Home » Hillary: vote for Obama cause he’s not McCain (who is actually Bush in disguise)


Hillary: vote for Obama cause he’s not McCain (who is actually Bush in disguise) — 12 Comments

  1. Calling someone an “effective politician” is very faint praise, Neo. Politicians themselves have made politics and politicians very dirty words, synonyms for deceit, insincere posturing, robust lying, and personal corruption. We all know and tacitly accept that (“It’s just politics!”), yet pretend to ourselves that the ones on our side are somehow less besmirched.
    That said, the need to vote for McCain is utterly inescapable.

  2. Tom: That’s exactly what I meant when I called her an effective politician.

    No one really admires politicians. Nevertheless, to be elected, one has to be an effective politician, and being squeaky clean usually doesn’t cut it. It’s Catch-22.

  3. It should be entertaining, but if I do watch TV, it’s generally to catch a movie.

    And even that doesn’t happen every week…

  4. In the first place all knowledgeable democrats know, after all, that McCain isn’t Bush, he’s really the… Joker, but Obama is no Batman. Anyway Hillary is in it for the long haul, and 2012 with the right accomplice may well be hers, when McCain actually is a little too old, and only human and unable to cure the worlds problems in four years, and because there is after all, and to her credit, a line she has shown she won’t cross, even for politics… But, that said, it’s so cool that the Obamatons rained on the power couple’s parade this year, there must be a sense of humor in that great smoky room upstairs…

  5. Hi –

    The orange color of the jumpsuit?

    Two reasons: first of all, it contrasted sharply with the blue background. Yellow would have been the perfect contrast, but that’d have missed reason two; orange jumpsuits are what prisoners wear.

    Hence you have the hidden message: not only is she in sharp contrast with her environment, but she is also telling us she is a prisoner, effectively, of her situation.

    She had to show up and do this: she didn’t want to. But to not have done so would have been the end to Democratic Party unity, which would’ve worked against her. Still, she sees herself as the victim, as the prisoner (No. 6?), and is in stark contrast to what the party wants…

    Then again, that may be reading too much into the story… 🙂

  6. But Hillary didn’t list one characteristic of Obama himself that would be a reason to vote for him.

    I have yet to read or hear a single specific argument explaining why anyone should vote for Obama. By “for Obama” I don’t mean voting against Republicans or the Iraq War, or voting for pie-in-the-sky New Deal promises, or for the symbolism of a non-white president, etc. Why vote for this particular candidate, Barack Obama?

  7. neo:
    “…whatever you think of the Clintons, they’re to be congratulated on the fact that their daughter has come through so much public turmoil while keeping her sanity and equanimity.”

    That might just mean that she no longer possesses a soul.

    “it also struck me that Chelsea is fortunate to have inherited her dad’s basic body type rather than her mother’s.”

    The pair? Yes, that is fortunate.

  8. I was struck during the speech by how she went into a long explanation of why SHE ran for POTUS, then after giving the oblilgatory nod to Obama, spent the last third on HER contribution to women’s advancement tracing back the roots to 1858.

    Not much of a ringing endorsement of BHO. Much more like carefully adhering to the “party unity” line while advancing her own agenda.

    As far as being a effective politician, this was a masterful performance. I disagree with everything she stands for on the issues, but have to admire how she pulled that speech off.

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