Home » Fernandez to candidates: be careful what you wish for


Fernandez to candidates: be careful what you wish for — 37 Comments

  1. “Victor Davis Hansen takes on the task of summarizing what’s wrong with Obama, from start to finish.”

    Mr. Hansen is one of the “sharpest knifes in the drawer”…so to speak.

  2. My “liberal friends” aren’t interested in dialogue or facts, and they don’t care, in fact resent being confronted about the rife dishonesty from the left. It is simply a culture of snide vendetta. What started as a “Bush hater” culture has now morphed into a full-scale radical left-wing movement. I have fewer “friends” these days, and family who are very annoyed that I’m not passively accepting their “politics”. They haven’t seen anything yet, no more lies!

  3. I wonder how many more Indianapolis situations we are going to see. I wonder if they will be made public anywhere but Drudge or Fox.

  4. I too am experiencing rather strange feelings about some long time liberal friends. Where the relationship now seems like a doctor patient one and they say “just relax, this wont hurt a bit”.

    WTF is going on with people obsessed with emailing me about McCain’s divorce, yet are absolutely blind to any criticism pertaining to Barak Obama and his horrendous alliances?

    Half the damn country has lost any ability to discern and judge in a rational way.

    Weird times is an understatement.

  5. The problem here is when you try to fight an ideology with common sense the ideology usually triumphs. In mass conscience Obama is not a person, he is embodiment of an ideology becoming national obsession. People do not simply belive TO him, they believe IN him, identify with him in ecstatic mystical unity reminding truly religious ecstasy. And any critique of him is perceived by his followers not as legitimate point to discuss, but as a blasphemy.

  6. “Half the damn country has lost any ability to discern and judge in a rational way.”

    This is a quite predictable result of secularisation: when people stop believe in God, they do not start believe in nothing, but begin to believe in everything, as Chesterton noted. The same has happened in Russia 100 years ago: the most egregious excess of religious insanity was Bolshevism. In USA, hard Left ideology undervent the same transition from rational doctrinary form into charismatic irrational form, in which it is more virulent and contagious. Obama was a catalyst of this transition.

  7. I am still trying to figure the money that was to have gone to ACORN in the three page bailout. That was a cat let out of a bag intentionally, and with much meowing. Only an idiot would have thought that would have passed. Those who proposed it KNEW it would not pass. They will still get money, me thinks, but under the radar, if not the table.

    To be honest, I was not aware too much of exactly what ACORN as an organization is. Now they are everywhere, and what ACORN is doing is being exposed on a daily basis.

    I am truly wondering where America will be, what America will be, in a troubling, and very short amount of time.

  8. Not Quite Ready to Join the Crusade
    …even his associates and his own admissions would not be fatal, had Obama himself not been involved in suspect organizations like ACORN, like the Woods Foundation, and like the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, that typically squandered someone else’s money to help radical organizations undermine existing institutions in service to some utopian vision of what they wish the United States someday to become.

    That’s it in a nutshell

  9. I don’t know what it is with some people.
    Maybe some sort of need to demonize your opponents in order to get comfortable with what you say about them and still be able to sleep at night, along with easily aroused fear bubbling just below the surface of “oh noes! the communists/socialists/muslims/​dirty fncking hippies are coming!”, childhood insecurities lasting into adulthood, feeling threatened by anyone who you perceive to be smarter than you, living in an echo chamber, and chirping “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!” on a regular basis.

    I mean, shit, aren’t these some of the same people who think Hillary put a hit out on Vince Foster for… well, I forget what the batshit insane reason was (said she looked fat in a pantsuit?). Suppose you asked them today how the Clinton presidency went for the United States in the 1990s? After blaming him for 9/11, wouldn’t they have to admit that 1993-2001 was pretty damn good? I guess they’d give all credit to Newt. Wankers.

    But whatever, maybe it’s just abject stupidity combined with a lack of empathy.

    P.S. Hansen is a lying idiot, who has yet to say a word of truth.
    Sergey, it is really sad- your association with the lying propagandists and demagogues of the Bolshevik kind, considering your past experiences…

  10. Well, there is your refute – make up what the other side believes, ignore everything said, and end with a “both sides do it so it is OK” defense. Throw in a little bit of “you guys didn’t get breast fed enough as babies” crap and you have the normal leftist response to anything that might not fit well into their manufactured world.

