The spectacle…
…of Chris Dodd sanctimoniously presiding over the hearings on the current economic crisis when in fact he should be one of the people being interrogated for his own role in it is enough to make me grind my teeth.
…of Chris Dodd sanctimoniously presiding over the hearings on the current economic crisis when in fact he should be one of the people being interrogated for his own role in it is enough to make me grind my teeth.
Technically, the present crisis is not yet economic, only financial. It can turn to be economic, too, if would last long enough to hamstring real sector, since no economy can normally function without credit availability.
Kinda reminds me of Gorelick on the 9/11 commission, when by all that is fair and just she should be been in front of it, being grilled about her stupid wall.
Obviously we need more watchers to watch the watchers who regulate the regulators who… never mind. Better yet, throw the ferrets out. I mean every last one of them. Imagine a 100 % turnover rate in the coming Congressional elections.
I agree, I couldn’t believe my ears when he (Dodd) was speaking earlier! He must think there is no record of what he has said and done in the past.
Shameless. Evidence that sociopathy can be acquired environmentally when one is not held accountable.
King David springs to mind. He did well, even nobly, when held accountable. When not held accountable, he was capable of great evil.
It was a favorite theme of CS Lewis’s, that a respectable-looking bureaucracy could teach its members to rationalise any evil. (The Screwtape Letters, That Hideous Strength, and The Inner Ring)
Wow. I was going to mention Jaime Gorelick, but someone beat me to it.
Me too, Ike. So I’ll just add that it’s a like allowing Charlie Rangel to continue as head of the tax-writing Ways to be Mean Committee, when he hasn’t paid all of his own taxes or filed his own congressional disclosure form.
I heard that they want to bail out credit cards and student loans as well? I have student loans, and they are difficult to pay, but the reality is is that that’s my responsibility. It’s schmuckish perhaps, but bailing out peoples credit card and student loan debts is, well, what does that say to the people who have sacrificed to do the right thing and make honest attempts at catching up on their bills? It’s the same thing as those who waited, followed the right procedure to immigrate to the US, only to see others skip in line and get it handed to them, this is all old new, no new moral tale to tell here, but it never ceases to be stunningly enabling.