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The PUMA revolt — 24 Comments

  1. About time some democrats got a bit of their own medicine. My guess is there will be a lot of profound thinking among the Dems after the elections…

  2. These here uppity PUMAs are the COUGARs of the Democratic Party and just might eat the Obamatrons for lunch.

  3. I know how they feel. Been there. Liberals honestly believe that they are the good guys and anyone who disagrees with them is somehow tainted.

  4. “It’s got to be worrisome to Obama–although, so far, it doesn’t appear to be worrisome enough for him to do all that much about it.”

    Maybe he’s just thinking that along about mid October he’ll announce that he’s selected Hillary to be his Secretary of State. That gets HILL ‘N’ BILL back on the big US airplanes.

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  6. I wasn’t expecting this:

    Then she told me, in all seriousness, that I must be racist.

    and so I read it and convulsed in laughter. Hilarious. 🙂

  7. I share your sentiment about Scientologists. The circular logic, the assumption that failure to agree is a mental or spiritual defect on your part…

    …oh, wrong comment thread. My bad.

  8. When I read some of the PUMA comments, I was struck by the fact that some of them mention their disillusionment with the entire Democratic Party, and especially with the reactions of friends who are Obamaphiles.

    Are they perhaps starting to see things from our perspective, Neo? Has the boot finally fallen on their backs hard enough for them to look up and realize who exactly is the tool and who is the master?

  9. the Cougars are giving interviews, and its not pretty. There are already interviews up, and some of them are interesting. (including the people saying that the attrocities of the soviet union were made up), but the Hillary supporters are their own subset. (tend to look like managers in an office, with real piss and vinegar for the situation, and intending to make noise).

    the protesters outside who are on the democrats side (?), will not be helping their cause much, just by their behavior. its like a freak show with a major theme of western bandits fetish.

    though its most sad when they talk.

    you realize the point of stalin revising history. while their behavior is not correct for what things really are today, their behavior is what you would hope if what they thought was real and not a msih mosh.

    they speak such historical nonsense and extreme points of view that seems to be a serious indication of what life in a city bubble can become when disconnected from the world and the only information they get is celebrities and their favorite preachers, never learning the real information or even checking if the people they are trusting are actually speaking the truth.

  10. It really is an amazing thing to watch.

    I get the same reaction when I say I am not for Obama – and I have had people implore me to agree that America is not ready for a black president.

    I disagree. We are ready for that. But not for one who has no experience, who has no real record to stand on and who has done nothing yet to show that he would fulfill all those amazing fantasies his followers believe in. “If Obama is elected, this will be fixed, and that will be changed, and all this will be alright again” “Oh really? And what bill did he put forth to show you that he even knew your little item existed? None.

    Add to that the overt racism of his pastor(s).

    America was ready. Obama wasn’t. IMHO

  11. I visited a few Hillary blogs during the primaries. I mentioned I felt bad for them (because the comments were filled with obnoxious attacks from Obama supporters) and that while it may be hard to judge it in a typed message that it was not a ‘ha ha now you know what we go through’ but, hey, now you see the way they’ve been treating non dems for the last few years? So, now you know their game and maybe we adults can get along now.

  12. “So, now you know their game and maybe we adults can get along now.”

    Probably not – that is their game also. There will be some, and I think this election will have more than normal, that reexamine their beliefs from this but it will be rare.

    The question is will they fragment? There will now be two leftist groups that think all the others are Evil Fascists that are prejudiced based on some physical characteristic and all who disagree are to be avoided. Even then there will eventually be one side “wins” and the other will return to their comfort zone and be part of the group again. I suspect it will happen before the election and I’m not even going to guess which group (splitters or joiners) is the larger.

    The only ones that will not are the ones that were not really leftist or even really liberal to begin with. They are the ones that didn’t really Believe or engage in the above vitriol to begin with.

  13. I think it was HPLovecraft who wrote a story in the first person about a ghoul or undead creature (we never know for sure) who, for the first time, looks in a mirror. He reaches into the archway, and the creature he sees reaches toward him … and his fingers meet glass.

    I think we have some fingers meeting glass.

  14. Democrats have done everything they can to stifle honest debate in this country by emphasizing feelings always trump logical thought. So now we see the process eating their own party.


  15. I was talking with a college professor recently who is convinced Barack Obama is a highly evolved individual. When asked for evidence of this, all he could provide was Obama’s rhetoric, his vision spewing. When I asked this person to name some of the special interests backing Obama, he couldn’t name a single one. When I asked if it were possible that poor Blacks and poor Whites had donated all the money he has, I was accused of being a racist. I was not sneering either when I asked him that question.