    Basically repeat the worst accusations they can think of (none that are even in the article – heck those aren’t even about Obama) in a derisive tone and hope that some people are more swayed by tone than substance.

    Anyone surprised?

    I especially love the line “feeling threatened by anyone who you perceive to be smarter than you” – it has several memes of the left all rolled into one. Not only are they the intellectuals that should be running our lives but it throws in the insecure thing to boot. Yes Sashel, the utter brilliance in your post has me awed beyond all comprehension, my mind just ceased to function for a whole five minutes as I had to figure out how to reorder my thoughts and still occupy my place in the world.

    I’ll also add look at how we are perceived and read the second line – classic.

  11. sashal,

    sergey has lived in a country riven and harmed by totalitarianism all his life. He knows quite well what is going on and a lot of the time I agree with him. We only disagreed with each other over Georgia and over Russia firming up its alliance with Iran. But sergey understands far more than you do about the kind of people who are about to assume power in the United States.

    The rest of your blather is boilerplate ad hominen that I’ve seen lobbed in hundreds of other comments across the blogosphere by the Obamabots. sergey is not the one who is terrified. It is the Obama campaign that is terrified that the full extent of Obama’s relationship with a Communist terrorist couple will see the light of day.

  12. fred, are you sure about that, “my friend”?
    Because, if sergey defended Russian actions against Georgian aggression towards minorities in south Ossetia, then I am with him.
    Something tells me, sergey and me we also against destroying the sovereign country , legitimate member of the UN-Serbia into one christian and one islamic one-Kosovo Albania(especially amazing, if you consider that Albanians already have their own country)

  13. fred, btw, that’s me too:
    sergey has lived in a country riven and harmed by totalitarianism all his life. He knows quite well what is going on
    So I can see totalitarian bolsheviks lying tendencies, when I see them.
    Guess , where do I see them ? In which party?
    The party which gladly incorporated the ideological sons and daughters of Bolshevism-neocons ..

  14. sahal, Bolsheviks were not lying, they were true believers in Communism, like most today American leftists. And yes, I am against dismembering of Serbia by force without consent of Serbs and without adjusting Kosovo borders and status according people’s will. When analog problem arose in Armenia-Azerbajan conflict, Andrey Sakharov proposed to decide such problems by a referendum held in every ethnic enclave with voluntary population swap of minorities and with appropriate compensation for lost property, under international auspieces.

  15. segey: I made the correction. It seems I have some sort of mental glitch about the spelling of Hanson’s name.

  16. yes, neo, some education , besides one-sided opinion pieces from NRO might help, to know how neoconservative plague on the GOP is treated by the true right-wings and true conservatism

  17. Neoconservative plague on the GOP?

    Thats like saying bottled Heinekin is a plague on a Budlite keg party.

  18. “yes, neo, some education , besides one-sided opinion pieces from NRO might help, to know how neoconservative plague on the GOP is treated by the true right-wings and true conservatism”

    Can someone tell me what this ungrammatical, run-on piece of writing means??? Since it seems to reference education, maybe the writer should return to school to learn how to write properly, then maybe people would take such writing seriously.

  19. Victor Hanson is the best approximation to an ideologue in conservative circles, but he never was a leftist. Most conservatives distaste ideology of any kind, preferring common sense and tradition. And most neo-conservatives also never belonged to hard left, they prefer to call themselves classical liberals.

  20. you are confused sergey.
    How long you’ve been here.
    Neoconservatism is the offspring of Marxism and totalitarianism incorporated in modern GOP now.
    Classi liberal -me, and you think-you. And true conservatives who do not pring their mindless drivel in NRO.\
    Start with Daniel Larison, if you do not mind , in “American Conservative” He is the real one( i know, not many in USA true once left, most are corrupted by the cancer of neoconservatism). Check out also guys at Taki mag.
    Sakharov hated neocons, warmongers bloodthirsty interventionists.

    BTW, this Larison guy is Russian Orthodox by faith, recently converted. Prosto k slovy

  21. Sergey,

    I beg to differ. Hanson is not an ideologue. He may have reached certain conclusions that agree with a particular school of thought, but he bases his opinion on his life experience.

