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This pizza has pizzaz — 25 Comments

  1. I’m thinking the whole (alleged) Anthropogenic Global Warming thing ain’t really that important to TCO (The Chosen One).

  2. I guess it’s one of these things where special people are exceptions to the principles they would like to enforce by law on others.

  3. One thing I’d like to see spelled out. It sounds to me that the pizza chef may have flown in on a commercial jet. If that’s the case, then it may be excessive, but not necessarily hypocritical so far as the administration’s AGW stance.

    But neo’s original thrust is on target. One who dines on Wagyu beef, keeps his thermostat so high that those conferring in the White House must remove their jackets and ties, and flies in “pizza chefs” from halfway across the country, has no business lecturing anyone on greed or personal responsibility. In fact, I have yet to see him actually lead by example in any way shape or form.

  4. This is just the extension of his “I won” attitude. The trough is now his and he will fill it with whatever strikes his (or Michelle’s) fancy. What amazes me (and he has no care about) is that a dinner like this (or the Wagyu beef one) will eat up (sorry for the pun) the taxes paid this by a couple of hard-working folks. I’m sure they’re thrilled to know that instead of missile defense their money went for a pretentious dinner.

  5. Older and Wheezier,

    A Hot Air Headline linked to the story about the chef flying commercial on his own dime. Then the blogger, Tommy Christopher, went on to denounce the right for the story. He ignored the fact that it was first published in the UK.

    Shouldn’t our president be more conscious of the image he is making abroad? He is going to have to learn that the other hypocrisies you mention are going to travel around the world and be used against him (and, more importantly, us) any time it is useful to do so. I’d bet that foreign reporters will soon start gotcha files on him. They just love pointing out American hypocrisies to deflect attention from their own.

  6. Obama drops yet another clanger. Barack, in case you didn’t get the memo, a lot of people in this country are hurting financially right now. Ostentatious shows of wealth, power, and self-absorption don’t cut it in a democracy. What’s next: having us gather up for him tons of cobwebs, like Heliogabalus?

  7. Perhaps I wasn’t paying attention but I don’t remember this kind of ostentatious consumption from previous presidents, Democrat or Republican.

    Nixon liked to have the air-conditioning down into the fifties in the summer so he could sit before a wood fire in the fireplace. That’s about it.

  8. That’s nice to know, bill. But how were we to know from that article?

    And who is paying for his wagyu steak?

  9. Bill,

    If it’s not ok for Cindy McCain to own 7 homes, Obama shouldn’t be paid millions for his books and shouldn’t be paying so much for a darn pizza.

    While I generally don’t get into identity politics – it sure is a little much to see Obama with double-standards.

    Libs love double-standards….

    By the way, Big business gives more to Democrats than Republicans by FAR – but I bet you believe otherwise – just like an ignorant lefty.

  10. Oh, guys, c’mon. Cut “bill” some slack here. He just wants to be on a dinner guest list at Caligula’s White House.

  11. Speaking of pizza, did you hear? Since a significant segment of Obi’s administration are Rahmbo’s favorite reruns from Bubba’s, Rahmbo actually has arranged to bring Monica back. But this time, since Obi’s doctors and S.S. suggested he better stop inhaling, especially cigarettes, Monica won’t be delivering pizza, she’ll be delivering Obi’s favorite Cuban cigars. However, bill will be glad to know that they’re not being paid for by the taxpayers, but a gift of personal appreciation from Fidel…

  12. Well, lets assume that all those circumstances are 100% correct – the guy would have been there anyway and Obama is paying for it 100% out of his own money – that still doesn’t make it right.

    Why? Well, lets take what the Big-O says himself about things like Nuclear weapons. We have to disarm ourselves first before we ask others too – that is only fair and without that moral authority we can not do it. Many of us say that this reduces our ability to defend ourselves too much, Obama agrees but says moral authority is required and our disarming will cause the rest to also. We also see that in carbon emissions, energy policy, health care policy, fiscal policy, and pretty much anything we can think of.

