been happening in the past three months as a result of the current administration and their corrupt allies in Congress, but the image of Barry O gladhanding Chavez is just about the worst I’ve seen to date. I feel rather ill looking at that picture.

  6. I was told Friday at Walmart that the morning after the truck brings in ammo, there are people waiting in line at 6 am at the gun counter. ( You have to pay for ammo at that special counter, not the general checkout area- and it appears to not be open all the time like the front registers.) I would say that 3 out of 4 times that I go in the afternoon there is no 2 3/4 or 3 inch 00 Buck left for 12 Gauge and I have been slowly stocking up. The one gun store I occasionally check at sells some expensive shells in a five shell box- lot more expensive than the 15 round boxes Wal Mart occasionally has left.

  7. Oh, but they seem to have the 3 1/2 inch 00 Buck shot. I guess those 12 Gauges that were designed for 3.5 inch shells never caught on, or people who have them don’t like the “kick” of 3.5 inch buckshot.

  8. Sarkozy said he pressured Omama to come to commemorate the D-Day landings because he wants to ask him to walk on water and thinks he might do it. That’s a change. The more apologizing he does the more leaders tend to regard him as a showy naif. His shtick may go over with the public and some of the media but Sarkozy making a statement like that shows the effect he is having.

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  10. So, lets assume that their whole thing is true – what should we do?

    First, is there *any* reason why I should give up either my civil liberties (or rather our countries) and my *personal* ability to defend myself because another country isn’t responsible? I can already tell you how well that one will go over here.

    But, then lets say that the answer to that is also “yes” – now what? It is already illegal to transport those arms across the border – will making it doubly illegal stop it? The law to stop it is already there but without the will to enforce it the the traffic could be illegal 100 times over and it wouldn’t make a difference. On top of that the laws they are discussing would have *no* effect on what they are complaining about even were they ultra strictly enforced (and since the laws are quite well tailored to increase federal control over our daily lives I can assure that funding for *those* laws will come).

    If the dems push it hard enough some enterprising Republican *should* tie it into border enforcement, lack of funding/support there, and how all these earmarks and waste of our “bailout” could have effected that. Of course they will not, the Republicans have their hands in the barrel of money/power just as much as the dems do and do not want to loose that ability.

    Heh, maybe a Tea Party candidate will emerge that actually says and does this 🙂

  11. “The more apologizing he does the more leaders tend to regard him as a showy naif.”

    Ahh, come on now – Sarkozy was being *literal*. Obama is such a fine leader I would expect him to walk right across the ocean too.

    Of course if you believe (as many of his supporters do) that the US *is* the source of all evil and are deserving of such contempt then you *are* repairing our image abroad.

  12. The “90%” lie is destined to live past infinity and be cited over and over anytime a writer wishes to damn the United States. It reminds me of a similar lie that has persisted in my field, health care. I speak of the familiar refrain that 100,000 people per year die from medical errors. You’ve heard it on Oprah, it was repeated by the far left leaning Institute of Medicine, an Orwellian nightmare if there ever was one. It was derived from a study published in the 1970s in the New England Journal of Medicine and never intended to be anything other than a first approximation of the extent of unintended deaths occuring in hospitals. Unfortunately, it used criteria that were so all emcompassing that, for example, a cancer death was counted if it occurred in a patient whose original diagnosis was delayed for any length of time, irrespective of the natural history of the disease. The numbers were then extrapolated from the findings in a limited number of teaching hospitals in New York and the famous 100,000 figure was obtained. The study was retrospective, not case controlled and has never been replicated. A similar study came up with 40,000. Figures obtained from present day monitoring of preventable deaths in Minnesota hospitals suggest to me that a more accurate number may be 2,000 deaths per year. That may well be unacceptable, but it’s a lot lower than 100,000. What makes me rant about the lie is that I see it used over and over to trash the reputation of American medicine and promote concepts like single payer, universal health care, which is somehow supposed to transform the carnage in hospitals through efficiency and prevention, neither of which has been shown to lower mortality.

  13. I especially like the 44 million uninsured Americans statistic we keep hearing about. As though a govt promise of health in a poorly run system like Cuba, is better than a state of the art system that does a pretty good job of caring for the indigent.

    I’m uninsured and can figure that out.

  14. I believe the 90% lie is quite deliberate, and is intended to gin up support for more gun control laws.

    It’s designed to appeal to those people who can’t tell the difference between a full-auto rifle and a cap gun.

  15. Well I hate to be cliche but………..

    You can make statistics prove almost anything you want depending on how they are presented.

  16. Methinks it is time to tabulate lies to the nation by party.
    But I have a strong sense of the outcome, so why bother?

  17. SteveH Says:

    “I especially like the 44 million uninsured Americans statistic we keep hearing about.”

    Its also, out and out false….

    Counts non Americans, those eligble for government healthcare (which does not have preexisting clauses), those that went only part of the year without insurance but then picked it up on their own, and the grey area of those who could get it but choose not to because they’re cheap / don’t think they need it. Once you weed them all out your down to 10 million… Still not great but it’s not 44 million either…

  18. Why not lie if it benefits you and there is no cost?

    By the way. Just hung up with a friend who is an avid recreational shooter. He said the cost of ammo is out of sight. He self-loads and also said powder is becoming very scarce, and also expensive. He reminded me that Teddy Kennedy tried to put a $1 per round tax on ammo some years ago. They will attack gun ownership from several different directions.

  19. Wonder no more!…gifts of course; autographed copies of his book for all to enjoy with laughter at such a young puppies frolic.

  20. I guess since the guns are the primary problem in Mexico, and since 90% of the guns come from the US, then that fact should be reflected in the US by hundreds of thousands of gun deaths a year and massive gun battles in the streets of this nation.

    (sarcasm off!)

    I have come to shudder every time The One opens his mouth at any kind of international event he attends.

    Either he’s apologizing (again) over something that may or may not have happened depending on viewpoint, or he’s prostrating himself and this nation before lesser nations with far more horrific *human rights* issues.

    Regarding the gun control issue, this whole 90% figure is just the tip of the iceburg with these guys. There are a lot of other things afoot, principally in the State Department, that casual observers of the shooting sports are only now becoming aware of that may be far more insidious.

    The Big O and his minions really ought to stop poking the bear while he’s sleeping!

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