  22. Because, if sergey defended Russian actions against Georgian aggression towards minorities in south Ossetia, then I am with him.,

    Which is another reason why sergey’s position on that score was and still is wrong.

    The fact that parochial Leftists in America have gotten their orders on this issue from higher command should tell everyone who knows the history of Russia what was really going on.

    The party which gladly incorporated the ideological sons and daughters of Bolshevism-neocons ..

    By your standards, every classical liberal from the Founding Fathers down would be a “bolshevist-neocon”. Course, your standards are not only biased but they are deranged, so it would be expected to be that way.

    Neoconservatism is the offspring of Marxism and totalitarianism incorporated in modern GOP now.

    You hear that Neo? Be sure not to report my traitorous actions to the Marxist and totalitarian corporations that pay my bills. You would do me a great favor by omitting such things from your weekly agent reports to our common employers.

    Classi liberal -me

    You are about as much a classical liberal as Stalin and Pol Pot were.

  23. physicsguy Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    “yes, neo, some education , besides one-sided opinion pieces from NRO might help, to know how neoconservative plague on the GOP is treated by the true right-wings and true conservatism”

    Look up David Brin’s blog and you’ll see an example of what Sasha means by “true conservatism”. True conservatism means reactionary, knee jerk, closed minded, and parochial hicks clothing themselves in ideological primatal.

    NRO is one sided which means NRO is not “true conservatism”. Neo-conservatives are seen as a plague because Leftist Stalinists really hated Trotsky and they dislike the neo-cons because they believe neo-cons were inspired by Trotsky.

  24. the communists/socialists/muslims/​dirty fncking hippies are coming!”-Sashal

    Compare that with what Sashal said later about neo-cons.

    how neoconservative plague on the GOP

    Hypocrisy, anyone?

    Again, whenever the Leftists accuse their political enemies of being, it was only ever true of the Leftists themselves.

  25. I don’t know what it is with some people.
    Maybe some sort of need to demonize your opponents in order to get comfortable with what you say about them and still be able to sleep at night, along with easily aroused fear bubbling just below the surface of “oh noes! the communists/socialists/muslims/​dirty fncking hippies are coming!”, childhood insecurities lasting into adulthood, feeling threatened by anyone who you perceive to be smarter than you, living in an echo chamber, and chirping “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!” on a regular basis.
    -Full quote

    Neo-Cons! Neo-Cons! Hehe

  26. Neoneocon,

    I participate in weblog discussions over at Richard Fernandez’ blog (as far back as when it was called the Belmont Club), others on PJM, JihadWatch.com, and another one whose name I will not mention, and without exception sometimes it is hard to have a good discussion about a topic because the Obamabots are obstreperously shoveling sh*t at us and creating needless noise. I have never participated in a weblog over at the more well-known Leftist sites, but I know some people who have and they, being rational and attempting to be thorough and faithful to the facts, get shouted down, their posts removed, and their participation blocked at those sites. That is why I just read and will not participate. Plus, I would never attempt to embarrass myself over there in the manner that these creeps do in our realms. These people are just insane. There is a very strong stalinist instinct over on the Left. If they don’t agree with you, instead of trying to use reason they use ad hominen, tu quoque, or worse.

    People like “sashal” are a dime for TWO dozen over on the Left.

    Their current way of coping with the revealed extent of Obama’s alliance with Ayers and Dohrn: “Lies! Lies! All lies, capitalist pig dogs!” “Propaganda!” “Right wing smear machine!”

  27. Sergey Says: Most conservatives distaste ideology of any kind, preferring common sense and tradition. And most neo-conservatives also never belonged to hard left, they prefer to call themselves classical liberals.

    Thanks for putting in words something I have tried to tell people.

  28. Sashal is using the tried and true technique, trade marked right here (TM) at Neo-Neocon, of starting a troll fest on every new thread of Neo’s while abandoning old threads like this one.

  29. Ymarsakar,

    Well, if we have discovered the maddening pattern of that Leftie troll, then all we need do is to patiently wait for a thread to get old and then resume the discussion.

    Poor VDH lives in the state that is the epicenter of the liberal-Left. And right now it is the hardest hit state – the slide there started back in ’05. The housing bubble burst there first, and has been having a painful ripple effect throughout California’s economy and the nation.

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