Invasion of the body snatcher
Judy extols the joys of dieting via Acai Berry and Colon Remedy.
Doesn’t sound like much fun, but who am I to judge? She’s got a fake blog that I’m not going to link to. It’s an advertising ploy that features the following intriguing before and after photos, meant to illustrate the weight she lost in eight glorious weeks of treatment:
Weight’s not all Judy lost. There’s her identity, for starters.
Is there anyone on earth who believes this tripe? I guess the same folks who send money in response to emails from perfect strangers in Nigeria that begin “Dearest One.”
Yes! Oprah believes!
Any diet that involves something called “colon remedy” is concentrating on the wrong end of the GI tract…
Acai Berry is high in antioxidants and I drink it for that — though I don’t expect, or need, such expedient results, the juice is simply tasty and good for you.
It reminds me of the joke about the Amish man and his son who went into the city on business. Dad watched an elevator door open and an elderly woman step in. Thirty seconds later, the door re-opens and an attractive young woman steps out. “Son,” he says, “we’re goin’ home to pick up your mother.”
Those pictures are a hoax. One person cannot lose 80 pounds in a year and not have sags and flab showing in some of the places pictured. Stated as the opinion of one MD dealing with obese patients for 40 years. Bodies simply don’t work that way, unless she worked out in a gym daily—-highly unlikely even then and some of those sags take years to shrink, if ever.
Stay slim, it is the cheapest way!
Wonder what the real Judy looks like (and will we see the REAL pictures before and after eight weeks?)
DocJim, I think that was the meaning of the “losing her identity” comment.
DocJim: the entire post is about the fact that the pictures are a hoax.
Hey! Don’t knock those Nigerian letters. Creative? Compared to them Lord of the Flies is a pedestrian, plodding tale of some boys who stop on the way home to collect firewood. Think of it! A guy is smart enough to become a high government or military official and to steal millions of dollars without getting detected. Just not smart enough to get the money out of the country without my help.