    Ok, great – lets say we agree that moral authority is required (I do not, but he and many of his supporters obviously do too). Now, he is also asking us to forgoe things like personal utilities (both voluntary and through his proposed taxes), he is telling us to forgoe many things. And then what does he do? Not only drops that whole moral authority thing (when it personally affects him) but goes 100% whole hog into the Rich White Mans arena with personal gains. No moral authority there when it is *him* giving.

    Had he not been so pretentious about groups he dislikes doing exactly that, had he not been so pretentious telling us we must make great sacrifices, had he not been so pretentious about moral authority when it helps his agenda but doesn’t hurt his I would accept that it is irrelevant (even had he actually flown the guy in – it’s not unkown for Presidents to do such a thing).

    I also suspect that it wouldn’t bother him to go from said luncheon to give an address telling us to sacrifice and announcing a govt tax program forcing us too – indeed he is in the midst of doing said luncheon in the middle of trying to force several through congress.

    Obviously he doesn’t really believe what he says he does as he violates it any time it would be personally rewarding too yet he tsks any of us who do the same. Some people seem to like that, others not so much. To some that type of dishonesty is preferred to Bush’s honesty even though in all the complaints about Bush the reality of Obama has been MUCH worse. I’ll take someone who talks and acts 50% of what I want over someone that talks 90% and acts 10% of what I want – but then that seems to be what makes me a conservative over a liberal/leftist.

  13. Just think conservative= grownup
    Liberal= child

    And all that gives the appearance of double standards makes perfect sense.

  14. Oh, Please understand; THIS IS THE ONE!!!

    Sometimes, I feel as if I’m in some kind of a weird, hallucinatory nightmare from which I cannot awaken; wondering if it’s being scripted by Monty Python or Stephen King.

    Perhaps they collaborate.

  15. The story says:
    “In fact, his restaurant buys carbon credits from a wind farm in Colorado.”

    I say:
    This guy won’t be in business much longer if he’s wasting his business resources on carbon credits. This is like like buying indulgences to reduce time in purgatory. Oh wait, that didn’t turn out so well either!

  16. Well said, strcpy.

    Liberals are very big on symbolic gestures (see, e.g., an hour with lights off to fight “global warming,” and just about any demonstration), but curiously don’t seem to grasp that ostentatious displays of wealth by the President – especially in times of economic hardship for many – look bad symbolically.

    It’s not as if Bill Gates were doing this; it’s the President. Not the same thing at all, even if the taxpayers weren’t on the hook for a dime.

    Kudos also to SteveH, who succinctly summed up the syndrome, and with deadly accuracy.

  17. Hey, bill. I believe that the White House kitchen has bakers on staff. I suspect they can make pizza from scratch. As I snarked elsewhere, I can make pizza from scratch. It’ll take more time if I have to make my own tomato paste.

  18. Just another example of the ostentatious Obama’s. Anyone else getting sick of the family’s endless fashion parade and the swooning of the MSM?

    “Oh my, not since Jackie O.”-blah, blah, blah.

    Remember the outraged cries over the RNC wardrobing Sara Palin so that she could go out and campaign?

    Freaking hypocrites.

  19. It sounds to me that the pizza chef may have flown in on a commercial jet. If that’s the case, then it may be excessive, but not necessarily hypocritical so far as the administration’s AGW stance.

    I don’t know about that. It seems to me that the “carbon footprint” of pizzas made in the White House kitchen by the White House chef using locally available ingredients is certainly lower than that of pizzas made by a guy flown in from halfway across the country (carrying sauce and dough, based on what I’ve read), irrespective of whether or not the guy flew on a commercial jet or Air Force One.

    I think the real questions are (1) why, if the pizzas are for his staffers (which is what I’ve read), the pizza needed to be the special pizza that Obama loves so much and (2) what accomplishment the White House staff has achieved that warrants a staff party three months into the administration’s tenure. In my experience, well-run organizations save staff parties for times when the staff have accomplished something, particularly in tough economic times.

    The fact of the matter is that if “pizza-gate” were about a unit at AIG, the media would be up in arms about conspicuous consumption.

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