  16. Sir Sefirot:

    “My guess is there will be a lot of profound thinking among the Dems after the elections…”

    I’m sorry, but you have to already know that isnt possible. There wont be any thinking whatsoever, much less approaching profound.

    There will be anger. There will be recrimination. There will be victimhood, vilification and irrational lashing out. The last thing there will ever, ever, ever be is profound thinking.

  17. “The First American Revolution”:

    “Finally, it must never be forgotten, especially in an age of upheaval and disillusionment, that American democracy rests squarely on the assumption of a pious, honest, self-disciplined, moral people. … Whatever doubts may exist about the sources of this democracy, there can be none about the chief source of the morality that gives it life and substance. From Puritanism, from the way of life that exalted individual responsibility, came those homely rules of everyday conduct — or, if we must, those rationalizations of worldly success — that have molded the American mind into its unique shape. … The men of 1776 believed that the good state would rise on the rock of private and public morality, that morality was in the case of most men and all states the product of religion, and that the earthly mission of religion was to set men free.” – Clinton Rossiter

    guess we are screwed right? after all we left the socialists change the thing that supported the foudnations of our once great nation.

    the hillary supporters are only upset because it will not be their brand of gender marxism that will dominate, and give them more power, but more of an economic social justice marxism (with race marxism and Bnazi ideas).

    however, russia unlike all the other socialist states, wishes mccain to be president not obama, and is doing a whole lot to insure that someone of action that can play into their hands is in office.

    [strategecally russia is in a bad place. either they do something now, or there wont be enough left of them in 20 odd years to do much of anything. its the last desperate hoorah of a nation state who backed the wrong horse till the bitter end]

    Russia warns Moldova against “Georgian mistake”

    the real imperalists of the modern era are on the move again… [only one country ended up with more territory after wwii. Russia. everyone else either remained the same or lost land to russia]

    hillary supporters and obama supporters think this is the time for full blown socialism, and so both want to be in office when the crisis they both know is going to hit.

    in their minds they are battling to be the first communist president of the united states. (change)

    there is a much bigger picture starting up, and its going to take advantage of our sharing and gutting ourselves to be friends.

    mccain is wanted because mccain will create a real conflict, and a real conflict will prevent products from moving from china to the US wihout blame. our economy will take a huge hit and there wont be the money or expertise to produce, like in WWII.

    we are in a bad place, and the opposition that has continuously swore our end, is in a win or lose everything position (given their paranoia).

    contrary to popular belief, they make lots in war, we lose a lot. america does not make lots of money from wars they are in, we lose huge productivity and we lose our freedoms.

    we make more, and live much better in stable peace time.

    and megalomaniacs love the idea of war since it feathers their nest, puts them in the history books, and gives them maximal power to effect ‘change’.

    the next 10 years will be scary…

  18. ex-dem: Look here and scroll down to “slang terms” and then to “cougar” under that.

    Mrs. Robinson in “The Graduate” was the quintessential cougar. I wrote about her here.

  19. strcpy Says:

    “Probably not – that is their game also. There will be some, and I think this election will have more than normal, that reexamine their beliefs from this but it will be rare.”

    Well, maybe not all the fringe feminists but a lot of Hillary people were blue collar Reagan Democrat types. As a group they’ve been on the fence for 30 years, or more, ready to move over…

    Also, I think groups have ‘centers of gravity’ so to speak. If you’re hanging out with lunatics it can bring out your crazy side. If you hang out with people who demand facts, arguments that make sense, et cetera it forces you to straighten out… So, even some radicals can normal out if they switch sides. On that note, US conservatism was largely founded by ex communists (like 80% of the early leaders) and then in part populated with waves of other leftists who switched sides (Reagan, the dred neocons, et cetera)… It could just be another (abet small) wave / influx…

  20. Has the boot finally fallen on their backs hard enough for them to look up and realize who exactly is the tool and who is the master?

    Some, yes. Their cognative dissonance isn’t so great, and reality may peak thru their clouded vision.

    Most of the rest? no, not a chance. Not until they’ve been beaten bloody and left for dead[1] by their so-called allies with they get it.

    [1] metaphorically beaten and left for dead, of course.

  21. From Vodkapundit:

    “What’s the difference between a PUMA and a cougar?

    About three Cosmos at the Denver Sheraton Hotel bar.”

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