Home » Palin envy: the Brits have it


Palin envy: the Brits have it — 9 Comments

  1. Gosh, the way to get other nations to like us is to agree with them and appease them and soothe them and flatter them. This does not compute.

    They make no sense, except as damnable luck.

  2. I’m a big fan of their Royalty so fair is fair – they need to see her with a pistol on her hip instead of her baby then they may splutter their tea a bit….

  3. Some great lines from the Aussies.

    As a friend of mine remarked on the day Palin accepted the Republican vice-presidential nomination: “It’s interesting how the apparent contradiction of being simultaneously pro-gun and pro-life resolves itself through the great US institution of the shotgun marriage.”

    And from the Brits.

    We need a moose loose in our Hoose

    gcotharn: Those who believe that the best way to get along with our overseas “allies” is to grovel are generally those who have no experience overseas themselves.

    I worked four years overseas. While I accepted the customs of the countries I worked in, and avoided criticism of them, I made no effort to hide that I was an American. For one thing, that was impossible. We are Americans. Our ways of doing things are different. Accept it. Even in a country where my racial makeup resembled most of the country, my American ways distinguished me. Such as my wardrobe choices. Such as my exercising more initiative than the average person there. Such as my being willing to get my hands dirty and do work that fellow professionals there would have assigned to a worker. It is better to accept the difference. No need to grovel whatsoever.

  4. Gosh, the way to get other nations to like us is to agree with them and appease them and soothe them and flatter them.

    And their affection, plus $3.50, will get you a latte at Starbucks.

  5. Well, you know we did have a Palin in Britain long before you guys thought of it. She was called Margaret Thatcher. And Royalty has nothing to do with politics. Get over it.

  6. “It’s interesting how the apparent contradiction of being simultaneously pro-gun and pro-life resolves itself through the great US institution of the shotgun marriage.”

    The apparent contradiction arises from rejecting the two ideas that self-defense is, under most circumstances, a moral imperative and that firearms are often the most practical or only practical means of self-defense. Once we accept them, being pro-life means being pro-gun.

  7. Pingback:Sarah Palin for Britain and Australia « Sake White

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