Home » Rules for the female campaign road: let’s hear it for the Vestal Virgin


Rules for the female campaign road: let’s hear it for the Vestal Virgin — 15 Comments

  1. Neo,

    The idea (tongue in cheek, of course) is so absurd as to be brilliant!

    But like most brilliant ideas, it has a fatal flaw. For unless the Vestals were on the political Left, they would be criticized for “selfishly eschewing their female duties to propagate the human race, choosing instead a self-aggrandizing pursuit of political ambition.”

    Jamie Irons

  2. Jamie: Good point.

    But I think the Left would still cling (bitterly or otherwise) to its philosophy that women should be allowed to enter politics. Just not women on the Right with families and young children, or a history of participation in beauty pageants.

  3. OTOH, look at the way Condoleeza Rice has been treated by “feminists” and “liberals” and even some conservatives the last eight years because she never married and had children. I’m thinking mainly of Barbara Boxer’s jibe that Rice was unqualified for a high-ranking position because of her uterine status…Rice is living out a feminist prescription and they hate her all the more for it.

    It might reduce to “any woman who departs from the feminist/liberal orthodoxy must be destroyed” but there seems to be a special layer of scorn for conservative women who didn’t follow the old gender role conformity they claim they want to free women from.

  4. Stepford comes to mind…maybe the PERFECT candidate would agree to have microchips installed into their offspring at birth, have themselves neutered, oh…what to do with the spouses?

  5. Pingback:Running Sarah Palin Thread of Hate & Doooom! | The Anchoress

  6. Pingback:Sarah Palin: All Palin All The Time, It’s Her Day, Bitches (I’m Reclaiming The Word), Deal With It!–UPDATED « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier

  7. These rules apply almost exclusively to candidates on the Right, of course; those on the Left (unless their name happens to be Hillary Clinton) are given the usual press pass (a phrase I tried to popularize back when I was first blogging, but which unfortunately went nowhere).

    It’s a press pardon, Neo ; )

    Come to think of it, it would be even better if female candidates on the Right were limited to being borgs or robots. But until we perfect that technology, I’m afraid we’re stuck with flesh and blood.

    Not if the Left has anything to say about it. Their way is to make us all into cogs. Isn’t that right, Neo.

  8. Brilliant idea! It would give these future female leaders plenty of time to devise plans for utopia that would be untainted by any connection to the real world. They could think about stopping the rise of the oceans and achieving social justice and making the world love us. It’s a shame we have to wait 30 years for the first batch of graduate virgins. Till then we get Obama and Pelosi.

  9. The very presence of Sarah Palin has changed the debate entirely. She now has complete control over the political landscape, and has said nary a word.

    Her very presence challenges core beliefs.

    Abortion, right or wrong? What do we believe?

    Motherhood, women working while children are small – what do we believe? The accepted doctrine that women can work and have it all is suddenly turned upside down. So which is it? Why DON’T they ask a man how he will handle a job when he has small children? Everyone’s values are suddenly being tested.

    From drilling to guns, to babies, to families sticking together… it is amazing to see.

    It will be interesting to see what happens next.

  10. Everyone’s values are suddenly being tested.

    It is the same thing BUsh did when he walked the walk in Iraq.

    Suddenly, classical liberals were tested with seeing the Left as they truly were, not simply as the Left claimed themselves as. And that includes, Democrats.

  11. Some classical liberals even defected to another party, once they saw the reality of the Democrats and of the Left.

  12. Iraq needed somebody new and competent like Petraeus to get things working again on the right path. How much hate do you think is in AQ’s heart and the heart of the Baathists, against Petraeus?

    It is about the same amount of hate the Democrats have for Palin. Why? Because Palin is as much a threat to Democrat recruiting goals as Petraeus was to the recruitment and insurgency goals of AQ In Iraq.

  13. Malkin covers this today too…

    The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse

    she breaks it down in stages of operation.

    The first stage of Conservative Female Abuse by the Left is infantilization.
    The second stage of CFA is sexualization
    The third stage of CFA is demonization.
    And the final stage of CFA is dehumanization.

    thats basically their process, create an inner circle that guides the rest of the collective. if someone succeeds outside of that collective, demonize them and work on them. creating crisis serves the collective in many ways, not the least of it is in creating new bodies (as leftists dont have children as much as those on the right).

    your either for them, or against them.

    Palin, given the positions of modern feminism, is an antithesis. the feminists, made clear in their own writings, are not for all women, they are for a communist future in which they believe they will get what they are working towards in return for creating it.

    they have defined that being a housewife is not an acceptable choice (“because too many women would make that choice”)

    they have said that a woman should put off marraige, fertility, etc…

    you have to be for multiculturalism, relativism, against capitalism, willing to credit them, for collectivisation, for manipulating the public and abusing the public trust toward the larger goal, and so forth. basically working for the change in government from free to totalitarian (where they will tell all what is right to think. like they do now, just a lot more and backed by guns).

    Palin is not that. she had her kids young, which is why she has many. she has a good marraige, with a decent husband. she likes guns, believes inthe sanctity of life, hates government corruption and hand outs, and more.

    she made it to office outside the normal channels where they get to oust her for not having party mind like pelosi. she literally vaulted into the position by cleaning out and putting in prison politicians so brazen they had hats made with initials celebrating their graft.

    where the lefts feminists have their prototypical woman, banishing all others to be less successful and not the best path… which gets women to follow their plan for their lives (as put forth in their political mags masquerading as fashion and gossip gigs).

    here comes Palin who makes her own path, and doesnt fit their mold, and is very successful.

    her very story falsifies the lefts feminist message that their advice is the best and only way.

    how she lives her life is an example that the left doesnt know the only way to nirvana.

    if you dont have merit, then you have to remove all opposition, then you are the best by default. otherwise people compare, and if you comare what the feminist life program looks like with honest assessments of people, and you look at the way palin did and got to where she is (without the collective manipulating things for her, and in fact the opposite), there is a large number of women that might just say to heck with this misery, and go the way of Palin by example.

    they literally fear that women will decide to have families, and live their own lives, not the lives that the feminists have designated.

    so the left vehemently treats these as apostates.

  14. Haven’t you heard? Virginity is a perversion. Virginity and faithful heterosexual marriage with children are the only two perversions there are.

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