Home » Presidential snacks: Obama’s shopping spree


Presidential snacks: Obama’s shopping spree — 17 Comments

  1. Aw, pork rinds aren’t so bad. I think the processed, bagged version are a Texas thing- my dad loved them, too.

    Hispanics and Filipinos know them as chicharrones. They can be found in New Mexico too, and believe it or not, they’re dynamite in a burrito.

  2. Somebody wake me up when we get a real President who eats a potted meat and mayonaise samich. If not familiar just picture corn beef hash in a blender on”puree” for a good 5 minutes. Its the shiznitt! No….its Lincolnest!

  3. Bleh – potted meat sandwiches are not very tasty. Now deveiled ham on ritz crackers and your golden.

    Pork rinds can also be tasty – however many of the bagged ones are not so. Fresh made ones are a totally different story in flavor and texture, they are hard to describe as they are a strange combination of crunchy, chewy, light/airy, and fatty. Ever have a really fresh well made doughnut that is like eating a chewy puff of heavy dough? Similar concept.

    If you have ever had cracklins it is a very similar taste/texture, but then that is pretty much one of those “country” type foods also. However they are popular enough in cornbread even some non-country only people will have consumed some.

    The bagged rinds are heavily dependent on how old they are – I don’t know what the shelf life is but I can assure you it is really short. The only place I *ever* purchase them from is places that I know sell them quickly. Those are usually good and easy to eat a whole bag, but those places are few and far in between. Old ones end up being simply greasy and chewy and taste about like old grease smells.

    Every once in a while a farmer will sell some fresh made ones on the side of the road – there is nothing like them at all.

  4. Artfldgr Says:

    “August 21st, 2008 at 8:04 pm
    like we would know the truth if he bought a molsens, or beef jerky?”

    That and bowling a 180+ (vs 30 something) and he’d be an ok guy.

  5. > Cottage cheese belongs in blintzes—and only in blintzes.


    Cottage Cheese belongs in the wastebin. Or down the garbage disposal. Take your pick, although the former needs to be taken out immediately, so the latter is more optimal.

  6. > and believe it or not, they’re dynamite in a burrito.

    Especially about four hours after you eat the burrito…


    … not to suggest I don’t appreciate the pork rind or two once in a while…


  7. > That and bowling a 180+ (vs 30 something) and he’d be an ok guy.

    Don’t be silly. Black people don’t bowl.



  8. > Bread, bread and more bread . . . that’s not health food.

    They make tomatoes and peaches out of bread now?

    Man, I thought the left didn’t like hybrids… now you tell me it’s only hybrid grains?

  9. Actually, in seriousness. This is just another BS “photo-op” designed to make him appear “just like a regular guy” as opposed to the privileged elitist he really is. I will lay HUGE odds that that’s the first time he’s even been in a market for “shopping” in 20 years.

    I want to see the reverse angle, like at this photo-op:
    What they dont show you tells you everything you need to know.

  10. heck…

    he is from indonesia…

    i wonder if he likes durien? 🙂

    [my wife is indonesian, its taken me a while to get used to durien… it has strategic usages though. if you have a western person who just wont leave, just break it out and have a snack… wow!!!]

    and Thomas, can you imagine obama on the bowling alley? that would be an interesting sight.

  11. Maybe we need to put a question i the first debate: Do you prefer a) cottage cheese with ketchup, b) organic arugula, or c) grilled steak with cantalope for dessert.

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