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Biden’s Bin Hidin’ — 15 Comments

  1. I see this as one of the shrewder moves by the President-elect – he’ muzzled Biden, and co-opted Hillary, thereby removing some of the people who would have sniped at his foreign policy from the left in the Senate.

  2. Wonderful headline! A two-fur-one.

    “Hidden” might be more factual, but love that rhyme!

    (If rhyme it is, never did get that diddly diddly stuff.)

  3. It may be time to resurrect the title John Nance Garner, FDR’s V-P for his first two terms, bestowed on the Vice-President: “Your Superfluous Eminence”.

  4. Cheney is the first VP in my memory to prove wrong the John Nance Garder quote about the office of the vice presidency as being “not worth a bucket of warm spit (piss, actually).”
    I regret that Joe will not be entertaining me with his buffoonery, but I’ll be happy if he is not allowed to embarass this country every time he opens his pie hole.

  5. I’m kind of disappointed as I always love a good comedy…oh well, I guess I’ll just have to wait for the unscripted news conferences.

    Of course, those will likely be boring as well as the media are – based upon past performance – not going to do anything but cover for Him no matter how many uhhhhs, ahhhhs, mmmms, and ohhhhs, He mutters through during an interview while trying to seem thoughtful and come up with any kind of answer.

    I’m sure such will be *edited out* for the sake of brevity and to try to polish His image as a great orator.

  6. After Cheney, Biden will bring the office of VP back to its traditional moorings: ballast, not torque.

  7. I think that Biden will be not so much ballast as deadweight and drag, with a tendency to roll and broach badly when left untended.

    It goes against the grain to hope that Obama is never forced to relinquish the presidential authority, but Biden is a far worse choice.

  8. Greetings:

    I think Vice President-elect Biden is President-elect Obama’s life insurance policy. Kill me and Joey Plugs takes over.
    Biden will be treated like a ventriloquist treats his dummy.

  9. Interesting how reality re-asserts itself.

    Biden never had a fraction of the merits that his supporters ascribed to him during the election. It was a rhetorical necessity to treat him as a serious thinker as counterpoint to the story of Palin’s inexperience. No one was ever very interested in him; witness the complete lack of follow-up on his debate statements, some of which were laughable. He more or less disappeared from the campaign after that.

    On the basis of his long track record, I doubt we will be missing much if Biden is never heard from again. One would need to do some serious searching to find evidence that he has ever had an original thought. There are plenty of other people available to parrot whatever is the left-liberal conventional wisdom inside the Beltway at the moment.

  10. From my prescient mother:

    “Joe Biden knows less than he ought to, and says more than he should.”

  11. Vice Presidents can play many roles. Biden’s pick demonstrates that Obama knows to rely on a court jester to add levity in somber times.

  12. It was a hoot to hear lefties complaining about Palin’s lack of intellectual stature without mentioning Biden.

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