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Mettle fatigue — 15 Comments

  1. sure, Neo…as a thought experiment, what would you say if Obama was running the type of ads that McCain is running? Out-right lies and distortions, from a man who once condemned the swiftboaters.
    My thought experiment is to wonder why the democrats are no good at these sorts of ads. Oh, I know– the “Left” is unprincipled or weak, or something…

  2. Mettle Fatigue is a better title! Why didnt you go with that?

  3. Harry: PJ chose the title that’s up there. My guess is that they may have thought “mettle” was somewhat obscure, and they wanted the subject matter of the piece to be more immediately apparent to readers scanning the titles.

  4. Alas, they’re right about the title. Obama may be but for a day, but a bad pun is forever and is written into your “PERMANENT CONDUCT RECORD” and is impossible to expunge off.

  5. “My guess is that they may have thought “mettle” was somewhat obscure…”

    Ah. Thats too bad, that was a great title.

  6. Your title for the post was both more true and somewhat diagnostic to boot. Not to mention droll. What’s not to like. A far superior title.

    What I took exception to was your title: Neo-Neocon is a New England blogger.

    Neo-Neocon is a witty, very attractive blogger who evinces great compassion, rare judgment, likes apples, and can explain exactly how ballet shoes work.

    Howya like THEM apples?

  7. In the online world a title that does not tell the tale is not worth a tittle. And I’m not being a tattle-tale to say so.

  8. they wanted the subject matter of the piece to be more immediately apparent to readers scanning the titles.

    Jeez, talk about the dumification of America when they don’t even know such (anachronistic) words.

    Founding Fathers must be even more anachronistic and obsolete, eh.

  9. Of course, if they wanted Obama’s name in the title, they could have just called it “Obama’s Mettle Fatigue”.

    Sounds like a disease. People will click on it, for sure.

  10. I have kept in mind this observation of Carl Jung since the Obama invention began it’s magical mystery tour.
    ‘A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has not overcome them.’

  11. Recruiting Animal: I read through some of Weintraub’s posts and related links. Some of it looks plenty valid, some of it looks a little stretched–as I’m confident many things coming from the JMac camp are, as well.

    Are they lies on the order of “I did not have sexual relations with that woman?” That’s for the populace to decide.

    Weintraub should be commended for preferring substance in his fault-finding. If more of Palin’s/McCain’s detractors would do likewise, we might have an interesting and worthwhile election process. Faked pregnancy scandal? Please, spare me. Palin seeking earmarks while mayor? That I am interested in.

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